Nelson--Martin Johan (Dean of the Faculty)

Displaying 351 - 400 of 608 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Faculty men publish book
College Eye 29:32, p.3
Professors Nelson and Riebe publish "The Class Room".
352 Dr. Nelson describes vacation trip
College Eye 28:0, p.3
Visited the West.
353 New Registrar finds friends
College Eye 28:0, p.1
Selmer Larson finds old friends on faculty.
354 Dr. Nelson vacations
College Eye 28:40, p.3
Will tour West Coast.
355 Faculty golfers carry on
College Eye 28:40, p.4
Six golfers remain in contention.
356 Dr. M. J. Nelson
Alumnus 21:3, p.12
Writes article on optional class attendance.
357 Miss Brown named secretary to Dean of Faculty
College Eye 28:38, p.3
Helene Brown will replace Dorothy Reeves.
358 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
Description of duties of the various administrative officials; photos.
359 60th Anniversary
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
Description of activities held to celebrate the founding of the Teachers College; photos.
360 Dr. Van Engen to head new department
College Eye 28:33, p.1

Brief profile of head of newly-organized Department of Mathematics; change needed with Professor Condit's retirement.

361 Snyder explains new rush rulings at recent meeting
College Eye 28:31, p.1
Will delay rush so that college may undertake a more extended orientation program.
362 Bulletins, timetables and grandfather
Alumnus 21:2, p.5
New catalogues should be more attractive and easy to read; Dean Nelson comments on curricular trends.
363 Miss Sara Riggs looks back over fifty years of service here
College Eye 28:25, p.2
Faculty women will honor Professor Riggs; summary of her career at ISTC; photo.
364 Faculty decides to abandon degree of Bachelor of Science
College Eye 28:23, p.1
Bachelor of Science had been granted to students who studied agriculture, commercial education, elementary education, home economics, industrial arts, opportunity room education, and physical education; only Bachelor of Arts will be granted.
365 Math conference planned here early in March
College Eye 28:22, p.1
Program highlights of the third annual conference.
366 Plans complete for music meet early in March
College Eye 28:21, p.1
Conference program highlights.
367 College breaks tradition; makes simple catalog
College Eye 28:20, p.1
Dean Nelson believes that the new style will be easier to read and understand.
368 Bridge fiend grips men of the faculty
College Eye 28:17, p.3
Faculty men have started a bridge tournament.
369 Nelson urges seniors to make applications
College Eye 28:15, p.1
Those interested in graduate study should see Dean Nelson.
370 A new excusing system?
Alumnus 21:1, p.2
Outcomes of experiment with optional attendance policy in three classes.
371 Dean M. J. Nelson bids returned alumni welcome
College Eye 28:10, p.1
Brief message from Dean Nelson to alumni.
372 School advisers to discuss publications
College Eye 28:9, p.3
Will discuss problems of high school publications.
373 Wellborn in finals; Nelson and Denny play in semi-finals
College Eye 28:9, p.4
E. C. Denny has a slight edge over M. J. Nelson in the semi-finals of the non-handicap golf tournament.
374 Scholarship not changed much by optional classes
College Eye 28:7, p.1
Little difference revealed in optional attendance experiment.
375 Faculty golfers vie for honors
College Eye 28:7, p.6
Dean Nelson and Professor N. O. Schneider are the leaders in the faculty golf tournament with the last round still needing to be played.
376 Dean Nelson's "Queen" possesses driveway
College Eye 28:6, p.1
Dean Nelson's pet bulldog enjoys lying in the street.
377 Faculty discuss "what does survey mean?"
College Eye 28:6, p.4
Will serve as prelude to department discussions.
378 Dr. Nelson attends Luther celebration
College Eye 28:6, p.5
Celebrates twentieth anniversary of his graduation from Luther College.
379 Faculty cooperates to plan celebration
College Eye 28:5, p.3
Roster of committee members.
380 Des Moines editor visits the campus
College Eye 28:5, p.5
Harvey Ingham and photographer on campus for celebration.
381 Faculty dean back from Wisconsin U.
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Dean Nelson taught there during the summer.
382 Objective tests are explained in new booklet
College Eye 27:9, p.2
Dean Nelson writes booklet on alternative to essay tests.
383 And the vote war rages on
Alumnus 20:3, p.6
Professors publish new material.
384 Nelson to teach at Wisconsin University
College Eye 27:4, p.1
Will spend six weeks as instructor there.
385 Golf tournament to begin soon
College Eye 27:3, p.4
Annual faculty golf tourney to get underway.
386 Changes made in faculty for summer term; nine departments are affected; exchanges, travel and study in summer program for faculty
College Eye 27:2, p.1
Several faculty on leaves of absence.
387 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Description of duties; photos.
388 Recognition Day speakers laud honor students
College Eye 27:43, p.1
President Latham speaks on goals of ISTC.
389 Nelson will award scholarship prizes to three sororities
College Eye 27:42, p.3
For best scholarship.
390 Recognition will be given to honorary organization members next Wednesday; Nelson, Suter, Graber will address student body at assembly
College Eye 27:42, p.1
At Recognition Day assembly.
391 Dr. Nelson and Erbe listed in Who's Who
College Eye 27:40, p.2
392 Nelson, Denny revise statistics workbook
College Eye 27:38, p.1
393 DeKalb president visits school here
College Eye 27:38, p.1
President Adams visits with administrative leaders.
394 Aitchison first geography prexy . . . .
Alumnus 20:2, p.8
Roster of faculty recently appointed or elected to boards or associations, on leave, or teaching elsewhere.
395 Exchanges to take place in college faculty; Aitchison, Duncan, Freeman plan European tour; Albright leaves
College Eye 27:35, p.1
Description of some of the changes in the faculty; several will participate in an exchange with the College of the City of New York.
396 Bulletin published on objective tests
College Eye 27:34, p.3
Several faculty members share responsibility.
397 Experiment in attendance ventured; attendance is optional for three college courses spring term
College Eye 27:34, p.1
Attendance will be optional in classes taught by Professors Beard, Uttley, and Gilbert.
398 Mathematicians to meet here; faculty members will lead discussion group on March 14
College Eye 27:33, p.1
Conference highlights.
399 Ruth Eddy is in charge of the "Leap Year" dance
Public Relations News Release 1935:657, p.1
400 Executives, faculty will attend St. Louis national conventions
College Eye 27:31, p.1