Nelson--Martin Johan (Dean of the Faculty)

Displaying 401 - 450 of 608 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Thirteen faculty members and administrative officers will attend various organization meetings
Public Relations News Release 1935:630, p.1
Schedule of events.
402 Recent developments and several changes in activities are recorded in the new catalog
Public Relations News Release 1935:575, p.3
Catalog changes.
403 All fraternities will join forces on February 8 for the annual Inter-fraternity dance
Public Relations News Release 1935:561, p.1
Committee members and special guests.
404 Dr. Nelson accepts position at Wisconsin for summer session
College Eye 27:28, p.1
Will teach classes at University of Wisconsin in summer 1936; photo.
405 Scholarship to be awarded teachers by Columbia University
College Eye 27:28, p.3
406 Men students were thankful that Dr. Nelson called off all classes at the Men's Gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1935:512, p.1
Men arrived at the gymnasium frozen after walking in the twenty-eight below zero weather.
407 Dr. M. J. Nelson will return to his alma mater next summer
Public Relations News Release 1935:478, p.1
408 Graduate scholarships and teaching fellowships are being offered for the 1936-37 school year
Public Relations News Release 1935:498, p.1
Qualifications for the scholarships.
409 Exactly one hundred students are included on the fall term honor roll
Public Relations News Release 1935:381, p.2
Honor roll students.
410 Blue Key fraternity will sponsor a formal dance
Public Relations News Release 1935:374, p.1
Special guests.
411 Two science professors will spend the rest of the week studying at the University of Minnesota
Public Relations News Release 1935:280, p.1
Science survey courses will be required of all freshman next fall.
412 Governor Clyde Herring will give his regular Saturday noon radio broadcast from the Commons
Public Relations News Release 1935:269, p.1
Schedule of events and guest list for the luncheon.
413 Shortening of the summer session will be discussed at a special meeting
Public Relations News Release 1935:160, p.1
Other issues discussed at yesterday's meeting.
414 Ninety-six names are included on the summer term honor roll
Public Relations News Release 1935:77, p.2
Honor roll students.
415 Official Notice
College Eye 27:14, p.1
Dean Nelson has information for those who are thinking about graduate study.
416 Two ensemble groups will furnish the music at the summer term graduation excercises
Public Relations News Release 1934:1149, p.1
Program for the event.
417 Nelson wins faculty golf; defeats Denny one up in thirty-six hole final
College Eye 27:53, p.4
Roster of winners of tournament going back to 1912.
418 Finalists in golf meet go technical
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Conversations overheard in the golf tournament.
419 Nelson and Denny are finalists in faculty golf meet
College Eye 27:52, p.4
Professors Nelson and Denny will compete for the title.
420 Five survive faculty golf meet to date
College Eye 27:50, p.1
421 Administrative staff members plan vacations
College Eye 27:49, p.3
422 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
Description of duties of upper level administrators; photos.
423 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.226

Founded in 1904; aims, advisor, sponsors, officers, and members; photos.

424 King Arthur will live again when the spring term graduates gather for dinner
Public Relations News Release 1934:1087, p.1
Program for the event.
425 President John Scholte Nollen will address the graduating class
Public Relations News Release 1934:1082, p.1
Schedule of commencement events.
426 Graduates face crowded week as year closes; receptions, dances, honor services on calendar of activities
College Eye 26:44, p.133
Graduates have much to enjoy as their last days approach.
427 Plans for entertaining and welcoming mothers were nearing completion this weekend
Public Relations News Release 1934:1052, p.2

Schedule of events for the annual Mother's Day celebration.

428 Program of study for entire school year is planned
College Eye 26:39, p.1
Should enable students to plan their studies more effectively.
429 Elsie P. Sindt will replace Charles A. Kittrell on the program of the first annual conference for teachers of arithmetic
Public Relations News Release 1934:964, p.1
Schedule for the event.
430 Arithmetic teachers have been invited to attend the third of four conferences
Public Relations News Release 1934:947, p.1
Conference schedule.
431 Graduation activities will open today when President O. R. Latham opens his home
Public Relations News Release 1934:944, p.1
Schedule of activities.
432 Nine members of faculty to attend N. E. A. meeting
College Eye 26:32, p.1
In Atlantic City, New Jersey.
433 Nine faculty members will attend the convention of the department of superintendence
Public Relations News Release 1934:922, p.1
Fred Cram will lead the faculty members at the National Education Association convention.
434 Dr. Nelson talks on physical education's place in social life
College Eye 26:31, p.3
Hopes that physical education will be come part of curriculum in all schools.
435 Reunion diners greet Madame Secretary Perkins
Alumnus 19:1, p.6
Description of banquet in Des Moines; group hears presentation of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins.
436 Teachers College moved forward in 1934, year's record indicates
College Eye 26:25, p.1
Review of important events of 1934.
437 Alumni and faculty to hear Perkins at state convention
College Eye 26:19, p.1
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins will speak to group.
438 Frances Perkins will be the principal speaker at the seventy-ninth annual convention of the Iowa State Teachers Association
Public Relations News Release 1934:652, p.3
Program for the event.
439 Six faculty members will address the forty-first annual session of the Northwest Iowa Teachers' Association
Public Relations News Release 1934:633, p.1
Program for the event to be held in conjunction with the Dubuque County Institute.
440 Palmer to address teachers' meeting
College Eye 26:15, p.1
Several faculty will participate in the program.
441 Helen Cowie
Alumnus 18:4, p.22
Secretary to the dean of Faculty, M. J. Nelson, at the Teacher College; photo.
442 Helen Cowie
Alumnus 18:4, p.24
Secretary to Dean M. J. Nelson.
443 Longer class intervals, credit rule, administrative changes top events in campus news; departmental and campus alterations are also recent changes
College Eye 26:12, p.1
Will allow ten minutes of passage time instead of five minutes; changes in music and language departments; landscaping in central campus after demolition of Power Plant.
444 Parking lot converted into central campus mart
Public Relations News Release 1934:593, p.1
Returning students are greeted with many changes on campus.
445 Commencement address delivered by S. A. Lynch
Public Relations News Release 1934:589, p.5
Program for the ceremony.
446 Five minutes between classes is no longer considered sufficient
Public Relations News Release 1934:582, p.1
Professors voted to increase the interval to ten minutes.
447 Faculty writings, statistics compiled; books, articles lead
College Eye 26:6, p.1
ISTC faculty members have written 316 books and articles since 1912.
448 Extensive departmental reorganization effected
Alumnus 18:3, p.1

Three academic departments eliminated; M. J. Nelson is Dean of Faculty; Alumni Relations and Bureau of Research established; responsibilities of new offices; several faculty retire; photo.

449 Changes mark academic year as outstanding; Nelson is faculty dean; college holds first formals
College Eye 26:1, p.1
Survey of important events of 1933-1934.
450 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Department description, aims, and staff; photos.