Nelson--Martin Johan (Dean of the Faculty)

Displaying 201 - 250 of 608 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 New fee system planned; simplification will speed registration
College Eye 38:14, p.1
Students will pay $32 per term no matter what their classification;.
202 Five attending Chicago parleys
College Eye 38:7, p.1
On teacher education.
203 Dean M. J. Nelson has lengthy record of college work behind him
College Eye 38:7, p.1
Profile of Dean Nelson.
204 False rumor spread; Dean Nelson denies any grading changes
College Eye 38:6, p.4
Standards for dismissal due to low grades will not be altered due to overcrowded conditions.
205 Nelson, Holmes, Brown to attend conference
College Eye 38:5, p.1
On teacher education in Chicago.
206 Dean Nelson returns from vacation in West
College Eye 37:43, p.5
207 Waterloo/Cedar Falls students make honor roll
Public Relations News Release 1946:261, p.1
M. J. Nelson, dean of faculty, announced the names of forty three area students earning at least a 3.33 grade point average and taking fourteen or more credit hours of work during the spring quarter.
208 Spring semester honor roll announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:260, p.1

One hundred twenty four students had a 3.33 grade point average on fourteen or more credit hours. M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty, made the announcement.

209 Spring quarter honor roll
Public Relations News Release 1946:259, p.1
Twenty two students from Cedar Falls earned a 3.33 grade point average on 14 or more hours of work.
210 Nelson to California for month's vacation
College Eye 37:38, p.1
211 Nelson announces faculty; 21 members appointed to staff
College Eye 37:35, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty and staff.
212 Dean Nelson announces workshops
Public Relations News Release 1946:177, p.1
Workshops for teaching home economics and physical education for women will be held this summer.
213 Educational Policies Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
A group of faculty who decisions directly affect educational policies; photo.
214 Duties of the Dean of the Faculty and Dean of Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Dean of the Faculty Martin J. Nelson include, correlating activities with other institutions, supervision of registration, and the maintenance of scholarships. The Dean of Women, Sadie B. Campbell, takes interest in the lives of women across the ISTC.
215 Curriculum Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
The Curriculum Committee has the authority to advices changes to the classes that are available at ISTC; photo.
216 Instructional Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Instructional Research Committee gives suggestions to the Director of Research.
217 Highway safety meeting will be held
Public Relations News Release 1946:165, p.1
Fifteen experts to meet to discuss plans for training of teachers for driver education. The possibility of constructing a driving range; including curves, intersections, signals, and signs.
218 Sororities meet for trophy dinner next Wednesday
College Eye 37:29, p.1
219 Alumni attend Des Moines reunion
Alumnus 30:2, p.6
Highlights of reunion; many faculty participated in ISTA convention; photo.
220 Margaret Joan Busch
Alumnus 30:2, p.27
Married N. W. Hill, on August 12, 1945. They reside in Cedar Falls. Before her marriage, Margaret taught in the primary grades of the Marshalltown public schools. She is now secretary to the Dean of Faculty at the College, Professor M. J. Nelson.
221 Dean and Registrar suggest informative auditorium directory
College Eye 37:24, p.6
Helps people find their way in the Auditorium Building.
222 Brindley debate tournament
Public Relations News Release 1946:34, p.1
Tournament hosting twelve Iowa high schools. The annual banquet will be held in the Commons. Tournament named for Willaim A. Brindley, director of debate, 1927-1933. Brindley died while a staff member.
223 Members of Iowa State Teachers College faculty to attend annual convention
Public Relations News Release 1946:22, p.1
Iowa State Education Convention will be held in Des Moines. Ten members will represent Iowa State Teachers College.
224 Notice to seniors
College Eye 37:15, p.6
Those who are going on for graduate study should make preparations.
225 Special six week winter quarter
Public Relations News Release 1945:312, p.1
Special session has courses especially suited for returning servicemen. One hundred more veterans are expected to join the currently enrolled one hundred seventy one.
226 Dr. Nelson contributes to dictionary
Alumnus 29:4, p.2
Assists with editorial apparatus.
227 Dr. Nelson contributes to a recent book
College Eye 37:1, p.5
Contributed to Dictionary of Education.
228 Convocation to mark the beginning of fall classes
Public Relations News Release 1945:216, p.1
Vernon P. Bodein will be the speaker at a matriculation convaocation on the first day of classes. Martin J. Nelson will preside and President Price will greet the student body.
229 Dean of the faculty contributes to the Dictionary of Education
Public Relations News Release 1945:215, p.1
M. J. Nelson served as coordinator for terms used in the field of acheivement testing and as reviewer of other areas of the recently released book.
230 Institute on the Training of Teachers for Handicapped Children
Public Relations News Release 1945:168, p.1
John Lee will address the Institute. President Malcolm Price will presided. Several national speakers will attend and speak to the group.
231 Algona, Missouri Valley, Red Oak have varied activity program
College Eye 36:36, p.3
A look at branch summer school activities.
232 M. J. Nelson, Dean of Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
The responsibilities and writings of Dean M. J. Nelson; photo.
233 M. J. Nelson to deliver commencement address at Luther College
Public Relations News Release 1945:139, p.1
Mr. Nelson received his bachelor and masters' degrees from Luther College. He is currently Dean of Faculty at ISTC.
234 May Queen will begin her reign at midnight, May 5, during the May Dance
Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1
Minnesota orchestra to provide music for May Dance. Queen named at midnight.
235 May Queen to be announced at midnight May 5
Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1
The highlight of the May Dance will be the crowning of the May Queen. This is the last formal dance of the season.
236 Paintings of Clifford (Bud) West on display
Public Relations News Release 1945:102, p.1
Colorado painter's paintings reveal his intense concern for better human relationships.
237 Alumni Quiz Kids have fun at Des Moines reunion
Alumnus 29:1, p.4
Quiz show format allows officials to give facts about the college; presentation is recorded for later broadcast; photo.
238 'Three R's' may appear in curriculum changes
College Eye 36:10, p.1
Curriculum group considering revisions.
239 Faculty attend teachers convention
College Eye 36:9, p.6
Several will take part in program.
240 Committee formed to exchange faculty and student opinions
College Eye 36:8, p.1
241 Iowa colleges eliminate many entrance requirements
College Eye 36:2, p.1
Potential students may be able to enter state schools, without a high school diploma, by passing certain entrance tests.
242 Dr. Nelson vacations
College Eye 35:39, p.4
Will work in his garden.
243 Teaching is a great profession Dean Nelson tells Branch schools
College Eye 35:38, p.3
News from branch summer schools; photo.
244 Air command cites I. S. T. C. for good job
College Eye 35:37, p.1
Commendation cites good work of faculty.
245 Integration of subjects needed in colleges says Dr. M. J. Nelson
College Eye 35:37, p.4
Dean Nelson talks about curricular trends.
246 Dr. M. J. Nelson addresses all three Branch summer schools
College Eye 35:37, p.3
News from the branch summer schools.
247 Dr. Leland Sage addresses Atlantic branch student body
College Eye 35:36, p.4
News from the branch summer schools.
248 Civilian students must become conscious of goal, says Dr. Nelson
College Eye 35:36, p.1
Dean Nelson gives advice on the importance of concentrating on the goal of preparing for the teaching profession.
249 Estherville summer school votes for no school July 4
Public Relations News Release 35:35, p.6
News from the branch summer schools.
250 Nelson says Army leaving will have no great effect
College Eye 35:34, p.4
Classes will be smaller and there will be more of them; some faculty may need a break to brush up on their old areas of expertise.