Nelson--Martin Johan (Dean of the Faculty)
Displaying 101 - 150 of 608 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | The Newly-Formed Graduate Council at the college pauses so the photographer can record the groups first meeting held recently Public Relations News Release 1950:421, p.1 |
During the coming year the council will formulate graduate policy. Actual instruction in courses leading to the degree of master of arts in education will begin with the 1952 summer session. Council members are listed. | |
102 | Strayer report Public Relations News Release 1950:402, p.1 |
Initiation of a graduate program at the college was a major recommendation of the report published in October. The report covered a survey of the three state institutions of higher learning--a surveyed commissioned by the state board. | |
103 | A United Nations flag will be presented to the college at the summer convocation assembly Public Relations News Release 1950:389, p.1 |
The flag will be a gift of the Cedar Falls chapter of United World Federalists, according to Frank Hill of the convocations committee. President J. W. Maucker will address the assembly on "Mid-Century Perspective." | |
104 | A United Nations flag will be presented to Iowa State Teachers College at the summer convocation at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 12 Public Relations News Release 1950:390, p.1 |
The flag will be a gift of the Cedar Falls chapter of United World Federalists. Organist George Samson will play an organ prelude and Tenor Maurice Gerow will sing a vocal solo. The convocation will mark the first day of summer session classes. | |
105 | Three new appointments as visiting professors for the summer session have been announced by Martin J. Nelson, Dean of Faculty Public Relations News Release 1950:387, p.1 |
The appointees are Evelyn Wenzel, assistant professor of elementary education, Indiana State Teachers College, Oliver C. Olson, principal of Howell school, and Frederick A. White, a 1951 candidate for the doctor's degree at the University of Wisconsin. | |
106 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.30 |
Brief description of dean of faculty; photo. | |
107 | The 75th annual Commencement exercises will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1 |
Of the 498 candidates for graduation, 265 are candidates for the bachelor of arts degree and 233 for the two-year diploma. President J. W. Maucker will confer the degrees and award the diplomas. Candidates listed. |
108 | A "continuing mind"--to link the knowledge of past and present-- is "the problem of the day," a prominent Iowa Methodist minister said Sunday Public Relations News Release 1950:381, p.1 |
"The modern mind," said Lloyd A. Gustafson, Mason City, "is concerned with the natest novel, the latest television set, the latest car, the latest anything." | |
109 | Results of a seven-year study will be put into action this summer when a new teacher preparation curriculum is introduced Public Relations News Release 1950:368, p.1 |
Dean Nelson describes the four main objectives of the new program as good citizenship, adequate specialization, teaching skill, and a professional attitude. The new program means contact with school children throughout the four years. | |
110 | The 75th annual Commencement exercises will be held June 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Men's gymnasium Public Relations News Release 1950:367, p.1 |
President J. W. Maucker will present the traditional Purple and Old Gold awards to graduates outstanding in scholarship and extra-curricular achievement. He'll also name the winners of ten special scholarships. | |
111 | SLB schedules spring conference College Eye 42:30, p.1 |
Will discuss SLB problems. | |
112 | Dr. Lloyd A gustafson, pastor of the First Methodist church at Mason City, will give the Baccalaureate address Sun, May 27, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:354, p.1 |
Gustafson wil address about 506 students who are candidates for degrees or diplomas at the June 2 Commencement exercises. His topic will be "The Continuing Mind." | |
113 | The Iowa Association of Elementary School Principals will meet Friday, April 20, at the college Public Relations News Release 1950:308, p.1 |
The conference will feature three discussion groups, observation in the campus laboratory school, and an address by Gilbert S. Willey, superintendent of schools, Winnetka, Illinois. | |
114 | A professor from New York university and one from the College will switch houses for the summer Public Relations News Release 1950:292, p.1 |
J. Duke Enlow will teach safety education classes regularly taught by Bert L. Woodcock. Woodcock will do graduate work at New York University's Center for Safety Education and teach three weeks at Lake Sebago, New York, the university's summer camp. | |
115 | A. E. Brown, professor of education at the college, will be a visiting professor this summer at the University of Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1950:293, p.1 |
Brown will teach "Educational Measurement and Evaluation" to graduate students in either elementary or secondary education. A faculty member here since 1924, Brown was educated at Baker and Yale universities and the State University of Iowa. | |
116 | April 5-7 to be full weekend at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:277, p.1 |
Conferences on Science, special education, hearing and speech and a national wrestling tourney will share the spotlight. Iowa's needs for special education, the education of handicapped and gifted children, will be a topic at Friday's one-day conference. | |
117 | Announce faculty for Teachers conservation camp Public Relations News Release 1950:274, p.1 |
Studies in soils, water and forests will be the major phases of this summer's second annual camp at Springbrook Park, near Guthrie Center. Gilbert W. Mouser will direct the camp for the second straight year. | |
118 | Announce summer faculty for ISTC's branch summer school at Missouri Valley Public Relations News Release 1950:237, p.1 |
Six faculty members will be on the eight-person staff from June 11 to August 17.William Dreier, education instructor will direct the school. Regular college courses in the four and two-year curricula will be offered. | |
119 | Air Force officers visit ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:230, p.1 |
Colonel George Bosch and Lieut. Colonel Woodrow B. Wilmot visited the college to assist college officials in filing application for an Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps unit. | |
120 | ISTC proposed graduate courses to be studied next week Public Relations News Release 1950:215, p.1 |
Strayer recommended machinery for high education in Iowa is beginning to roll. The Strayer report, published in October, also recommended a program of graduate study at the college leading to the master's degree. | |
121 | Action on ROTC application may not be known until July Public Relations News Release 1950:196, p.1 |
Dean of Faculty Martin J. Nelson said that two officers on campus Tuesday (Feb. 2) had assured him Air Force officials would notify the college if the application is approved. | |
122 | Christmas is busy Season for ISTC Professors Public Relations News Release 1950:158, p.1 |
Christmas may be stay-at-home season for most folks but not for college professors. That's when many education associations plan national meetings. Here's where conference-bound faculty members are going before the New Year. Conferences listed. | |
123 | Nelson and Beard attend meeting College Eye 42:12, p.5 |
Attend state committee meeting. | |
124 | Dean Nelson to attend meeting to New York College Eye 42:12, p.3 |
Will attend religious education convention. | |
125 | Christmas Season Opens at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:152, p.1 |
Over seven inches of snow has given the campus a Christmas card setting, certainly appropriate for the round of Christmas events which started last night with the tree lighting ceremony. | |
126 | Local AAUP chapter arranges meet Dec. 3 College Eye 42:11, p.6 |
Will discuss evaluation of faculty by students. | |
127 | Screening committee relies more upon advice than upon coercion College Eye 42:11, p.3 |
Dean Nelson talks about the process of advising a student to pursue another course of study. | |
128 | Nelson, Woodcock to attend meet College Eye 42:10, p.7 |
Attend National Safety Council meeting. | |
129 | Dean Nelson clarifies cut system College Eye 42:10, p.2 |
Explains rules of the cut policy at UNI; students may take as many cuts as the number of times that a class meets per week. | |
130 | ISTC Represented at National Safety Conference Public Relations News Release 1950:134, p.1 |
Martin J. Nelson, dean of the faculty, and Bert L. Woodcock, director of safety education will attend the conference. Major safety areas to be discussed are agricultural education; college community living; engineering education; and liberal arts. | |
131 | Committee plans for guide marks College Eye 42:9, p.7 |
Will attempt to assist visitors find their way around campus. | |
132 | Maucker and Nelson to attend nat'l clinic College Eye 42:4, p.6 |
Will attend teacher education conference. | |
133 | Drs. Maucker and Nelson to visit Michigan Public Relations News Release 1950:48, p.1 |
Maucker and Nelson will represent the College at a national clinic on teacher education in Lansing, Michigan. Nelson will present the teacher education policies of the College during the latter part of the clinic. | |
134 | Forty new staff members at Iowa State Teachers college Public Relations News Release 1950:26, p.1 |
The new personnel replace staff members now on leave and former staff members who have retired or accepted new positions. Eleven faculty members are on leave. | |
135 | The retiring president of the College, Malcolm Price, conferred 182 B. A. degrees and awarded 94 diplomas at the summer commencement, August 10 Public Relations News Release 1950:7, p. |
Malcolm Price awarded the honors and prizes and Martin J. Nelson, dean of faculty, presented the candidates for degrees and diplomas. The summer graduation list follows. |
136 | Reverend John Paul Vincent will deliver the baccalaureate address to summer graduates, August 6 Public Relations News Release 1950:2, p.1 |
The Topic of the address will be "Making Your Life Count." President Malcolm Price will preside at the service.A vocal duet will be presented by Joanne Bendixen and Phyllis Porter, students of Harald Holst. | |
137 | Nelson advocates training of youth in Denison talk College Eye 41:35, p.1 |
M. J. Nelson will speak on providing opportunities for those students with above-average intelligence. | |
138 | Dean Nelson returns from Indiana meeting College Eye 41:34, p.1 |
Meeting concerned professional standards for teacher education. | |
139 | Nelson attends confab at Indiana University College Eye 41:32, p.5 |
140 | Branch School news; members of Teachers College staff to conduct Branch School assemblies College Eye 41:31, p.5 |
News from Denison; photo. | |
141 | Pre-workshop planners . . . College Eye 41:31, p.6 |
School superintendents meet. | |
142 | The 1949 Homecoming Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
Important events; photo. | |
143 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.28 |
Brief description of the dean of faculty; photo. | |
144 | Student leaders hold conference College Eye 41:28, p.5 |
A list of those students attending the conference and assuming leadership on campus next year. | |
145 | Holmes, Nelson, Rhum attend Ed conference College Eye 41:27, p.6 |
Went to the 5th Annual Conference of Higher Education in Chicago. | |
146 | Guillaume opens art conference College Eye 41:26, p.1 |
Participating in the conference also will be Fred Logan, Wisconsin University. | |
147 | Nelson addresses driver education teachers' meeting College Eye 41:26, p.6 |
Will be giving the opening address of the Driver Education Teachers Conference that will be held on campus. | |
148 | Screening committee uses advice, not coercion, states Dean Nelson; Teacher College policies College Eye 41:25, p.2 |
The Committee of Professional Screening's policies are explained; list of committee members.. | |
149 | Dean Nelson attends Chicago conference College Eye 41:23, p.8 |
Will be attending the annual meeting of the North Central Association. | |
150 | Nelson gives facts of cut system College Eye 41:22, p.2 |
Rules for cutting class are given. |