Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)--Elections

Displaying 301 - 350 of 498 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Voters wanted! Apply tomorrow!
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.6
Editorial challenges and encourages students to vote in tomorrow's Northern Iowa Student Government elections.
302 Snyder/Rasmussen opponents lack experience
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.8
Student supports Patrick Snyder and Michael Rasmussen for Northern Iowa Student Government President and Vice President.
303 Loecke/Green highly qualified, student interests at heart
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.8
Student supports Matt Loecke and Kim Green for Northern Iowa Student Government President and Vice President.
304 Snyder willing to go out of his way for students
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.8
Students support Patrick Snyder for student body president.
305 Union, computers focus of NISG debates
Northern Iowan 94:39, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government candidates met to debate election issues this week; photo.
306 Meet your NISG candidates; experience is key for Snyder, Rasmussen
Northern Iowan 94:38, p.1
Candidates Patrick Snyder and Michael Rasmussen believe they have the experience to lead the student body; photo.
307 NISG election debates
Northern Iowan 94:38, p.1
Three debates will be held between Northern Iowa Student Government candidates on Sunday and Tuesday of next week.
308 Meet your NISG candidates; big plans spark Close, Meskimen
Northern Iowan 94:38, p.1
The renovation of Maucker Union will be a top issue for Matthew Close and Scott Meskimen if they are chosen as President and Vice President; photo.
309 Meet your NISG candidates; Loecke, Green believe in hard work, making sense
Northern Iowan 94:38, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government candidates Matt Loecke and Kimberly Green will work hard for the student body; photo.
310 Debates instrumental in making informed decision
Northern Iowan 94:38, p.8
Northern Iowa Student Government senators encourage students to attend the election debates.
311 Presidential candidates clarify the issues; NISG elections slated for next week
Northern Iowan 94:37, p.1
The candidates discuss the major issues they will work on if elected; photo.
312 NISG candidates prepare for challenges
Northern Iowan 94:12, p.6
Special election to fill vacancies.
313 1996-97, new leadership and changing roles: Clinton takes four more years
Northern Iowan 93:55, p.1
William Clinton was re-elected President in November 1996; photo.
314 Spark up NISG elections, find name for generic sounding 'University Museum'
Northern Iowan 93:51, p.5
Columnist will miss old Lang Hall; UNI Museum needs a name; withdraw one vote per person rule in NISG elections.
315 Voting results: Manley, Bunting; lowest voting in seven years
Northern Iowan 93:40, p.1
Manley/Bunting were chosen as new NISG president and vice president with lowest voter turnout in seven years; photo.
316 NISG elections: lowest turnout in seven years
Northern Iowan 93:40, p.5
Comments on the low voter turnout at recent NISG elections.
317 Manly/Bunting: best choice on the ballot
Northern Iowan 93:39, p.6
Student supports Manly/Bunting for NISG president and vice president.
318 Elections tomorrow
Northern Iowan 93:39, p.1
Election for student body president and vice president will be held tomorrow; photo.
319 A word from your president: vote
Northern Iowan 93:39, p.6
Current NISG president encourages students to vote in election.
320 Student government elections Wednesday
Northern Iowan 93:38, p.1
Review of the issues for NISG president and vice-president elections; photo.
321 Vote tomorrow in NISG fall elections
Northern Iowan 93:17, p.2
Students can vote for their NISG representatives tomorrow in the Union.
322 Harms/Abbott win run-off election by narrow margin; 76 votes all that separated two presidential tickets in NISG election
Northern Iowan 92:44, p.1
Candidates offer reactions; photo.
323 Tomorrow's election to decide NISG president; Harms/Abbott know what limits are, what they can take
Northern Iowan 92:43, p.1
Northern Iowan asks candidates questions relating to their plans; photo.
324 Presidential race to be decided in run-off; with no candidate securing 51 percent of the student vote, Harms/Abbot will challenge Thompson/Dean . . .
Northern Iowan 92:42, p.1
1070 students cast ballots; just twenty vote difference between leader and runner-up; photo.
325 Election turnout average despite move of polling site to Maucker Union
Northern Iowan 92:42, p.7
Voter turn-out continues to be light in spite of change.
326 Empowering student governors to change UNI requires students to vote
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.8
Urges students to vote so that those elected will speak from position of strength.
327 McCarty/Allen have already taken initiatives
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.9
Outlines achievements for upcoming NISG election.
328 Write in Tillman/Mochal for NISG Pres/V.P.
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.10
Humorous suggestion for upcoming election.
329 Riley/Mechem "can realistically accomplish goals"
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.9
Outline plans should they be elected.
330 Harms/Abbot "best choice for student body"
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.9
Supports candidates in upcoming election.
331 Thompson/Dean capable of improving UNI
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.9
Supports candidates in upcoming election.
332 NISG elections held tomorrow in Maucker Union; Wild Wednesday to decide next President/Vice President
Northern Iowan 92:41, p.1
Candidates outline views at forum; photo.
333 Student government presidential forum to be held Sunday
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.1
Candidates will present platforms.
334 Thompson/Dean would "advance this university into 21st century"
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.7
Supports ticket in upcoming election.
335 Sunday night's forum great way for students to meet candidates in NISG election
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.6
Urges students to attend forum.
336 Meet the candidates for NISG President/Vice President
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.1
Brief statements from candidates on reasons for running, qualifications, and important issues; photo.
337 Ryan, Amanda Post "perfect package' for NISG President/Vice President
Northern Iowan 92:39, p.9
Candidates outline positions for upcoming student elections.
338 Voting only in Union wrong way to increase NISG voter turnout
Northern Iowan 92:34, p.6
Believes NISG should increase, rather than decrease, number of voting sites.
339 Citing fairness concerns, NISG votes to change election rules; all students now required to vote in Maucker Union for student government elections
Northern Iowan 92:34, p.1
Changes will be tried for one year and then evaluated.
340 NISG special election results
Northern Iowan 92:22, p.9
Vote totals for recent election.
341 Special Senate election set for Thursday
Northern Iowan 92:20, p.1
Election will fill Senate vacancies.
342 NISG applications due tomorrow
Northern Iowan 92:19, p.1
Will try to fill twenty-two Senate vacancies.
343 Olson/Harms thank supporters
Northern Iowan 91:50, p.10
Winning candidates offer thanks.
344 Students denied vote in NISG election
Northern Iowan 91:47, p.7
Was not able to vote because poll workers did not show up.
345 Olson/Harms triumph over Dove/Tuttle in run-off
Northern Iowan 91:47, p.1
Olson/Harms beats Dove/Tuttle by a vote of 647-304; 7.5% of students voted.
346 Olson/Harms reflect students, bring new fresh ideas to NISG
Northern Iowan 91:46, p.6
Outlines ways that ticket can improve itself.
347 Olson/Harms listen to student concerns, urge voter turnout
Northern Iowan 91:46, p.9
Thanks voters and asks them to vote again.
348 Dove/Tuttle present communication goals for NISG
Northern Iowan 91:46, p.8
Believes broad communication is essential.
349 Dove, Olson tangle for top spot in NISG
Northern Iowan 91:46, p.1
Prepare for run-off election.
350 Election Day
Northern Iowan 91:45, p.1
NISG presidential debate; photo.