Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)--Elections

Displaying 351 - 400 of 498 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Dove, Olson tickets top election; run-off Wednesday; and then there were two
Northern Iowan 91:45, p.1
Olson/Harms receive 34%, Dove/Tuttle receive 21% of 1457 votes cast; photo.
352 Vote for Everly/Lindaman or Dove/Tuttle
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.7
Outlines reasons for supporting candidates.
353 Dove/Tuttle interact with community
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.10
Outlines candidates' qualifications.
354 Everly/Lindaman lobby for student concerns at legislature, Regents
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.9
Supports candidates.
355 Williams/ Shimkus urge students to vote
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.9
Outlines objectives.
356 Lettow/Bumgarner go out to students and solicit constituent opinions
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.9
Outline qualifications and plan for action.
357 Dove/Tuttle inspire activism
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.8
Supports candidates.
358 Dove/Tuttle seek student input, suggestions
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.8
Outline platform.
359 Meet your NISG presidential candidates
Northern Iowan 91:44, p.2
Candidates outline platforms; photo.
360 Untitled
Northern Edition 3:7, p.4
Threase Harms and Paul Olson ask for support in NISG election.
361 Throw down your remotes, vote; it may not be as compelling as Seinfeld, but . . . .
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.8
Urges students to vote.
362 NISG Special election
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.1
Results of election.
363 Student body elections are more than just popularity contests
Northern Iowan 91:20, p.5
Urges greater involvement in student government.
364 NISG epitomizes apathy
Northern Iowan 91:20, p.5
Critical of processes used by NISG to fill vacant offices.
365 Low voter turnout sets new record for UNI
Northern Iowan 90:57, p.1
Graph shows voting turnout for last fifty years.
366 NISG must investigate allegations of election problems immediately
Northern Iowan 90:43, p.6
Should investigate instances of rules violations.
367 Students know NISG has no real power to make changes at UNI
Northern Iowan 90:43, p.6
People don't vote because NISG cannot do anything significant for students.
368 Election focus of NISG meeting
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.2
Election irregularities discussed.
369 Krueger, Rempe win run-off; Sorensen, Payne "accept results"
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.1
Winners receive 522 votes; losers receive 428 votes.
370 NISG candidates exchange insults
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.2
Point out their own strengths and their opponents' weaknesses.
371 'Embarrassment' only way to describe NISG debate
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.5
Believes candidates acted childishly.
372 We don't really have a democracy--just apathy
Northern Edition 2:7, p.2
Criticizes lack of participation in political process.
373 Saunders urges students vote for Krueger/Rempe
Northern Iowan 90:41, p.5
Outlines support for team.
374 New representatives must reform NISG
Northern Iowan 90:41, p.5
Outlines potential areas of conflict of interest in funding and problems with elections.
375 Krueger, Sorensen face off; low voter turnout results in run off election
Northern Iowan 90:40, p.1
721 students (6%) cast votes; photo.
376 Candidates debate campaign issues
Northern Iowan 90:40, p.2
Report on candidates' debate.
377 Senator appeals election grievance decision
Northern Iowan 90:40, p.2
Becky Hyman appeals decision on Capers' candidacy in earlier election.
378 NISG criticizes election commissioner
Northern Iowan 90:40, p.3
Believes commissioner did not fulfill duties.
379 NISG Senator endorses Chris Sorensen/Jodi Payne ticket
Northern Edition 2:6, p.2
Urges support.
380 Krueger/Rempe have experience to deliver results
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.6
Outlines promises made and kept.
381 Voting is only the first step
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.6
Critical of student government; role in spending money is important, though.
382 Capers/Fletcher want to promote inclusion for all
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.5
Believe in involving students.
383 Write-in blanks best part of NISG ballot
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.5
Doesn't support any of the teams running.
384 Students vote on changes; NISG proposes constitutional amendments
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.3
Amendments deal with Interim Committee procedures, veto powers, and election rules.
385 NISG elections important to all UNI students
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.5
Students should think carefully before voting on those who will allocate activity money, among other duties.
386 Candidates present platforms
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.2
Three teams outline views; photo.
387 Candidates accused of hollow platform
Northern Edition 2:5, p.3
Critical of promises made by NISG candidates last year.
388 Candidates respond to 'hollow' allegations
Northern Edition 2:5, p.3
NISG officers claim that last year's promises were fulfilled.
389 Capers still in NISG election to help all students
Northern Iowan 90:37, p.8
Explains why he is running.
390 Sorensen/Payne won't establish a "hollow platform" for NISG election
Northern Iowan 90:37, p.7
Vows to make planks of platform realistic.
391 NISG Presidential candidate team discloses agenda
Northern Edition 2:4, p.3
Beth Krueger and Erin Rempe outline goals and platform.
392 Krueger /Rempe announce NISG election platform
Northern Iowan 90:35, p.7
Outlines platform.
393 Capers/Fletcher want community involvement from UNI students
Northern Iowan 90:35, p.6
Outlines platform.
394 NISG grievance proceedings clarify 'gray areas' in rules
Northern Iowan 90:35, p.1
Attempts to clear up conflict on use of NISG equipment for election campaign.
395 NISG dismisses grievance against Krueger, Rempe
Northern Iowan 90:34, p.1
Grievance over use of student government computer for campaigning.
396 Candidacy announced for NISG 'Presidency'
Public Relations News Release 2:3, p.3
Campaign announcement from Chris Sorensen and Jodi Payne.
397 Untitled
Public Relations News Release 2:3, p.3
Senator critical of NISG Election Commission procedure.
398 Misunderstanding leads to charges of illegal campaigning
Northern Iowan 90:33, p.1
Election Commission bars election winner because of alleged campaign tactics.
399 Krueger declares NISG candidacy
Northern Iowan 90:33, p.4
Krueger and Rempe announce platform.
400 Kelding hypocritical in criticism
Northern Iowan 90:28, p.6
Believes Kelding holds inconsistent positions.