Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)--Elections

Displaying 201 - 250 of 498 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Earle/Hutch not hiding conservatism
Northern Iowan 98:39, p.11
Responds to Cody Wilson's comment concerning the conservative views of Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson.
202 Student voices
Northern Iowan 98:39, p.13
Students respond to the question: " What are the most important things that will influence your vote for student body president and vice president?"; photo.
203 Eleven platforms, three tickets, one ballot: who will get your vote?
Northern Iowan 98:39, p.1
Information is provided about each of the NISG candidates for president and vice president; photo.
204 Scudder, Lerda bleed purple and gold
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.7
Encourages students to vote for Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda in the 2002 NISG presidential elections.
205 Being right-wing won't hurt leadership ability
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.7
Responds to a letter written by Cody Wilson concerning the conservative political views of Jason Hutcheson and Joe Earle.
206 Earle, Hutcheson are proven leaders on the UNI campus
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.8
Claims that Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson's leadership accomplishments, including the formation of the 'College Redeemer', make them the best candidates for NISG president and vice president.
207 Scudder & Lerda a diverse, well-rounded team for NISG
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.8
Encourages students to vote for Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda for NISG president and vice president.
208 Junior urges students to 'join the team' of Scudder and Lerda
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.9
Claims that Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda are the best candidates for NISG president and vice president.
209 Scudder, Lerda platform very attainable
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.9
Claims that Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda's platform for NISG president and vice president is 'down-to-earth' and student oriented.
210 Steele & Hoover 'care about UNI'
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.1
Aaron Steele and Joey Hoover announce their platform for the 2002 NISG presidential election; photo.
211 Earle and Hutch ticket no good
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.6
Discusses the NISG presidential elections, and claims that Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson are hiding their conservative political views.
212 Those voting 'Earl & Hutch' should know what they're getting into
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.10
Claims that 'Earl & Hutch' are leading a dishonest campaign by neglecting to mention their political views.
213 Earl & Hutch should get your vote
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.11
A co-worker of 'Earl & Hutch' encourages students to vote for them in the NISG election.
214 Earle/Hutcheson ticket the way to go
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.11
Supports Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson, and encourages students to vote for them in the NISG election.
215 How to distinguish between candidates
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.7
Discusses the upcoming NISG presidential election, and encourages students to vote.
216 Jeff and Emiliano offer sincerity, devotion
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.1
Jeff Scudder and Emiliano Lerda state their platform for the NISG presidential election; photo.
217 Earle & Hutch
Northern Iowan 98:36, p.1
Joe Earle and Jason Hutcheson announce their campaign platform for the NISG presidential election; photo.
218 Students require more than shiny objects from candidates
Northern Iowan 98:35, p.9
Encourages students to listen to the candidates, and to "just vote."
219 Student extends support for NISG candidates 'Earl & Hutch'
Northern Iowan 98:33, p.9
Encourages students to support Joseph Earle and Jason Hutchinson, who are running for NISG President and Vice President.
220 Calling all candidates
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.8
Students are encouraged to run for NISG president, vice president, or senator.
221 NISG weekly report
Northern Iowan 98:13, p.9
Students are able to vote online for the NISG special election.
222 Briddell wins NISG election
Northern Iowan 97:44, p.1
Candidates for NISG President and Vice President comment on the run-off election; photo.
223 Election rematch kicks off today
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.1
Discusses the NISG election rematch between Jason Kurth and Adam Briddell.
224 Candidates fight for low tuition
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.8
Believes that Adam Briddell is the best candidate for NISG President.
225 Briddell/Greiner have unique ticket
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.8
Gives reasons why Adam Briddell and Kellie Greiner are the best choice for NISG President and Vice President.
226 Student continues support of Briddell/Greiner ticket
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.9
Encourages students to vote for Adam Briddell and Kellie Greiner in the 2001 NISG election rematch.
227 Election results in two run-offs
Northern Iowan 97:43, p.9
List of all the new NISG senators.
228 NISG presidential election results in run-off: Briddell, Greiner; Kurth, Pauley prepare for run-off election set for next Tuesday
Northern Iowan 97:42, p.1
Results of the 2001 NISG election.
229 Student compliments NI articles
Northern Iowan 97:42, p.7
Thanks the Northern Iowan staff for the articles they wrote featuring the 2001 NISG Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.
230 NISG election begins today
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.1
Summary of the campaign platforms of candidates running for NISG President and Vice President; photo.
231 Briddell, Greiner best candidates
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.10
Encourages students to vote for Adam Briddell and Kellie Greiner for NISG President and Vice President.
232 Student supports Kurth/Pauly
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.10
Believes that Jason Kurth and Brian Pauly are the best candidates for NISG President and Vice President.
233 Student voices
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.13
Students respond to the question "Who are you going to vote for in the NISG election, and why?"; photo.
234 Briddell and Greiner focus on community, campus
Northern Iowan 97:40, p.1
Profile of NISG Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates Adam Briddell and Kellie Greiner; photo.
235 Student voices
Northern Iowan 97:39, p.9
Students respond to the question "Do you think it's important to vote in the upcoming NISG election?"; photo.
236 Kurth and Pauly hope to 'ACCESS' top NISG offices
Northern Iowan 97:39, p.1
Profile of NISG Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates Jason Kurth and Brian Pauly; photo.
237 Student pulls for Briddell/Greiner
Northern Iowan 97:39, p.7
Encourages students to vote for Adam Briddell for NISG President.
238 Sheedy and Daugherty announce candidacy for NISG executive positions
Northern Iowan 97:38, p.1
Jesse Sheedy and Dustin Daugherty take a whole new approach to running for NISG President and Vice President; photo.
239 Student supports Briddell, Greiner in upcoming election
Northern Iowan 97:37, p.8
Thanks Dan Sterenchuk and Mike Russell for their work as NISG President and Vice President.
240 Hurst and Walk make bid for top NISG offices
Northern Iowan 97:37, p.1
Profile of NISG Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates Ben Hurst and Christian Walk; photo.
241 NISG 01-02 election packets now available
Northern Iowan 97:33, p.1
Describes the application process for students wishing to run for student government.
242 New senators voted into NISG
Northern Iowan 97:15, p.7
Eight new off-campus and two new on-campus senators were recently elected.
243 Name two things you hadn't seen at UNI before this semester
Campus News Network 10:14, p.1
Photo of a steer used as a publicity medium for two NISG election candidates
244 Sterenchuk, Russell elected in run-off; record-breaking turnout tallied in second election
Northern Iowan 96:42, p.1
Candidates react to election results; voter turnout was 22%; photo.
245 New NISG leaders elected
Northern Iowan 96:42, p.5
Dan Sterenchuk and Mike Russell were elected president and vice president.
246 Russell would represent students well
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.8
Supports Dan Sterenchuk and Mike Russell.
247 Parsons, Rasmusson-best for UNI
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.8
Supports Phil Parsons and Matt Rasmusson.
248 Dan. Mike--two guys with gusto
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.8
Supports Dan Sterenchuk and Mike Russell.
249 Phil, Matt possess skills to lead students
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.8
Supports Phil Parsons and Matt Rasmusson
250 Russell concerned about staying connected to student body
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.8
Supports Dan Sterenchuk and Mike Russell.