Reed--Leslie I. (Class of 1900; Dean of Men)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 650 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.318
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo.
2 Scholarships at College awarded
Alumnus 47:3, p.8
List of winners of Merchant, Wilson, McDonald, Dickey, and Reed scholarships.
3 ISTC grads are awarded scholarships
College Eye 50:31, p.4
Robert Davis, Fred Meyer, Robert Ross, and Cornelius Weber win Merchant Scholarship; Robert Faaborg wins Reed scholarship.
4 Scholarship is given in Reed's honor
College Eye 50:12, p.8
Two $300 scholarships will be given; profile of Leslie Reed.
5 Honor memory of Dean Reed, Prof. Watson
Alumnus 32:4, p.3
Dean Reed died July 19, 1948; Professor Watson died August 29, 1948; photo.
6 Dean Leslie Reed dies Monday at daughter's home
College Eye 39:39, p.1
Obituary for Leslie Reed, who died July 19, 1948.
7 Former Dean Reed has operation at Rochester
College Eye 39:22, p.7
Has been assisting in direction of Stadium Hall.
8 Dedication
Old Gold 0:0, p.4
Old Gold dedicated to Leslie I. Reed; photo.
9 Student Loan Fund Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
A committee that allocates financial aid to students in need; photo.
10 Student Welfare Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
The Student Welfare Committee serves to help students with problems outside the academic realm; photo.
11 Student League Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
The student league oversee committees and organizations on campus; photo.
12 Duties of the Dean of Men and the Business Manager
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Gordon Ellis and Leslie I. Reed help counsel male students as the Dean of Men. Phillip C. Jennings records all ISTC funds through the Business manager position; photo.
13 New members join Teachers College staff
Alumnus 30:2, p.19
Biographical sketches of new staff.
14 Gordon Ellis assumes post as dean of men replacing L. I. Reed
College Eye 37:19, p.1
Profile of ISTC alumnus Gordon Ellis.
15 Dean Reed, Boardman assume emeritus status
Alumnus 29:4, p.5
Dean Reed and Mr. Boardman recall the old days at ISTC; biographical sketches; photo.
16 All fathers will be guests at the football game with Loras
Public Relations News Release 1945:240, p.1
Dad's Day highlight will be the football game with Loras. A pep ralley, luncheon, and campanile concert will help fill the weekend.
17 Annual fall freshman frolic to be held in the men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1945:230, p.1
Program to include varied concessions, group games and folk dancing. Committee members named.
18 60 attend dinner honoring retiring Dean Leslie Reed
College Eye 36:44, p.3
19 Baker dinner honors Reed; retiring dean to be feted at Commons
College Eye 36:42, p.1

To retire at end of summer.

20 Boardman, Reed emeritus; end total of 57 years on T. C. faculty
College Eye 36:38, p.1
Profiles of Benjamin Boardman and Leslie Reed. photo.
21 Leslie I. Reed, Dean of Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
An overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Dean of Men; photo.
22 Who' Who on T. C.'s Campus
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Brief description of the committee and nominees; photo.
23 May Queen to be announced at midnight May 5
Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1
The highlight of the May Dance will be the crowning of the May Queen. This is the last formal dance of the season.
24 May Queen will begin her reign at midnight, May 5, during the May Dance
Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1
Minnesota orchestra to provide music for May Dance. Queen named at midnight.
25 First visit in 35 years
Alumnus 29:1, p.16
Noah D. Knupp visits campus; photo.
26 Student Welfare Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Duties of the committee; photo.
27 Deans and officials.
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
Summary of duties the of deans and administrative officials; photo.
28 Reunion dinner at Des Moines
Alumnus 28:1, p.11
Commemorate first anniversary of college radio program.
29 One Year of Broadcasting
Public Relations News Release 1943:126, p.1
Iowa State Teahers College will celebrate its first year of broadcasting by having a broadcast of 50,000 watts between 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM that night.
30 Army instructor speaks at men's union dinner
College Eye 35:2, p.6
Men's Union held dinner for all college men.
31 Bigger job than ever for Dean Reed
College Eye 35:2, p.1
Dean Reed is still in charge of men's dorm facilities even though they are now occupied by military personnel; located rooming house facilities for the few men who are enrolled; fraternities not active this year.
32 People you should get to know
College Eye 35:1, p.3
Pictured is the Dean of Women, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Faculty, and the Registrar; photo.
33 People you should know
College Eye 34:31, p.5
34 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
Another fraternity that has seen members get called up for service, the "Beans", as they are called, hold smokers, bull sessions, and get-togethers during the year aswell as a dinner-dance; photo.
35 Interfraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.133
With each fraternity being represented by two members, the council seeks to study problems that may arise and initiate growth and development among the fraternities. The council also held a dance that was held in the Commons with live music; photo.
36 Student Welfare Committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
The activities of the Student Welfare Committee, such as considering problems of student life outside curricular field, supervising the Who's Who section of the Old Gold; photo.
37 Our Deans
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
The roles and hieraarchy of deans at the college, including that of Dean Reed, Dean Campbell, and Dean Nelson; photo.
38 Men's grade points rise this spring dean's office says
College Eye 34:27, p.3
Dean Reed speculates that the men are more dedicated to their studies now.
39 Teachers College men marched in S.A.T.C. battalion almost twenty-six years ago
College Eye 34:20, p.5
Brief history of the Student Army Training Corps during World War I; photo.
40 Deans comment on student attitude in time of war
College Eye 34:17, p.3
Deans believe students are showing a cooperative attitude toward all the campus changes.
41 No Men's Union mix for lack of dining space
College Eye 34:13, p.1
42 Homecoming Tradition
Public Relations News Release 1943:172, p.1
The traditional snake dance through the commons will start out the casual night of activites.
43 Here are the first people you will meet at TC; they guide first activities of new students
College Eye 34:1, p.5
Quick look at people who will be important to students; photo.
44 The administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
List of administrators and brief description of what they do; photo.
45 Student welfare committee
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Brief description of the committee; photo.
46 'Eye' receives greetings on its birthday
College Eye 33:21, p.2
Former College Eye editors and Iowa State Teachers College faculty write in with memories of the newspaper.
47 Blue Key members make social plans
College Eye 33:2, p.3
For pep jamboree and Homecoming.
48 Inter-fraternity council
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Brief description of the group; photo.
49 Inter-fraternity dance
Old Gold 0:0, p.161
Brief description of the event; photo.
50 Administrative officials
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
List of administrators and brief description of what they do; photo.