Reed--Leslie I. (Class of 1900; Dean of Men)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 650 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.318 |
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo. | |
2 | Scholarships at College awarded Alumnus 47:3, p.8 |
List of winners of Merchant, Wilson, McDonald, Dickey, and Reed scholarships. | |
3 | ISTC grads are awarded scholarships College Eye 50:31, p.4 |
Robert Davis, Fred Meyer, Robert Ross, and Cornelius Weber win Merchant Scholarship; Robert Faaborg wins Reed scholarship. | |
4 | Scholarship is given in Reed's honor College Eye 50:12, p.8 |
Two $300 scholarships will be given; profile of Leslie Reed. | |
5 | Honor memory of Dean Reed, Prof. Watson Alumnus 32:4, p.3 |
Dean Reed died July 19, 1948; Professor Watson died August 29, 1948; photo. | |
6 | Dean Leslie Reed dies Monday at daughter's home College Eye 39:39, p.1 |
Obituary for Leslie Reed, who died July 19, 1948. | |
7 | Former Dean Reed has operation at Rochester College Eye 39:22, p.7 |
Has been assisting in direction of Stadium Hall. | |
8 | Dedication Old Gold 0:0, p.4 |
Old Gold dedicated to Leslie I. Reed; photo. | |
9 | Student Loan Fund Committee Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
A committee that allocates financial aid to students in need; photo. | |
10 | Student Welfare Committee Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
The Student Welfare Committee serves to help students with problems outside the academic realm; photo. | |
11 | Student League Board Old Gold 0:0, p.28 |
The student league oversee committees and organizations on campus; photo. | |
12 | Duties of the Dean of Men and the Business Manager Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Gordon Ellis and Leslie I. Reed help counsel male students as the Dean of Men. Phillip C. Jennings records all ISTC funds through the Business manager position; photo. | |
13 | New members join Teachers College staff Alumnus 30:2, p.19 |
Biographical sketches of new staff. | |
14 | Gordon Ellis assumes post as dean of men replacing L. I. Reed College Eye 37:19, p.1 |
Profile of ISTC alumnus Gordon Ellis. | |
15 | Dean Reed, Boardman assume emeritus status Alumnus 29:4, p.5 |
Dean Reed and Mr. Boardman recall the old days at ISTC; biographical sketches; photo. | |
16 | All fathers will be guests at the football game with Loras Public Relations News Release 1945:240, p.1 |
Dad's Day highlight will be the football game with Loras. A pep ralley, luncheon, and campanile concert will help fill the weekend. | |
17 | Annual fall freshman frolic to be held in the men's gymnasium Public Relations News Release 1945:230, p.1 |
Program to include varied concessions, group games and folk dancing. Committee members named. | |
18 | 60 attend dinner honoring retiring Dean Leslie Reed College Eye 36:44, p.3 |
19 | Baker dinner honors Reed; retiring dean to be feted at Commons College Eye 36:42, p.1 |
To retire at end of summer. |
20 | Boardman, Reed emeritus; end total of 57 years on T. C. faculty College Eye 36:38, p.1 |
Profiles of Benjamin Boardman and Leslie Reed. photo. | |
21 | Leslie I. Reed, Dean of Men Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
An overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Dean of Men; photo. | |
22 | Who' Who on T. C.'s Campus Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
Brief description of the committee and nominees; photo. | |
23 | May Queen to be announced at midnight May 5 Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1 |
The highlight of the May Dance will be the crowning of the May Queen. This is the last formal dance of the season. | |
24 | May Queen will begin her reign at midnight, May 5, during the May Dance Public Relations News Release 1945:107, p.1 |
Minnesota orchestra to provide music for May Dance. Queen named at midnight. | |
25 | First visit in 35 years Alumnus 29:1, p.16 |
Noah D. Knupp visits campus; photo. | |
26 | Student Welfare Committee Old Gold 0:0, p.20 |
Duties of the committee; photo. | |
27 | Deans and officials. Old Gold 0:0, p.12 |
Summary of duties the of deans and administrative officials; photo. | |
28 | Reunion dinner at Des Moines Alumnus 28:1, p.11 |
Commemorate first anniversary of college radio program. | |
29 | One Year of Broadcasting Public Relations News Release 1943:126, p.1 |
Iowa State Teahers College will celebrate its first year of broadcasting by having a broadcast of 50,000 watts between 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM that night. | |
30 | Army instructor speaks at men's union dinner College Eye 35:2, p.6 |
Men's Union held dinner for all college men. | |
31 | Bigger job than ever for Dean Reed College Eye 35:2, p.1 |
Dean Reed is still in charge of men's dorm facilities even though they are now occupied by military personnel; located rooming house facilities for the few men who are enrolled; fraternities not active this year. | |
32 | People you should get to know College Eye 35:1, p.3 |
Pictured is the Dean of Women, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Faculty, and the Registrar; photo. | |
33 | People you should know College Eye 34:31, p.5 |
34 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Another fraternity that has seen members get called up for service, the "Beans", as they are called, hold smokers, bull sessions, and get-togethers during the year aswell as a dinner-dance; photo. | |
35 | Interfraternity Council Old Gold 0:0, p.133 |
With each fraternity being represented by two members, the council seeks to study problems that may arise and initiate growth and development among the fraternities. The council also held a dance that was held in the Commons with live music; photo. | |
36 | Student Welfare Committee Old Gold 0:0, p.24 |
The activities of the Student Welfare Committee, such as considering problems of student life outside curricular field, supervising the Who's Who section of the Old Gold; photo. | |
37 | Our Deans Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
The roles and hieraarchy of deans at the college, including that of Dean Reed, Dean Campbell, and Dean Nelson; photo. | |
38 | Men's grade points rise this spring dean's office says College Eye 34:27, p.3 |
Dean Reed speculates that the men are more dedicated to their studies now. | |
39 | Teachers College men marched in S.A.T.C. battalion almost twenty-six years ago College Eye 34:20, p.5 |
Brief history of the Student Army Training Corps during World War I; photo. | |
40 | Deans comment on student attitude in time of war College Eye 34:17, p.3 |
Deans believe students are showing a cooperative attitude toward all the campus changes. | |
41 | No Men's Union mix for lack of dining space College Eye 34:13, p.1 |
42 | Homecoming Tradition Public Relations News Release 1943:172, p.1 |
The traditional snake dance through the commons will start out the casual night of activites. | |
43 | Here are the first people you will meet at TC; they guide first activities of new students College Eye 34:1, p.5 |
Quick look at people who will be important to students; photo. | |
44 | The administration Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
List of administrators and brief description of what they do; photo. | |
45 | Student welfare committee Old Gold 0:0, p.27 |
Brief description of the committee; photo. | |
46 | 'Eye' receives greetings on its birthday College Eye 33:21, p.2 |
Former College Eye editors and Iowa State Teachers College faculty write in with memories of the newspaper. | |
47 | Blue Key members make social plans College Eye 33:2, p.3 |
For pep jamboree and Homecoming. | |
48 | Inter-fraternity council Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
49 | Inter-fraternity dance Old Gold 0:0, p.161 |
Brief description of the event; photo. | |
50 | Administrative officials Old Gold 0:0, p.20 |
List of administrators and brief description of what they do; photo. |