Rod Library

Displaying 301 - 350 of 403 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Library construction to finish six months ahead of schedule
Northern Iowan 90:61, p.1
May be finished by November 1994.
302 All dug up: summer construction underway on campus
Northern Iowan 90:59, p.2
Construction projects underway in Gilchrist Hall and Rod Library as well as other places on campus; photo.
303 Summertime reading experiences with children can be fun
Public Relations News Release 0:553, p.1
Sometimes children feel lost during the summer. Parents should involve their children in some fun reading experiences, perhaps.
304 Dawn Pope is awarded James Hearst Scholarship from the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 0:585, p.1
James Hearst Scholarship is awarded at UNI.
305 Untitled
Campus News Network 4:17, p.1
News media toured fourth floor addition to Rod Library; photo.
306 The library's story continues
Northern Iowan 90:53, p.10

A photo compilation of work being done on the Rod Library expansion; photo.

307 Library addition ahead of schedule, new completion date Dec. 1, 1994
Northern Iowan 90:53, p.2
Library director and contractor comment on building progress; photo.
308 News media tour of University of Northern Iowa Library Expansion offered
Public Relations News Release 0:473, p.1
The media is invited to tour the Rod Library Expansion on April 13. Herbert Safford and Martin Miille will conduct the tour.
309 Here's the Story. . .
Campus News Network 4:14, p.6
Photo of construction work on Rod Library taken from the Campanile; photo.
310 Untitled
Northern Iowa Today 22:1, p.4
Rod Library under construction; photo.
311 Taking a ride down the information highway
Northern Iowa Today 77:2, p.12
Survey of information resources accessible by computer.
312 The University of Northern Iowa prepares for Parents' Weekend November 12-14
Public Relations News Release 1993:174, p.1
Activities announced for annual Parents' Weekend at UNI.
313 Untitled
Northern Iowan 90:19, p.1
Crane lifts blocks to Library roof for current construction; photo.
314 Chinese Everyday Life focus for slide lecture at University of Northern Iowa Sunday, October 24
Public Relations News Release 1993:129, p.1
Miriam Jenkins of Simpson College will speak on the culture of the Chinese ethnic group, the Han.
315 Keep library quiet for studying
Northern Iowan 90:14, p.8
Urges people to be quiet and considerate.
316 Hmong American Dress topic for Wednesday lecture, October 13 in conjunction with minority costumes and textiles of China exhibit at University of Nort
Public Relations News Release 1993:120, p.1
A slide presentation on "Hmong American Dress" will be presented October 13 at UNI.
317 A first look from above
Northern Iowan 90:4, p.14
Photo essay on beginnings of library addition; photo.
318 Peter Rabbit turns 100 as the tale endures
Public Relations News Release 1993:32, p.1
After 100 years, The Tale of Peter Rabbit is as popular today as when it was first issued.
319 -
Public Relations News Release 1993:34, p.1
A major power outage occurred on the UNI campus today. Nancy Marlin reports class cancellation is being left up the individual instructors.
320 Library raises its roof
Northern Iowa Today 21:2, p.4
Roof-raising ceremony; photo.
321 Navigating UNI
Campus News Network 4:1, p.3
Update on campus construction projects; map.
322 Memorial for Catherine P. Haynes
Campus News Network 4:1, p.4
Two gifts will be presented to Rod Library September 2 in memory of Catherine Haynes.
323 Summer's gone, but not forgotten
Campus News Network 4:1, p.1
Summary of campus activities since end of spring semester.
324 University of Northern Iowa Library is raising its roof--and having a party August 3
Public Relations News Release 1992:770, p.1
A fourth floor is being added to Rod Library.
325 Campus construction
Northern Iowan 89:64, p.2
Regrets inconveniences caused by construction, but appreciates need.
326 Construction begins on library
Northern Iowan 89:64, p.3
Fence erected around library in preparation for construction; outline of work to be done; photo.
327 Roof raises questions
Northern Iowan 89:62, p.4
Staff will answer questions about library renovation.
328 Raising the roof--Questions and answers about library addition
Public Relations News Release 1992:738, p.1
Informational meeting to answer questions concerning the upcoming addition to Rod Library will be July 14.
329 Recently at the Regents
Campus News Network 3:20, p.1
Authorize PLS fieldhouse clean-up; approve $7.4 million in bonds for Rod Library; begin planning for WRC; refer proposal for women's studies and environmental science/technology to committee.
330 Fourth floor, please
Campus News Network 3:20, p.2
Will hold informational meeting on addition and renovation.
331 Dinosaurs hold fascination for children; good books available
Public Relations News Release 1992:747, p.1
Lucille Lettow shares that several good books are available on the topic of dinosaurs for children.
332 Fourth floor, please
Northern Iowa Today 77:1, p.25
Bond sale authorized for addition to Library.
333 Regents approve preliminary budget
Northern Iowan 89:60, p.3
Preliminary budget is $92,592,000; also approve sale of $7.4 million for Library addition and renovation.
334 Summer construction under way
Northern Iowan 89:60, p.1
Pedestrian underpass will be made accessible to handicapped students; EMC will move to former Catholic Student Center; awaiting bids on Rod Library renovation; clearing up after fire at PLS; photo.
335 Plans proceed for library addition , recreation/wellness center at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:728, p.1
Plans continue to better meet the needs of students at UNI in terms of mind and body.
336 Regents approve 1993-94 preliminary budget for University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:717, p.1
UNI budget receives approval from Board of Regents.
337 Weavers come to biennial conference being held at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:672, p.1
Midwest Weavers Conference to be held at UNI.
338 Governor signs bonding bill authorizing funding for library addition at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:664, p.1
Step toward the completion of an addition to Rod Library at UNI.
339 Point clarified by DeKock
Northern Iowan 89:57, p.2
Believes individuals should take responsibility to park legally.
340 Parking ticket dilemma continues
Northern Iowan 89:55, p.2
Believes recent letter misses point on Public Safety; believes officers could be doing more valuable things than write tickets.
341 Computing across the curriculum
Northern Iowa Today 21:1, p.1
Survey across the colleges of the ways in which the student computer fee has been used; photo.
342 Regents approve fourth floor addition for library; UNI receives $7 million for project
Northern Iowan 89:28, p.1
Project must now await funding by legislature.
343 Regents consider Des Moines translator for KUNI
Public Relations News Release 1992:213, p.1
Board of Regents makes decisions affecting UNI.
344 Donald O. Rod Library will receive face-lift with fourth-floor expansion
Northern Iowan 88:26, p.7
Will add 63,000 square foot fourth floor and renovate portions of other levels.
345 Appropriations requests for fiscal years '93 and '94 for University of Northern Iowa receive go-ahead from Board of Regents
Public Relations News Release 1991:92, p.1
Board of Regents has approved the appropriations requests for UNI.
346 Constructively speaking
Campus News Network 1:19, p.1
Maps available.
347 Tomahawk finishes sale, donates proceeds
Northern Iowan 87:4, p.2
Tomahawk Club will make a contribution to Rod Library. Service Fraternity has awarded several scholarships to UNI students.
348 Youth book collection at Northern Iowa library helping future teachers
Public Relations News Release 1989:557, p.1
Lucille Lettow describes her role as a Youth Collection librarian for the largest collection of youth literature in a university library statewide. Lettow defends elementary libraries from censorship, as well as helping education majors in their research.
349 School boards should adopt policy on censorship and materials selection, says University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:437, p.1
The Iowa Department of Education releases a model of recommended procedures regarding censorship for librarians in school districts across the state. Professor Elizabeth Martin discusses some censorship difficulties faced by Rod Library.
350 University of Northern Iowa library extends hours in response to student survey
Public Relations News Release 1989:461, p.1
Nancy Marlin approves the expanded hours of Rod Library and Computing Services' computer labs. The new schedules were developed in accordance with results from a student survey conducted by the Northern Iowa Student Government.