Rod Library

Displaying 351 - 392 of 392 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Library and Homecoming?
Northern Iowan 85:11, p.1
A view of the library bridge; photo.
352 Seniors pass their goal
Northern Iowa Today 16:3, p.6
Pledges reach $51,453; will be used for library automation.
353 University of Northern Iowa library's government documents department rated one of the best in the nation.
Public Relations News Release 1988:4, p.1
The department was awarded scores of "excellent" in all seven categories in which it was evaluated.
354 Faculty Senate dockets items to next meeting
Northern Iowan 84:47, p.1
School of Business asks that credit from other institutions be transferable only if the experience is really comparable; ask name change for ROTC oversight committee; will consider teacher education governance; approve seat on Senate for Library.
355 Technology for the lap
Northern Iowa Today 16:2, p.8
Rod Library buys twelve laptop computers for student use in the Library; photo.
356 Seniors' gift will help automate Library's card catalog
Northern Iowa Today 16:2, p.7
Hope to raise $50,000 for library automation.
357 University of Northern Iowa Library offers portable computers for student use; Computer labs added on campus
Public Relations News Release 1987:260, p.1
Computer labs are installed into the Education Center, the Commons, and the Industrial Technology Center in addition to three existing labs. Twelve new laptop computers are made available for checkout in the library.
358 Study break . . . .
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.6
Dust sets off fire alarm in Library; photo.
359 Northern Iowa to close doors Wednesday afternoon (Nov. 25) for electrical work
Public Relations News Release 1987:152, p.1
Rod Library, the Administrative Data Processing Office, and all classes close early for Thanksgiving break due to a campus-wide power outage. The Physical Plant staff shut down power for electrical service improvements.
360 Librarian who works to keep controversial books on shelves to speak at Northern Iowa Sept. 29
Public Relations News Release 1987:40, p.1
The Education Center hosts a presentation by director of the Freedom to Read Foundation, Judith Krug. She discussed the increase in annual censorship attempts in school libraries. The speech was sponsored by Rod Library.
361 Marcel Cornis-Pop donates 300 books to the library
Public Relations News Release 1987:372, p.1
Professor Marcel Cornis-Pop donates a collection of three-hundred Romanian books, journals, and magazines to the library which are accepted by Professors Barbara Jones and Robert Ward.
362 UNI Greek Week activities slated Monday-Saturday (April 20-25)
Public Relations News Release 1987:323, p.1
The opening ceremonies of Greek Week were held in Maucker Union, organized by Sean McAleer and Shelly Niffenegger. Activities included a leadership breakfast, a study night in Rod Library, and a Special Olympics competition.
363 Student survey
Northern Iowan 83:51, p.1
Gerald Bisbey releases graduating senior survey showing students' satisfaction with campus services; the Library receives the highest satisfaction rating.
364 Black Hawk County UNI alumni group to call for members April 1 and 2
Public Relations News Release 1987:283, p.1
Members of the Board of Directors for the Alumni Association begin recruiting graduates. Elly Leslie, director of the organization, explains the twenty-dollar annual fee for both single alumni and couples which grants them access to Rod Library.
365 Library cracks down on snackers
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.3
Barbara Jones talks about a campaign to enforce rule that prohibits consumption of food and drink in the Library; photo.
366 UNI Gallery of Art to close for Spring Break
Public Relations News Release 1987:261, p.1
The Gallery of Art closes for spring break, while the Library and Maucker Union operate on reduced schedules. Daniel Stetson announces that the Annual Faculty Art Exhibition will remain open for two weeks prior to break.
367 Goodbye Marian: how others see librarians and how we see ourselves
Nonpareil 71:2, p.32
New Director of Library Services attempts to refute traditional view of librarians and their work; photo.
368 It's all happening at Northern Iowa; renovations, additions, replacements
Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.6
Renovated Auditorium opened; construction expected to begin on Business Building in Fall 1987; architect will be selected for addition to Union; library addition, Latham and Wright hall renovations, new power plant, and new faculty lines await funding.
369 University could receive $17.7 million
Northern Iowan 83:32, p.5
Several projects included in package that will go to the floor for discussion in the General Assembly.
370 Tomahawk to donate money to Donald O. Rod Library
Northern Iowan 83:28, p.6
Will donate 2% of sales to library.
371 Information age spotlights crucial role of skilled librarians, says new UNI library director
Public Relations News Release 1987:111, p.1
Covers the appointment of Barbara Jones as director of the university library. Jones spent nine years in New York, where she gained her experience directing library services. She made efforts to update services by developing a computerized card catalog.
372 New library director ready to inform students
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.12
Profile of Barbara Jones; outline of her plans for the library; photo.
373 Adverse budget conditions require substantive cutbacks
Northern Iowa Today 14:4, p.7
UNI takes measures to meet requirements; however, computer fees fund new lab in library and UNI receives authority to issue $11.2 million in bonds for new business building.
374 New people assume leadership positions
Northern Iowa Today 14:4, p.7
New heads of Public Information Services, Library, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Department of Sociology and Anthropology named.
375 Computer lab nears completion
Northern Iowan 83:1, p.4
Lab in library will have eight terminals, 37 PCs, and one printer; cost will be about $128,000.
376 New staff members named
Northern Iowan 82:61, p.1
Barbara Jones will be Library director; John Deegan will be CSBS dean; Susan Chilcott will head Public Information Services
377 UNI names Barbara Jones director of library
Public Relations News Release 1986:475, p.1
A brief overview of the qualifications of the new director of library services and associate professor at the university. Includes a short outline of her college career.
378 A new name
Northern Iowan 82:58, p.1
Workman installs letters for new name on the Library; photo.
379 Two men leave their mark at UNI after more than 30 years of service
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.7
Biographical profiles of Donald O. Rod and Ross Nielsen, who will retire soon; photo.
380 Rod predicts successor may bring in new ideas
Northern Iowan 82:56, p.13
Donald Rod remembers his years as head of the Library; the old library building and moving to the new building; his own professional career; photo.
381 Request initiated by staff
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.2
Marcia Jensen notes that the staff of the Library petitioned that the building be named in honor of Donald Rod.
382 UNI Library named for Director Donald Rod
Northern Iowan 82:54, p.1
Regents approve naming Library in honor of Donald Rod, who will retire in June after 33 years as Library Director; profile of Mr. Rod; photo.
383 Irony
Northern Iowan 82:54, p.2
Cites quotations that lend irony to the recent naming of the Library.
384 Regents name UNI Library for its longtime director, Donald Rod
Public Relations News Release 1986:385, p.1
Rod has been the library director for thirty-three years and will retire in June; Curris noted that Rod is known for his warm collegiality; the Regents' decision was unanimous; he has also worked as a library design consultant.
385 Rod Library proposed; reception planned June 25 for retiring director
Alumnus 71:1, p.9
Regents will consider request.
386 UNI fall semester hours announced
Public Relations News Release 1980:17, p.1
Hours are announced for the opening of residence halls and other buildings on campus.
387 End of UNI summer session brings hours changes
Public Relations News Release 1980:3, p.1
The end of the summer session changes the open hours in several buildings on campus.
388 UNI Library Hours Change for Spring-Summer Interim
Public Relations News Release 1971:651, p.1
The library will remain open on Memorial Day.
389 UNI Library, Union and Switchboard Hours Changed
Public Relations News Release 1971:647, p.1
Hours of operation will differ between the end of the spring semester and the start of the summer session; listed hours
390 Cedar Falls Residents Give UNI Vote of Confidence
Public Relations News Release 1969:207, p.1
Results of a survey conducted by sociology students on the public view of UNI. Areas covered in the survey included speakers, student activism, costs, policy decisions, value of education, etc.
391 The Library
Old Gold 0:0, p.76
Brief description of the building; photo.
392 The Library
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief summary of the building; photos.