Displaying 151 - 200 of 407 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Sunset Village Old Gold 0:0, p.106 |
A brief discription of what Sunset Village is and a photo of the representatives to the college student government; photo. | |
152 | Sunset Village Old Gold 0:0, p.107 |
Photos of the families that live at Sunset Village; photo. | |
153 | Seven Staff members are scheduled to participate in a Career Day at Forest City, Wednesday, April 16 Public Relations News Release 1951:574, p.1 |
They are Harold E. Bernhard, director of the bureau of religious activities; Donald F. Howard, assistant professor of history; Elisabeth Sutherland, head of the home economics department; Harry G. Guillaume, Ada McLeod, Leonard J. Keefe, and Henry Harris. | |
154 | Special To: Clayton County Press-Journal Public Relations News Release 1951:340, p.1 |
Bill Kellogg, Strawberry Point, has been appointed president of Sunset Village, veterans housing unit. The appointment was made by the Sunset Village council after the past president resigned. Kellogg is on leave of absence from the Air Corps. | |
155 | DAV members to meet in Waterloo College Eye 43:12, p.7 |
ISTC vets invited to attend. | |
156 | Reader opinion College Eye 43:10, p.2 |
A reader's opinion on an extended GI Bill for Korean War veterans. | |
157 | Sunset Village time is nearly up; problem faces college authorities College Eye 43:6, p.8 |
Units planned to serve for five years, but need for housing continues; a look at occupancy, rental arrangements, and maintenance. | |
158 | GI fall checks to arrive late College Eye 43:2, p.8 |
159 | Al Schmahl, sports editor of the Iowa City Press-Citizen, will begin August 15 as director of sports information services Public Relations News Release 1950:427, p.1 |
Schmahl will replace Wayne Duke who resigned earlier this month to accept a similar position at the University of Colorado. The 25-year-old navy vetern was graduated from the Alford high school in 1943. | |
160 | School Public Relations Workshop, July 8 0 11 Public Relations News Release 1950:397, p.1 |
Advanced registration as of June 15 of leaders of Business, Industrial and Civic Groups listed. | |
161 | Registrar clarifies graduate status College Eye 42:30, p.1 |
Special rules for veterans. | |
162 | Veterans notice College Eye 42:29, p.7 |
163 | Untitled College Eye 42:20, p.2 |
New G.I. Bill will likely be passed. | |
164 | 1950 Leaves Mark on ISTC Campus Public Relations News Release 1950:165, p.1 |
A presidential inauguration, the fifth in 74 years, was one of several major changes during 1950. Starting last June a minor in journalism was offered. Plans were approved for granting a major in library science starting next June. | |
165 | Sunset Village will not house any single men College Eye 42:3, p.3 |
Attempting to meet demands of veterans with families. | |
166 | Vet students will not receive first subsistence checks until November College Eye 42:2, p.1 |
New student veterans must complete on month of school. | |
167 | Fall enrollment reaches 2,683 College Eye 42:2, p.1 |
Decrease of 225 from fall 1949; cite decrease in numbers of veterans. | |
168 | The fall quarter enrollment at the college reached 2,683 new and returning students Public Relations News Release 1950:17, p.1 |
The figure of new and returning students at the end of three days of registration includes 1150 men students and 1533 women students. The peak enrollment in the college's history was reached in 1948 with 3,055 students. | |
169 | Law sets minimum standards for schools training veterans College Eye 41:38, p.5 |
Flexible procedures are instituted by the Veterans Administration to allow veterans to change fields of study. | |
170 | Hilltopics; vet graduate status clarified College Eye 41:32, p.2 |
Regulations concerning graduate study for veterans are clarified. | |
171 | VA lists regulations for pursuit of education after July 25, 1950 College Eye 41:28, p.2 |
Excerpt from the Veterans Administration regulations of April 1, 1950. | |
172 | Education council gives address as to GI deadline College Eye 41:28, p.2 |
Students who want to take advantage of the G. I. Bill should begin their advanced degrees before the deadline date. | |
173 | VA sets deadline for beginning GI bill education College Eye 41:25, p.1 |
Veterans need to begin their education or training before July 25, 1951, in order to take advantage of the G. I. Bill. | |
174 | VA formulates new regulations College Eye 41:2, p.1 |
Currently enrolled veterans not affected by new regulations. | |
175 | Fraternities aren't what they used to be; war has changed 'Hell Week' College Eye 40:39, p.1 |
Points out trends that have influenced fraternities in recent years. | |
176 | G. I. bonus checks will aid on trips, furniture, education College Eye 40:37, p.2 |
Veterans may receive about $375 each. | |
177 | Sayre appointed new vocational counselor College Eye 40:34, p.1 |
Willard I. Sayre had been chief of the campus veterans center; will now take state job. | |
178 | Veterans guidance to officially close June 30 College Eye 40:33, p.1 |
179 | Problems of men's housing are being studied College Eye 40:33, p.1 |
Rooming house list under development; on-campus facilities remain very crowded. | |
180 | Veterans notice College Eye 40:28, p.6 |
Bonus applications should be available soon. | |
181 | VA notice College Eye 40:21, p.8 |
182 | VA asks vets to name insurance beneficiaries College Eye 40:8, p.6 |
183 | Canada gives bonus to vets in Air Force College Eye 40:8, p.6 |
184 | VA reminds vets of deadline dates College Eye 40:8, p.3 |
185 | Over five million vets get training on GI Bill College Eye 40:8, p.3 |
186 | VA asks proof for dependents College Eye 40:5, p.3 |
187 | Robert Kindig to receive special typewriter from VA College Eye 40:5, p.1 |
Special machine for handicapped veterans. | |
188 | Ogden to interview Cedar Falls veterans Public Relations News Release 40:4, p.4 |
To explain programs and benefits. | |
189 | V. A. announces leave of absence rules for vets College Eye 40:2, p.3 |
190 | Enrollment hits a new high; 3067 students register for classes College Eye 40:1, p.1 |
Women outnumber men by slight margin; number of veterans declines. | |
191 | Veterans may renew life insurance policies College Eye 40:1, p.2 |
For additional five years. | |
192 | Vets may work without pay cut College Eye 40:1, p.4 |
193 | College asks transfer of buildings in village College Eye 39:42, p.8 |
Would transfer buildings from federal government to college; would still give preference in housing to veterans. | |
194 | Survey of Campus Opinion College Eye 39:36, p.4 |
Students asked about veterans' benefits. | |
195 | "Halcash" sez College Eye 39:34, p.2 |
Believes that most TC students art still good, moral people. | |
196 | Vocational counseling available to veterans College Eye 39:33, p.4 |
197 | Blind veteran continues pre-law college work College Eye 39:33, p.3 |
198 | Vets must seek work to get readjustment College Eye 39:33, p.8 |
199 | College Services in Action Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
Scenes from the extension office, registration, and business office; photo. | |
200 | Campus Personalities Old Gold 0:0, p.129 |
Three men on campus that everyone should know; photo. |