
Displaying 251 - 300 of 407 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 College Hill nine plays weekend game
College Eye 38:36, p.4
The College Hill Merchants will play the Cedar Falls Independents.
252 Sayre promises vet checks soon
College Eye 38:36, p.2
253 Beard announces summer quarter enrollment 1,671
College Eye 38:35, p.1
Record enrollment for men in summer.
254 Sunset Village veterans begin grocery business
College Eye 38:35, p.1
Brief description of the store; photo.
255 Hill team splits first two games
Old Gold 38:34, p.4
A team composed of veterans attending TC known as the College Hill Merchants holds a record of 1-1.
256 Vet students must accept suitable work
College Eye 38:32, p.5
Over the summer.
257 Vet gardeners
College Eye 38:31, p.3
May apply for garden plot near Sunset Village.
258 New vet's contact man
College Eye 38:31, p.3
George Brown will be on campus two days per week.
259 Quonvet grocery nears completion as organization determines policies
College Eye 38:29, p.8
Will operate four hours daily; seventy-five families are members.
260 Vets may rent garden space
College Eye 38:29, p.5
Can rent five hundred square feet for $1.
261 Vet's meeting
College Eye 38:29, p.1
262 Quonvet wives meet
College Eye 38:29, p.8
Enjoy sewing and singing.
263 Vet gardeners plan for spring seeding
College Eye 38:28, p.5
Seventy families apply for garden space; will have about five hundred square feet each.
264 Quonvets discuss rental problem
College Eye 38:27, p.3
Believes rent is too high; will have garden plots.
265 Reinstate NSLI, advises VA.
College Eye 38:26, p.6
Veterans are reinstating their life insurance.
266 Curtis finds vet students underfed
College Eye 38:26, p.3
Dwight Curtis believes that many veterans do not have enough money to eat the right foods.
267 GI's and wives join "Ball and Chain" club
Alumnus 31:2, p.7
Married students and their spouses get together for social occasions; photo.
268 Vets do chores while wives work, study
College Eye 38:24, p.6
A look at the way student families juggle child care, housework, school, and jobs; photo.
269 Untitled
College Eye 38:23, p.2
Children with parents in college may be getting better report cards than their parents.
270 Vets leaving school must complete forms
College Eye 38:22, p.6
Must fill out interruption of training form.
271 Veterans must file for interruption of training
College Eye 38:20, p.1
Should they choose not to register for spring term.
272 NSLI premiums going right place?
College Eye 38:20, p.7
Veterans should be sure that their insurance premiums are going to the right place.
273 Roger's Rambling Remarks
College Eye 38:20, p.2
News around campus and suggestions for improvement.
274 Nelson clarifies veteran probation
College Eye 38:18, p.1
Veterans will be placed on probation when their grade point average falls below 1.65.
275 Vet announcements
College Eye 38:18, p.3
Business Office will cash veterans' checks.
276 "Operation Mud" in Quonset area
College Eye 38:17, p.7
Mild weather turns roads into quagmires; sidewalks planned as is mail delivery; several families have new babies.
277 Veterans can reinstate lapsed life insurance
College Eye 38:17, p.1
278 Untitled
College Eye 38:16, p.8
Bulletin board for veterans put up; must reinstate life insurance soon.
279 Letter to the editor
College Eye 38:16, p.2
Reflects on R.O.T.C training and how the vets are tired of hearing about it, they just want to get an education.
280 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:16, p.2
Discusses Sunset Village controversy, student of the week, and skeptics hour.
281 Subsistence checks expected by V. A.
College Eye 38:15, p.7
282 Admission policy announced
Alumnus 31:1, p.
Announce policy meant to address twin problems of meeting the teacher shortage and providing educational opportunities for veterans.
283 Life in a stadium
Alumnus 31:1, p.1
Mezzanine floor dormitory being built in O. R. Latham Stadium to accommodate overflow of students; will house 160 men.
284 Move in, vets are told
Alumnus 31:1, p.1
Forty-five veterans and their families move into Sunset Village on November 4; eighty-four more families await arrival of construction materials to complete more units.
285 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:13, p.3
Discusses living costs for vets, student of the week Bill Eells, and purpose of the Campus Commentary.
286 Social setup has changed on campus; good reason
College Eye 38:13, p.6
Lengthy look at the social situation on the post-war campus; some complain that veterans do not participate in the traditional social aspects of college life; plans to build movie theater on College Hill.
287 Quon Vets earn compliment for "it-can-be-done" campaign
College Eye 38:13, p.2
Applauds efforts of veterans to speed completion of Sunset Village units.
288 Announcement
College Eye 38:12, p.6
Procedures for veterans who drop classes.
289 Quon Vets obtain aims by organizing group
College Eye 38:12, p.2
Objective is to speed up procurement of supplies necessary to complete Sunset Village units.
290 Classroom attitudes of students need to be given thorough cleaning
College Eye 38:12, p.2
Considers changes in classroom behavior and possible relationship to older students returning to college.
291 Amended enrollments received for veterans
College Eye 38:12, p.1
Veterans benefits discrepancy should be corrected in future.
292 Stop and think-- it's Thanksgiving
College Eye 38:11, p.2
Asks for thankfulness year around.
293 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:9, p.3
Discusses the cheerleaders, the Harris concert, the cover of the Old Gold, and the veterans guidance centers; photo.
294 Extra Extra; first Quonset huts finally completed; vets and families rejoice and move in
College Eye 38:9, p.1
Seven units completed for veterans and their families; description of facilities; will rent for $39 furnished and $33 unfurnished.
295 Veterans urged to use guidance center
College Eye 38:8, p.5
296 Rumors concerning vets made clear
College Eye 38:8, p.2
Rumor is that veterans will be dropped if they fail a course; Registrar Beard says that this is not true; same rules apply to veterans as apply to other students.
297 Veterans encouraged to use guidance center
College Eye 38:6, p.2
298 Enrollment exceeds 2400; man, woman ratio nearly even this fall
College Eye 38:2, p.1
About one thousand students are veterans of military service.
299 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:1, p.2
Comments on the beginning of the school year and housing conditions of some students.
300 Educators predict girls to face college crisis
College Eye 37:43, p.3
Possible that returning veterans may take their places.