
Displaying 301 - 350 of 407 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Veterans assisted by guidance center
College Eye 37:42, p.1
Description of services.
302 Sunset Village
Public Relations News Release 1946:251, p.1
James Loomer's suggestion of "Sunset Village" won the naming contest, sponsored by the College Eye. Loomer is a veteran of five years of military service. When finished, 144 families will live in Sunset Village.
303 College Eye contest winner names
Public Relations News Release 1946:252, p.1
James Loomer submitted the winning entry, "Sunset Village", for the new married student housing units. When completed the units will house 144 families.
304 Married students organize
Alumnus 30:3, p.1
Students' wives group hears advice from faculty; Couples' Club organizes.
305 Commencement is colorful this year
Alumnus 30:3, p.9
170 students received diplomas or degrees in first full-dress ceremony since war; Joseph J. Sittler delivers address; students honored with awards; ten veterans included among graduates.
306 Home on wheels solves GI housing crisis
Alumnus 30:3, p.6
Rapid increase in enrollment leads students to seek many different kinds of housing; canvass town for spare rooms; college acquires Quonset huts to house married students; photo.
307 Enrollment increases 72%
Alumnus 30:3, p.1
Summer session enrollment was 1459, including 549 men; 85% of men were veterans; branch schools enrollment up 50%.
308 Ellis announces Quonset applications accepted
College Eye 37:34, p.4
Preference given to veterans with families; hope to complete some units this summer.
309 Students canvass for rooms; Keel, Ney head group in survey
College Eye 37:34, p.1
About two hundred students will make house-to-house inquiries seeking accommodations for surging enrollment.
310 Veteran Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.68
A photo of a veteran reading to a child; photo.
311 Veterans
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
The return of WWII veterans to campus.
312 Foreword
Old Gold 0:0, p.4
A new year brings back veterans and all students to the doors of ISTC; photo.
313 Dedication
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
The Old Gold staff dedicates the yearbook to veterans; picture.
314 Veterans at Work
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
Photos of the returned veterans working; photo.
315 Veterans Guidance Center
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
The ISTC host one of the five Veterans' Guidance Center to assist veterans and there return to civilian life; photo.
316 Finish first Quonset-huts by July; plan total of 111
College Eye 37:33, p.1
Applications being accepted; families in difficult circumstances will be given priority.
317 Teachers College granted addition veteran's houses
College Eye 37:31, p.4
Federal Public Housing Authority makes grant bringing total of units to 111; will be erected south of campus; description of the units.
318 Class cards are money savers for vets in G. I. Bill
College Eye 37:31, p.2
Student writes about the benefits that veterans have under the G. I. Bill.
319 Eighteen Quonset huts will be set up here
College Eye 37:30, p.1
Will be shipped from Oregon; assembly work may begin May 26; each unit will house two families.
320 Veterans' opinions on college work viewed after war
College Eye 37:28, p.2
Men and women veterans were asked how their views on education differ now compared to before going into the service.
321 Students to aid Dike farmer
Public Relations News Release 1946:113, p.1
Twenty men from ISTC will pick corn by hand for Jim Peterson. Wind has blown down the corn. The men appreciate Peterson allowing them to visit his farm for their ag classes.
322 Veterans and wives form 'Couplers Club'
College Eye 37:27, p.1
Married couples get together for fun at Women's Gym; decide to form organization.
323 Enrollment continues upward trend
Alumnus 30:2, p.1
Spring term enrollment is 1497, of whom 555 are men; 447 are veterans; 46 students completed special six week session for veterans.
324 Problems, pensions handled at Veteran's Guidance Center
College Eye 37:26, p.6
A look at the work of the Center; photo.
325 Veteran cites new reasons for educational enthusiasm
College Eye 37:25, p.2
Veterans have found that there is a great wealth of knowledge in pursuing a higher education.
326 Commons turns center for social life and activity
College Eye 37:25, p.3
Students enjoy Commons over noon hour for bridge, dancing, and talk.
327 Wife echoes vet's housing plea third year in a row
College Eye 37:24, p.6
Willis and Kae Colville talk about the difficulties in locating housing; photo.
328 Housing for veterans
Public Relations News Release 1946:65, p.1
Veterans had difficulty finding housing following the end of World War II. The challenges facing a young couple are examined.
329 Cutlines from Colville photos
Public Relations News Release 1946:66, p.1
Continuing story of the Coville family looking for housing.
330 Returned veteran Elvin J. Goodvin solves current housing shortage
College Eye 37:23, p.6
Buys trailer for family; ISCT allows him to park it on college property; has heat, but no running water.
331 Spring enrollment upped to 1493; new 1.6 to 1 ratio
College Eye 37:23, p.1
Numbers of men increasing; more than half of them are veterans.
332 Housing problem solved by veteran
Public Relations News Release 1946:60, p.1
The College can not provide trailer houses for students, but will provide space for personnally owned trailers. Elvin Goodvin was the first to take advantage of this opportunity.
333 Apartment hunting is stressful for returning veterans
Public Relations News Release 1946:47, p.1
Returning to college life under the GI Bill has difficult, especially finding a place to live. Apartment demand exceeds supply. Veterans are happy to be home and living in one room with kitchen privileges is ok.
334 Cutline for Cedar Falls Daily Record story on housing and veterans.
Public Relations News Release 1946:48, p.1
Landlady has to turn down a veteran and his wife because their home is not completed. They are remodeling and planning on renting to those returning to college following World War II.
335 Veterans return verbal slap as they uphold men students
College Eye 37:21, p.2
Student comments on an editorial in the last College Eye; believes that the student was wrong to accuse all men of these actions.
336 Male species slapped-hard!
College Eye 37:20, p.2
Angry student comments on the attitude of the men on TC campus after returning from war.
337 Issue spring term changes in planned class schedules
College Eye 37:20, p.2
338 Vets plan temporary housing relief
College Eye 37:18, p.1
College officials meet with Cedar Falls groups; discussion leads to limited possibilities to help veterans find housing.
339 Forty six students register for six week session for veterans
Public Relations News Release 1946:12, p.1
Special session organized for veterans released prior to the start of winter quarter. Two are women. Sixteen are married.
340 Special short term begins; extra term for veterans has started
College Eye 37:17, p.1
For veterans who were discharged to start at the beginning of the winter quarter; description of courses.
341 Pan-Vet committee probes housing crisis
College Eye 37:17, p.1
Will look at situation and college plans to handle it.
342 Special session to start soon for servicemen
College Eye 37:15, p.6
Special six-week winter quarter set up for returning veterans.
343 Veterans return to alma mater
Alumnus 30:1, p.3
Experiences of veterans returning to college; vets organize group as Pan-Vets (Panther Veterans) to deal with readjustments and to promote their interests.
344 Special six-week session for veterans
Alumnus 30:1, p.6
Courses selected to meet veterans' needs.
345 More men enroll for winter quarter
Alumnus 30:1, p.2
Winter term enrollment is 1261, including 297 men; 170 of the men are veterans; sixty-five of the men are married.
346 Special six week winter quarter
Public Relations News Release 1945:312, p.1
Special session has courses especially suited for returning servicemen. One hundred more veterans are expected to join the currently enrolled one hundred seventy one.
347 Enrollments to show ratio of 3 to 1
College Eye 37:12, p.1
150 veterans enroll.
348 "Pan-Vets" new veteran group state purposes
College Eye 37:6, p.1
Panther Veterans adopt constitution; outline goals.
349 Veterans meet Monday
College Eye 37:5, p.1
Will ratify constitution and outline plans.
350 Enrollment increases 41%
Alumnus 29:4, p.30
1228 students registered for Fall 1945, including 202 men; 866 students, including 81 men, registered in Fall 1944; 58 of the Fall 1945 men are veterans.