Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 268 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Panther Portrait: Woman crush Wednesday at the UNI Museum
Northern Iowan 119:44, p.5
Five photos that came from various social media posts from the UNI Museum for their Women crush Wednesday series celebrating Women's History Month; photo.
2 Woman crush Wednesday at the UNI Museum
Northern Iowan 119:44, p.4
The UNI Museum located in Rod Library is posting historical photos on "Women Crush Wednesday" to celebrate important women throughout UNI's history for Women's History Month; photo.
3 Ghastly creatures haunting UNI
Northern Iowan 118:32, p.5
Reprinted from the October 31, 2003 edition of the paper, the article discusses the ghosts of UNI.
4 They made WAVES in the military 50 years ago
Public Relations News Release 1992:251, p.1
Kevin Born reminds us that the first group of women arrived for military training at Iowa State Teachers College 50 years ago.
5 50 years ago--making WAVES at ISTC
Campus News Network 3:8, p.1
Brief outline of WAVES activities on campus.
6 Kampus and Khaki
Alumnus 65:2, p.14
Brief history of military presence on campus during World War II; Betty Brimm remembers social and recreational scene during war; photo.
7 George Holmes reminisces
Alumnus 56:3, p.7
Mr. Holmes recalls the UNI presidents with whom he has worked and the various challenges that UNI has faced; photo.
8 Those exciting days of the past
Alumnus 52:2, p.6
Memories for returning classes; photo.
9 After four decades as presidential secretary, Miss Jessie Juhl retires
College Eye 60:55, p.1

Jessie Juhl reflects on her service at UNI.

10 SCI war years president retires
Alumnus 48:3, p.10

Dr. Price offers extensive comments on his presidency during the war and post-war years; photo.

11 WAVE officer will talk here
College Eye 43:20, p.8
12 Limited openings exist in WAVES, Navy says
College Eye 42:3, p.3
13 WAVES once were billeted in halls while TC acted as a training center
College Eye 41:37, p.5
Brief history of the WAVES on campus.
14 Last three students in Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.136

Three students everyone should know. Brief biographies; photo.

15 Well done, says Navy
Alumnus 30:3, p.18
Government sends college certificate of thanks for hosting WAVES.
16 U. S. S. Bartlett lowers flag
Alumnus 29:3, p.14
Flag lowered for de-commissioning ceremony on April 28, 1945; photo.
17 Reconversion the order of the day in Bartlett Hall
College Eye 36:36, p.1
A look at the changes in Bartlett Hall following the departure of the WAVES; photo.
18 Dad Aldrich boasts 20 years service and best popcorn in the state
College Eye 36:35, p.3
Dad Aldrich talks about his popcorn stand business.
19 Uniforms gone; girls live in Bartlett
College Eye 36:34, p.3
WAVES gone; Lawther Hall undergoing redecoration.
20 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.16
The administration process is further complicated by the presence of the WAVES women's military group; photo.
21 WAVES lower flag as finale
College Eye 36:31, p.3
Captain McAfee recounts history of WAVES; flag lowered after final graduation ceremony; photo.
22 Captain McAfee to address Navy graduation
College Eye 36:30, p.1
Will inspect WAVES and speak at last graduation.
23 Anchors Aweigh
College Eye 36:30, p.1
President Price wishes the WAVES a bon voyage.
24 We say farewell to Navy friends
College Eye 36:29, p.2
WAVES will be leaving shortly.
25 WAVES station to close; Navy vacates Bartlett Hall on April 30
College Eye 36:29, p.1
Over 12,000 WAVES have gone through training on campus; Mildred McAfee will speak at final graduation; photo.
26 A Salute to the WAVES
College Eye 36:29, p.6
Merchants thank the WAVES for their service; photo.
27 Student criticizes disrespect of flag
College Eye 36:29, p.2
Asks students to show a greater respect during the morning flag ceremony.
28 Bartlett back in civies
Alumnus 29:2, p.
Bartlett Hall returned to civilian use; photo.
29 WAVE station closes April 30
Alumnus 29:2, p.3
Brief history of station; facilities will revert to college use; photo.
30 WAVES' Bart Hall wags nightly
College Eye 36:23, p.4
Dogs appears regularly for taps.
31 Coeds 'emancipate' WAVES at pajama party
College Eye 36:20, p.3
Women get better acquainted.
32 Marvel teaches men to shoot
Alumnus 29:1, p.7
WAVE Marvel Purvis teaches gunnery.
33 The Line
College Eye 36:15, p.4
Campus news and gossip.
34 WAVE finds new idol in her first snowman
College Eye 36:14, p.3
A WAVE makes a snowman.
35 Yeomen school to be discontinued
College Eye 36:14, p.1
Will close April 30, 1945; Bartlett Hall will be prepared for students again.
36 Price addresses WAVES
College Eye 36:14, p.4
Reviews history of WAVES on campus.
37 Bailey addresses WAVE graduates
College Eye 36:11, p.1
Excerpts from remarks by Captain C. A. Bailey.
38 Waves, students exchange thanks
College Eye 36:9, p.2
For pajama party in Commons.
39 The Line
College Eye 36:9, p.6
Campus news and gossip.
40 Musical WAVES form drum and bugle corps
College Eye 36:9, p.6
41 Wave student party planned
College Eye 36:6, p.3
42 Waves permitted to go overseas
College Eye 36:5, p.3
43 Students reclaim dormitories as Air Corps closes campus unit
Alumnus 28:4, p.16
Men students are back in Baker Hall; women students still in Lawther Hall and back in Seerley Hall; Bartlett Hall still used by WAVES; photo.
44 $10,000 in war bonds and stamps
Alumnus 28:4, p.2
Five thousand attend bond show at Stadium on July 4; purchase $10,000 in bonds and stamps; WAVES buy $17,000 in bonds and stamps.
45 Wave personalities in review; swimmer, ex-spar, 'E' winner on campus
College Eye 36:4, p.4
Discusses some of the WAVES on campus.
46 Pollard praises WAVE graduates
College Eye 36:3, p.1
Commander L. K. Pollard addresses graduating WAVES class.
47 Letter to the editor
College Eye 36:3, p.2
Advocates the organization of competitive athletic events between the students and the WAVES.
48 Wave Welcome
College Eye 36:2, p.2
WAVES welcome back the students to campus.
49 WAVES visit Lawther
College Eye 35:42, p.3
For open house.
50 Radio programs note WAVES anniversary
College Eye 35:40, p.4
Four programs will mark WAVES second anniversary.