Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 268 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Iowa leads country in number of WAVE recruits per population
College Eye 35:17, p.5
102 New instructor on Board of Women's Naval reserve
College Eye 35:17, p.5
Florence Shields joins staff.
103 Tuberculosis seal sale satisfactory
College Eye 35:16, p.3
Total receipts were $180.
104 Lt. Forsman addresses WAVES at graduation ceremony January 10
College Eye 35:16, p.6
105 Joe, Julie to typify Navy manner Romeo, Juliet in marriage play
College Eye 35:15, p.4
WAVES will put on play.
106 Radio show tells of Waves' future
College Eye 35:15, p.3
107 Waves acquire baby quintuplets
College Eye 35:15, p.1
Have dog and five puppies.
108 Dial Dope
College Eye 35:15, p.4
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
109 C. J. Hearst marries WAVE
Alumnus 28:1, p.8
Charles J. Hearst marries Gladys Henderson.
110 WAVES, cadets are dance guests
Alumnus 28:1, p.9
All school dance includes invited WAVES and cadets, though formal dress is dropped.
111 Salute to the girl in Navy
College Eye 35:14, p.3
112 Waves celebrate one year mark at T. C.; 'Iowave' special edition honors anniversary date
College Eye 35:14, p.3
Special issue of the IOWAVE commemorates first anniversary; photo.
113 Christmas activities reach new high
College Eye 35:14, p.1
Will include tree lighting ceremony, caroling, and dance.
114 Navy buys Pearl Harbor bonds
College Eye 35:13, p.6
WAVES pledge to buy almost $15,000 in bonds.
115 Waves present Christmas show
College Eye 35:13, p.6
WAVES present a seaman's dream.
116 Dial Dope
College Eye 35:13, p.4
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
117 Students to carol for Army, Navy dinner line
College Eye 35:13, p.3
118 Navy school marks first anniversary with radio program, graduation
College Eye 35:13, p.1
Mr. Holmes will interview officers and WAVES.
119 Rev. Kettelle to speak at college chapel Sunday
College Eye 35:13, p.1
WAVES chaplain John D. Kettelle will speak; photo.
120 Waves on the campus drive victory bond sale near 100% mark
College Eye 35:12, p.3
121 Waves say 'thanks, Miss Campbell for old- fashioned Thanksgiving dinner'
College Eye 35:12, p.2
WAVES show appreciation for the Thanksgiving dinner.
122 Lt. Wiley views Navy training base
College Eye 35:12, p.1
123 Dr. Gerald Knoff conducts Sunday service for Waves
College Eye 35:11, p.5
Die to absence of chaplain.
124 Waves at Teachers College learn properties of tear gas
College Eye 35:11, p.5
WAVES go through gas mask drill.
125 Untitled
College Eye 35:11, p.5
WAVES improve typing skills in yeoman school on campus; photo.
126 Captain Freeman addresses Waves at graduation program
College Eye 35:11, p.1
Profile of Captain Freeman; photo.
127 Armistice Day observed; Charles Logan gave address at invocation
College Eye 35:10, p.1
Description of the ceremony.
128 Dial Dope
College Eye 35:9, p.5
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
129 Navy celebrates its "national holiday"
College Eye 35:8, p.1
WAVES hold review.
130 Women's Reserve hears hero tell war experiences
College Eye 35:7, p.5
Lieutenant John Walsh speaks about his military service.
131 Admiral Taylor visits Waves; navy officer speaks to graduates
College Eye 35:7, p.1
Rear Admiral Henry C. Taylor will speak; photo.
132 Clyde Rayburn presents his spot light band to honor naval school
College Eye 35:7, p.5
133 Wave's broadcast at station KXEL
College Eye 35:6, p.5
WAVES present short monthly program.
134 'From Memphis to St. Paul' come U. S. Navy Waves
College Eye 35:6, p.5
135 "Good Ship Bartlett" hostess to coeds
College Eye 35:6, p.1
WAVES show women what they have done to Bartlett Hall.
136 Waves hit the deck at odd hours when fire drill is called
College Eye 35:5, p.5
WAVES have regular fire drills.
137 Waves, Army awed by squash, corn on cob, in Commons cafeteria
College Eye 35:5, p.5
138 Waves present play on Sunday
College Eye 35:5, p.5
Will present series of skits.
139 Inter-squadron basketball game give A. A. F. thrills
College Eye 35:4, p.6
Results of AAF basketball game and WAVES softball game.
140 'Citadel of Democracy' to be off press soon
College Eye 35:4, p.6
Will be distributed to military units on campus.
141 National physical fitness program keeps gym buzzing
College Eye 35:4, p.5
Professor Wild notes at length the extensive program of physical activities going on.
142 Waves have courses in aerology, ordinance, mailing and aviation
College Eye 35:4, p.6
Description of some of the courses that WAVES take.
143 Lt. Fetridge gives pointers to Waves' graduating class
College Eye 35:3, p.1
Excerpts from address.
144 Waves help in bond drive, recruiting
College Eye 35:3, p.2
145 Outgoing Waves give 'intermission please'
College Eye 35:3, p.4
Put on variety show.
146 New chaplain named for local navy Waves
College Eye 35:2, p.4
Lt. J. D. Kettell replaces Lt. Walter Lake.
147 Board of Education, state school heads review Army, Navy, at meeting Tuesday
College Eye 35:2, p.1
Inspect military units on campus.
148 'Iowave' becomes daily newspaper for navy at T. C.
College Eye 35:2, p.4
Will be in addition to the monthly Iowave magazine.
149 Waves graduation will be Monday
College Eye 35:2, p.4
Sixth yeoman class will graduate.
150 Sounds of marching feet will soon be familiar to freshmen
College Eye 35:1, p.1
A look at the differences in a war-time campus; one big difference is the presence of the WAVES.