Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)

Displaying 251 - 268 of 268 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Dial Dope 1540
College Eye 34:12, p.2
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
252 1,000 WAVES arrive on campus; class work commenced immediately
College Eye 34:12, p.1
Description of WAVES uniforms and classes; photo.
253 First taste of campus life at teachers
College Eye 34:12, p.1
Four WAVES give first impressions of Iowa; photo.
254 Sleeve insignias reveal Navy officers' rank
College Eye 34:12, p.1
A look at naval insignia.
255 Bartlett changes to house WAVES
College Eye 34:11, p.1
Hall is cleared out for WAVES; photo.
256 Medical supervisor of WAVES sees action in major battles
College Eye 34:10, p.1
Chief Pharmacist's Mate H. W. Brown talks about his service in the Navy.
257 Two navy officers prepare sick bay for WAVES group
College Eye 34:9, p.2
Preparing sick bay on ground floor of east wing of Bartlett Hall; ship's company of 50 lower enlisted men will be stationed on campus.
258 Vacation will extend from Nov. 24-Dec. 8
College Eye 34:9, p.1
Break between fall and winter terms will allow time for installation of new equipment for military personnel.
259 Fall quarter ends on November 24
College Eye 34:9, p.2
Students must move all their belongings to their new living quarters on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.
260 Get hep to Navy lingo, you may need it soon
College Eye 34:8, p.1
A look at Navy slang.
261 Dial Dope 1540
College Eye 34:8, p.3
Announces upcoming broadcasts.
262 Exhibit solves crowded room problem
College Eye 34:8, p.3
Exhibits will show women how to make the best of the situation when they must live four to a room in Lawther Hall.
263 Food buying presents problems at college cafeteria
College Eye 34:6, p.1
Vivian Barkhurst talks about the difficulty in obtaining food for campus.
264 Bartlett Hall to house WAVES; will extend vacation says President Price
College Eye 34:6, p.1
President Price announces changes in campus housing arrangements; Thanksgiving vacation will be extended.
265 Success of WAVE training depends on student attitude
College Eye 34:6, p.2
Comments on the speech of President Price concerning the WAVES on campus.
266 Navy officers inspect campus; decisions on housing are not yet made
College Eye 34:5, p.1
Considering plans for various training programs; photo.
267 Students voice opinions concerning coming of WAVES
College Eye 34:5, p.4
268 WAVES will come in December; large unit, 1,000 strong, will invade Teachers College
College Eye 34:4, p.1
President Price and Navy officials confer; description of proposed training; Mildred McAfee appointed commanding officer; photo.