Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES)
Displaying 201 - 250 of 268 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
201 | WAVES purchasing many bonds, stamp College Eye 34:30, p.3 |
202 | Tutor graduate returns to teach present yeoman group College Eye 34:29, p.4 |
Naomi Boslough talks about her experience in the WAVES. | |
203 | Commander Pettee will head Waves College Eye 34:29, p.1 |
Captain Davis will leave for active duty. | |
204 | Waves will hear USO comedy show College Eye 34:28, p.1 |
"Breezing Along" will come to campus. | |
205 | Double graduation for Waves tonight College Eye 34:28, p.4 |
First class of yeomen and latest indoctrination class will graduate. | |
206 | Waves initiated to rigorous schedule in yeoman training College Eye 34:27, p.1 |
A look at some of the topics covered in WAVES training. | |
207 | Waves pull 'boners' while discovering Navy traditions College Eye 34:27, p.3 |
Fourth contingent of WAVES learns some things the hard way. | |
208 | Pettee represents Navy at 'E' award College Eye 34:26, p.1 |
At Fisher Manufacturing in Charles City. | |
209 | Fourth Waves group begins final indoctrination training College Eye 34:26, p.1 |
1000 women arrive for final indoctrination training group; further groups will take yeoman training. | |
210 | Downes well pleased with local Navy training setup College Eye 34:25, p.1 |
Excerpts from address by Rear Admiral John Downes. | |
211 | Waves talent show plays packed house College Eye 34:24, p.1 |
Quick review of the show. | |
212 | Waves will hear Admiral Downes; Great Lakes Chief will review grads College Eye 34:24, p.1 |
Profile of Rear Admiral John Downes; photo. | |
213 | Air Corps soldiers march on campus Alumnus 27:2, p.9 |
Four hundred aviation cadets on campus for five months of training; students and military shuffle dorm arrangements again; outline of training program. | |
214 | Hundred Waves in musical show for Air Corps students College Eye 34:23, p.1 |
Preview of "Scuttlebutt Scandals". | |
215 | Naval training station will begin yeoman courses soon College Eye 34:22, p.1 |
Beginning April 9, WAVES will receive training in office work. | |
216 | Appearing in USO show for Waves College Eye 34:22, p.3 |
Preview of "Keep Shufflin'" group that will appear here; photo. | |
217 | First Post Office is established on campus College Eye 34:20, p.3 |
Thomas F. Saunders, Capt. Ransom K. Davis, George M. Henzel, and Margery M. Longbottom converse in the first Post Office to be established on the TC campus; photo. | |
218 | Navy 'slanguage' strange tongue to us collegians College Eye 34:20, p.5 |
Quick look at navy slang. | |
219 | Waves' day is filled with typical duties of seaman College Eye 34:20, p.1 |
A day in the life of a WAVE. | |
220 | New Waves group begins six weeks of basic training College Eye 34:20, p.1 |
Third contingent of WAVES will arrive soon; SPARS will not be part of group. | |
221 | Waves contingent graduates tonight College Eye 34:19, p.1 |
Second contingent graduates after shortened four-week session. | |
222 | President's talk dispels rumors; college wartime objectives restated--aid war effort, continue to train teachers College Eye 34:18, p.1 |
President Price says that the college will continue to help in the war effort, but that it will also continue to train teaches; photo. | |
223 | Poopdeck Parade tomorrow night College Eye 34:18, p.1 |
WAVES will present variety show. | |
224 | Broadway actors give play for Waves College Eye 34:18, p.1 |
USO show on campus. | |
225 | Waves will see U.S.O. comedy here on Saturday College Eye 34:17, p.1 |
226 | Head Waves officer is pleased with school here College Eye 34:17, p.1 |
Lieutenant Commander McAfee visits WAVES facilities; photo. | |
227 | Here's the 'how and where' to become a Wave College Eye 34:17, p.1 |
Naval recruiting office will be open in Waterloo. | |
228 | Chaplain of Waves, Rev. Knoff trade pulpits Sunday A.M. College Eye 34:17, p.1 |
229 | Spars, Waves like food service at cafeteria College Eye 34:17, p.1 |
230 | Waves get 'shot' after coming to training station College Eye 34:16, p.3 |
WAVES tell stories of their trip to Cedar Falls. | |
231 | Spars at party College Eye 34:16, p.1 |
Millicent Jakovich and Eleanore Houfek were among the guests at the Student-Navy party; photo. | |
232 | Lieut. McAfee, highest Wave officer, visits campus today College Eye 34:16, p.1 |
Will conduct one-day inspection tour. | |
233 | Cedar Falls girl among new Spar recruits College Eye 34:16, p.3 |
Doris Turner Beck returns for training. | |
234 | Brrrrr--inspection in cold weather College Eye 34:15, p.3 |
The WAVES stand at attention as Ransom K. Davis leads the inspection; photo. | |
235 | Students, Waves, sailors have party Saturday College Eye 34:15, p.3 |
To welcome second group of WAVES. | |
236 | New Waves group comes this week College Eye 34:15, p.1 |
Second contingent should be complete soon. | |
237 | Around the campus College Eye 34:14, p.1 |
Brief news reports. | |
238 | WAVES Going Away Present Public Relations News Release 1943:10, p.1 |
The picture that was presented to the WAVES has been hung in Bartlett Hall's green living room. |
239 | Waves clown in 'Poopdeck Parade' College Eye 34:14, p.1 |
The WAVES staged the "Poopdeck Parade," and set up dummies of their physical fitness instructors; photo. | |
240 | Waves end indoctrination with graduation tonight College Eye 34:14, p.1 |
Description of the ceremony for the first contingent of WAVES. | |
241 | Let's talk it over with the editor College Eye 34:14, p.2 |
Comments on the WAVES' production, "Poopdeck Parade," and the Old Gold Beauty dance, and tells readers that gossip columns are not news. | |
242 | Around the campus . . . . College Eye 34:13, p.1 |
243 | 'Poopdeck parade' staged by hundred WAVES College Eye 34:13, p.1 |
WAVES put on variety show. | |
244 | WAVES get uniforms College Eye 34:13, p.1 |
First class of 1036 WAVES will have uniforms; will leave on January 18 and be replaced by another group on January 22. | |
245 | 'Waves on the Air' broadcast weekly starting Monday College Eye 34:13, p.1 |
Will present thirty minute programs. | |
246 | Navy officers talk to F.B.L.A. Wednesday College Eye 34:13, p.3 |
247 | Students bunk four in a room Alumnus 27:1, p.16 |
With WAVES in Bartlett Hall, students are crowded into other facilities; women now use Seerley Hall for Men; photo. | |
248 | Naval Training School Alumnus 27:1, p. |
A WAVE salutes; photo. | |
249 | Pharmacist Mate Brown remembers the Solomons Alumnus 27:1, p.13 |
Navy veteran of Solomon Islands action serves in WAVES sick bay in Bartlett Hall; photo. | |
250 | Teachers College makes way for WAVES Alumnus 27:1, p.1 |
WAVES basic training school opens December 15, 1942; over one thousand trainees will be on campus; description of training and daily activities; photo. |