Aristotelian Literary Society
Displaying 101 - 150 of 702 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.243 |
Members of Shakespearean and Aristotelian Societies; photo. | |
102 | T. C. society College Eye 15:1, p.5 |
News and events of campus organizations. | |
103 | May festival grand success; forty floats and novelties make brilliant showing College Eye 14:46, p.1 |
Description of activities, including parade. | |
104 | Shake-Aristo reunion College Eye 14:36, p.7 |
Welcome old members. | |
105 | Philo forfeits debate College Eye 14:32, p.1 |
Unable to bring a full team. | |
106 | Philo-Aristo debate College Eye 14:31, p.8 |
Missing member on Philo team may cause forfeit. | |
107 | To whom it may concern College Eye 14:30, p.4 |
Comments on the loss and mysterious return of the Shakespearean owl. | |
108 | Philo-Aristo debate College Eye 14:30, p.1 |
To be held again this year. | |
109 | After the contest Thursday night College Eye 14:30, p.4 |
Lee Campbell is happy to have the Mead Trophy back in Aristo Hall. | |
110 | To Philo-Alpha College Eye 14:29, p.1 |
Criticizes Philos and Alphas for stealing the Shake owl. | |
111 | Now that the Girls' Intersociety Debate College Eye 14:24, p.8 |
Plans to begin for Aristo-Philo debate. | |
112 | Men's inter-society debate College Eye 14:19, p.6 |
Rules for the competition. | |
113 | Aristos College Eye 14:19, p.8 |
Held regular meeting. |
114 | The Shake-Aristo initiation College Eye 14:18, p.8 |
Held at the Pines. | |
115 | Aristos College Eye 14:14, p.5 |
Met recently; roster of officers. | |
116 | ISTC Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Photos of members; photo. | |
117 | Aristo society Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Motto, colors, flower, officers, members. | |
118 | Aristos College Eye 14:12, p.3 |
Held program; roster of officers. | |
119 | Aristo Society items College Eye 13:33, p.8 |
Enjoyed recent program. | |
120 | Aristo debate College Eye 13:31, p.3 |
Debate Philippine independence with Philos. | |
121 | Aristo news College Eye 13:31, p.3 |
Holds joint meeting with Shakes. | |
122 | Aristos clashed with Philos in forensic contest College Eye 13:31, p.1 |
Description of the debate. | |
123 | Philos to battle with Aristos College Eye 13:29, p.2 |
In forensics contests. | |
124 | Aristo meeting College Eye 13:29, p.8 |
Outline of purposes and programs. | |
125 | Aristo program College Eye 13:28, p.6 |
Program schedule. | |
126 | Helsley heads Aristos College Eye 13:27, p.1 |
Roster of officers. | |
127 | Shake-Aristo societies enjoy joint meeting College Eye 13:22, p.1 |
128 | Shake-Aristo Societies enjoy joint meeting College Eye 13:22, p.7 |
Enjoy presentations by Francis Eighmey and others. | |
129 | Aristos hold first meeting of the new year College Eye 13:18, p.2 |
Tell how they spent their Christmas vacation. | |
130 | Shake-Aristo initiation College Eye 13:11, p.2 |
Enjoyed dancing and games. | |
131 | Old Aristos College Eye 13:9, p.11 |
Welcomes back old members for Homecoming. | |
132 | Aristos College Eye 13:5, p.5 |
Shakespeareans join them for meeting. | |
133 | Aristos College Eye 13:4, p.5 |
Held meeting; planned for rush; elected officers. | |
134 | Aristos College Eye 13:2, p.8 |
Will organize soon. | |
135 | Shakespeareans Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Roster of members for the Shakespeareans and the Aristotelians; brief overview of the year; photo. | |
136 | Shake-Aristo joint meeting College Eye 12:32, p.6 |
Enjoyed food and program. | |
137 | Aristos win game from Philos; first baseball game of season draws big crowd College Eye 12:29, p.1 |
Won game, 15-13. | |
138 | Aristo College Eye 12:27, p.6 |
Officers installed. | |
139 | Aristo College Eye 12:22, p.6 |
Program notes. | |
140 | Aristo-Shake College Eye 12:21, p.2 |
Held joint literary program. | |
141 | Aristo society gives interesting program College Eye 12:18, p.7 |
Group hears lectures, readings, and debate. | |
142 | Shake-Aristo College Eye 12:9, p.3 |
Shakespeareans initiated thirty members. | |
143 | Aristos destroy old note College Eye 12:6, p.3 |
Have paid off longstanding debt. | |
144 | Shake-Aristo have dance College Eye 12:6, p.8 |
Was a great success. | |
145 | Aristos hold meeting College Eye 12:4, p.6 |
Officers elected. | |
146 | Aristotelian College Eye 12:2, p.6 |
History and overview of literary society. | |
147 | Shake-Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Membership and presidents of the Shakespeare Literary Society and Aristotelian Literary Society. Class and candid photos, poems, songs, and chants; photo. | |
148 | Postponed College Eye 11:32, p.7 |
Play "Touchdown" will be given at a later date. | |
149 | "Touchdown" to be given May 18th College Eye 11:31, p.2 |
Three act comedy will be performed by the Shakespearean and Aristotelian Literary Societies. | |
150 | Shake-Aristo program given College Eye 11:31, p.1 |
Review of program given. |