Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2651 - 2700 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2651 Business teachers conference today
College Eye 52:4, p.1
Beginning business teachers conference held since 1954.
2652 Untitled
College Eye 52:4, p.3
Photographer George Yates speaks to students and professors at the Iowa Editors Conference; photo.
2653 Relate editorials to readers' needs says Sanderson
College Eye 52:4, p.3
Arthur Sanderson speaks to college newspaper staffs.
2654 Knickerbocker featured at English conference
College Eye 52:3, p.3
Kenneth L. Knickerbocker will speak.
2655 Iowa editors convene
College Eye 52:3, p.1
Will host meeting of college newspaper staffs.
2656 Principals gather on campus for junior high conference
College Eye 52:3, p.1
Program highlights.
2657 Iowa editors to convene at ISTC
College Eye 52:2, p.2
Will host college publication staffs.
2658 Montagu to open education meeting
College Eye 52:2, p.1
Ashley Montagu will address elementary education conference.
2659 Montagu to speak here
College Eye 52:1, p.1
Ashley Montagu will speak at Elementary Education Conference.
2660 Montagu conference speaker
College Eye 51:38, p.1
Ashley Montagu will speak; photo.
2661 Air workshop to hold open house today
College Eye 51:38, p.1
Will demonstrate teaching material.
2662 High school music inferior because of public: Sandberg
College Eye 51:37, p.3
William Sandberg offers views on quality of band music.
2663 Gifted difficult for teacher
College Eye 51:36, p.1
Excerpts from remarks of Philip Jackson at PR workshop; photo.
2664 2-day summer music program will feature guest educators
College Eye 51:36, p.1
2665 Problems involved in reorganization workshop topic
College Eye 51:36, p.1
W. D. Asfahl will speak.
2666 Workshop draws 100 students from Iowa schools
College Eye 51:36, p.1
For student council workshop.
2667 'Creativity' PR workshop theme
College Eye 51:35, p.1
Program for the workshop.
2668 Workshop for school leaders scheduled to begin Tuesday
College Eye 51:34, p.1
2669 Music reveals nation's pulse
College Eye 51:34, p.2
E. Thayer Gaston talks about music therapy.
2670 Industry sponsors math, science workshops
College Eye 51:34, p.3
For junior high school students.
2671 Workshop held this summer on aerospace education
College Eye 51:33, p.3
Description of the workshop.
2672 'Music in Therapy' topic for Music Dept. workshop
College Eye 51:33, p.3
E. Thayer Gaston will speak.
2673 Students examine curricula
College Eye 51:33, p.1
Highlights of Professor Anderzhon's geography workshop.
2674 Yearly jr. high seminar this summer
College Eye 51:31, p.1
Professors Nielsen and Potter will direct the seminar for junior high school math and science students.
2675 Elementary leaders to hold workshop
College Eye 51:31, p.1
2676 Home Ec Dept. sponsors third summer workshop
College Eye 51:31, p.2
2677 English courses at Price Lab School
College Eye 51:31, p.2
For gifted students.
2678 Curriculum workshop at ISTC this summer
College Eye 51:30, p.4
On geography curriculum.
2679 Over 1,000 to take part in drama conference
College Eye 51:30, p.1
Program highlights.
2680 Textbook authors to visit ISTC
College Eye 51:29, p.2
D. D. Lessenberry, Mary M. Brady, and Howard L. Newhouse will present workshops on typing and business practices.
2681 Air Education Workshop at ISTC June 13 to August 5
College Eye 51:27, p.2
professor Dreier will direct third annual workshop.
2682 Library student assistants will visit campus
College Eye 51:26, p.6
120 high school students will visit campus.
2683 Future Business Leaders hold state convention on campus
College Eye 51:25, p.5
Lengthy description of the convention; photo.
2684 Seventeen institutes scheduled for busy summer
College Eye 51:25, p.7
Brief list of upcoming institutes.
2685 FBLA calendar
College Eye 51:25, p.5
Schedule for FBLA state convention.
2686 Fifth annual ISTC Art Fair brings high school students
College Eye 51:25, p.3
A look at the program.
2687 Dr. Paul Woodring foresees educational reforms
College Eye 51:24, p.2
Paul Woodring speaks at PLS clinic.
2688 Guidance institute slated for ISTC
College Eye 51:24, p.2
Will be held on campus this summer.
2689 Safety Ed. conference features eight experts
College Eye 51:23, p.1
2690 81 educators gather for Lab School clinic
College Eye 51:23, p.1
2691 Elementary leaders workshop studies non-graded schools
College Eye 51:17, p.1
John Goodlad will speak; program highlights.
2692 Dr. Loomer featured speaker during religious conference
College Eye 51:17, p.7
Bernard Loomer will speak at first annual conference on religion; conference highlights; photo.
2693 College plans ahead for summer sessions
Alumnus 45:1, p.5
Seventeen institutes, conferences, and workshops will be held.
2694 Playday convenes tomorrow with many activities
College Eye 51:15, p.1
High school students will come to campus for a variety of activities.
2695 J. C. conference in session
College Eye 51:9, p.1
For math and science instructors.
2696 School administrators to discuss future of Iowa teachers
College Eye 51:9, p.1
Conference highlights.
2697 Philosophers meet
College Eye 51:8, p.2
Iowa philosophers group meets on campus.
2698 Math conference Sunday and Monday
College Eye 51:8, p.2
Several ISTC faculty will participate.
2699 Ten students entered in debate conference
College Eye 51:7, p.4
2700 Illuminating Engineering Society meet
College Eye 51:4, p.3