Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2751 - 2800 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2751 Co-existence study at science-religion seminar
College Eye 49:8, p.1
Schedule of speaker.
2752 Science-religion seminar slated for Nov. 3, 4, 5
College Eye 49:7, p.6
Conference highlights.
2753 Religious meeting at TC; four national leaders are conference speakers
College Eye 49:4, p.1
Will hold conference on "Church and the Campus"; lengthy description of the program; photo.
2754 TC will host conference; slate topics in primary & jr. high ed.
College Eye 49:3, p.1
Howard F. Fehr and Gladys Tipton will speak.
2755 Increased state funds advocated at rural meeting
College Eye 48:38, p.4
2756 First workshop for association leaders Sunday
College Eye 48:38, p.5
NEA group will meet on campus.
2757 Science talks close today
College Eye 48:38, p.6
H. Bentley Glass will speak.
2758 Lecture series in science at TC
College Eye 48:37, p.4
John Bardach will speak; schedule of other workshop speakers.
2759 Galston here at science institute
College Eye 48:36, p.4
Arthur Galston will speak.
2760 Twelve attend secondary school workshop here
College Eye 48:36, p.4
2761 Test study occurs here next week
College Eye 48:36, p.1
At guidance conference.
2762 Food and nutrition workshop starts
College Eye 48:35, p.3
2763 Hold science institute to hike interest
College Eye 48:35, p.1
Hope to increase interest in the sciences in high schools; photo.
2764 Leadership institute concluded Monday
College Eye 48:34, p.3
For PTA.
2765 Secondary school workshop planned for next week
College Eye 48:34, p.1
2766 Math workshop helps teachers' arith problems
College Eye 48:34, p.1
2767 Clothing workshop here
College Eye 48:34, p.1
Sponsored by Department of Home Economics.
2768 Dapper to speak Tuesday
College Eye 48:34, p.1
Gloria Dapper will speak at Public Relations Workshop.
2769 Science teachers meet in summer institute
College Eye 48:33, p.3
Fifty-four teachers now on campus.
2770 Iowan Darrow speaker for TC workshop
College Eye 48:33, p.4
Ralph Darrow will speak at Public Relations Workshop.
2771 Public Relations leaders chosen
College Eye 48:32, p.3
2772 Literature work continues during month of June
College Eye 48:32, p.3
At Adolescent Literature Workshop.
2773 Iowa Bandmasters convene here at 30th annual meeting
College Eye 48:30, p.7
Program highlights.
2774 Crosby to speak at PR workshop
College Eye 48:30, p.8
Otis Crosby will speak.
2775 450 attend secondary education conference
Alumnus 41:2, p.5
Eighty students compete for art scholarship, too.
2776 Snyder will speak at Academy of Science
College Eye 48:26, p.1
Profile of L. H. Snyder; photo.
2777 Home Ec. Day attracts 350
College Eye 48:26, p.8
A look at the program.
2778 Future Business Leaders here for 11th convention; J.D. Cox to be featured speaker at Future Business Leaders' Convention
College Eye 48:25, p.1
Program highlights.
2779 Science Academy will celebrate 25th anniversary
College Eye 48:24, p.3
Iowa Junior Academy of Science will meet on campus.
2780 Chicago educator to address conference
College Eye 48:24, p.1
Hobart Somers will speak at Secondary Education Conference.
2781 Gifted child is theme for workshop
College Eye 48:24, p.1
Highlights of Elementary Principals and Supervisors Workshop.
2782 Railroad is theme on Sports Day
College Eye 48:18, p.4
Over 250 high school students expected to attend.
2783 Iowa Junior Academy of Science will be held on TC campus
College Eye 48:16, p.6
2784 Science academy plans April meet
College Eye 48:16, p.3
IAS will meet on campus.
2785 TC hosts high schools on Business Education Day
College Eye 48:16, p.1
Schedule for conference; photo.
2786 Music activities
College Eye 48:11, p.4
List of Concert Band officers; Marching Band must return equipment.
2787 77 high school students here in 2-day discussion; 2 day meet of forensics
College Eye 48:10, p.1
Program for the high school discussion meeting.
2788 Prospective teachers
College Eye 48:10, p.1
High school students on campus for Prospective Teachers Day; photo.
2789 Teachers' Day on campus next Tuesday
College Eye 48:9, p.1
Program for Prospective Teachers Day.
2790 Wrestling clinic to meet at TC
College Eye 48:9, p.5
A wrestling clinic, sponsored by the Iowa High School Athletic Association, will be led by Finn Erickson.
2791 Writers' Conference will be on campus next week-end
College Eye 48:9, p.8
Conference of Christian writers will be held; highlights of the program.
2792 Discussion conference on campus next week
College Eye 48:9, p.10
About 90 high school students will attend.
2793 TC faculty to discuss UN affairs
College Eye 48:5, p.1
Will invite high school teachers for international relations discussion.
2794 Industrial Arts meets tomorrow
College Eye 48:5, p.3
Will sponsor conference on drawing.
2795 Cheerleaders to hold meet
College Eye 48:5, p.7
Will hold clinic.
2796 Two will speak at elementary conference here
College Eye 48:3, p.3
Viktor Lowenfeld and Herman Schneider will speak.
2797 Art, science speakers to school conference
College Eye 48:1, p.7
At seventh annual Elementary and Junior High School Conference.
2798 PR workshop on taxes
Alumnus 40:3, p.5
Seventh in series.
2799 Starbeck to hold clinic for coaches August 18
College Eye 47:39, p.3
2800 Tax: its effect on schools is workshop discussion topic
College Eye 47:36, p.1
A. C. Horrocks will speak at Public Relations Workshop.