Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2801 - 2850 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2801 Math teachers make modern methods
College Eye 47:35, p.1
Lengthy look at the program for the National Mathematics Institute.
2802 Four workshops are in session on TC campus
College Eye 47:34, p.3
2803 100 expected at state PTA
College Eye 47:34, p.4
2804 Sixty-two attend national institute
College Eye 47:34, p.3
Funded by NSF grant.
2805 Drama conference to observe new plays by TC students
College Eye 47:28, p.7
High school students will visit campus.
2806 FBLA convenes here; features speedwriter
College Eye 47:25, p.1
Cortez Peters will demonstrate; program highlights; photo.
2807 Two week TC workshop announced
College Eye 47:25, p.5
Professor Kercheval will lead class on radioisotopes.
2808 FBLA convention here April 5-7
College Eye 47:24, p.3
2809 Art Fair begins today; students view art media
College Eye 47:23, p.7
2810 Patty speaks for Phys Ed
College Eye 47:23, p.4
W. W. Patty will speak at conference.
2811 Secondary Conference to be held here tomorrow
College Eye 47:23, p.1
Conference highlights.
2812 800 educators to attend sixth annual secondary conference
College Eye 47:22, p.1
Conference highlights.
2813 Tallcorn conference music teachers meet; arrangements made by Arthur Redner and committee
College Eye 47:19, p.1
A look at the conference program.
2814 Women's PE to sponsor Sports Day
College Eye 47:18, p.1
A close look at the basketball sports day.
2815 Student committee plans for Business Education Day
College Eye 47:17, p.3
Lengthy look at the conference program.
2816 WRA holds state convention
Alumnus 40:1, p.2
Iowa Women's Recreation Association meets.
2817 Colloquium emphasizes services
Alumnus 40:1, p.2
Colloquium on Teacher Education considers field services.
2818 Sigma Alpha Iota to hold annual State Day here
College Eye 47:11, p.6
Meeting program.
2819 Women hold conference tomorrow
College Eye 47:10, p.1
Schedule for the conference of the Iowa Federation of College Women.
2820 Prospective teachers hear Silvey talk about education's importance
College Eye 47:10, p.5
2821 College personnel to hold meeting
College Eye 47:10, p.5
For those involved with student personnel.
2822 Teacher education colloquium fourth annual on campus
College Eye 47:10, p.8
2823 Beginning business meet
College Eye 47:9, p.6
2824 Women athletes hold convention
College Eye 47:9, p.5
Seventy delegates likely to attend.
2825 Christian writer's meeting stresses wholesome writing
College Eye 47:8, p.7
To be held on campus.
2826 Beginning business teachers to meet
College Eye 47:8, p.3
For recent business education graduates.
2827 Hold conference
College Eye 47:7, p.3
For business education teachers.
2828 AWS convention here tomorrow
College Eye 47:7, p.1
Meeting schedule.
2829 Teachers College to host IA WS October meeting
College Eye 47:6, p.8
2830 Cheerleaders from Midwest meet at TC
College Eye 47:6, p.7
2831 Teacher enrollment in Iowa parent-teacher group is low
College Eye 47:6, p.3
Conference highlights.
2832 Industrial arts conference features two experts in electrical work
College Eye 47:5, p.3
Conference highlights.
2833 Parent-teachers hold convention on October 11-12
College Eye 47:5, p.5
2834 Arbuthnot delights audience
College Eye 47:4, p.2
May Hill Arbuthnot speaks at recent conference.
2835 Guest speaks for education on Saturday
College Eye 47:3, p.1
May Hill Arbuthnot will speak at conference.
2836 Parent-teacher congress meets here Wednesday
College Eye 46:38, p.1
2837 C. E. Rose gives 7-point program at P. R. meeting
College Eye 46:37, p.3
2838 Art under discussion
College Eye 46:37, p.1
Students evaluate an artwork completed during the Oil and Water Colors workshop.
2839 Untitled
College Eye 46:36, p.4
George Holmes and his staff prepare for the PR workshop; photo.
2840 Workshops begin next week; offer crafts, colors, reading
College Eye 46:36, p.3
Description of summer workshops.
2841 PR workshop to contemplate school district reorganization
College Eye 46:35, p.1
Program for the workshop.
2842 Latin convention attracts 500; discuss ideas for local clubs
College Eye 46:35, p.1
Highlights of the Junior Classical League meeting; photo.
2843 Mrs. Arbuthnot to be guest at 6th educational conference
College Eye 46:35, p.4
Conference highlights.
2844 Pooley is consultant for English workshop
College Eye 46:34, p.4
2845 Workshop sessions supplement learning
College Eye 46:34, p.1
Description of summer session workshops; photo.
2846 Over 600 preps convene Sunday
College Eye 46:34, p.1
For Junior Classical League meeting.
2847 Radioisotopes is subject of workshop
College Eye 46:33, p.4
Quick look at the workshop.
2848 Radioisotope workshop; five physicists to speak
College Eye 46:32, p.8
Schedule for summer workshop.
2849 Seven states visit campus
College Eye 46:31, p.6
For science teachers conference.
2850 Midwest science teachers convene here this week
College Eye 46:30, p.1
Several ISTC faculty will participate in program.