Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2901 - 2950 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2901 Cooks get instruction at lunch workshop
College Eye 45:40, p.4
2902 P.T.A. congress meets here
College Eye 45:39, p.3
Highlights of the meeting.
2903 Untitled
College Eye 45:39, p.2
Discusses the meeting of the P. T. A..
2904 Iowa PTA group will meet here
College Eye 45:38, p.1
2905 PR confab views many questions
College Eye 45:37, p.1
A look at the discussions at the public relations workshop.
2906 Another PR conference over
College Eye 45:37, p.2
Discusses the fifth meeting of the School Public Relations workshop.
2907 Roberts talks to PR group on 'Time to Know Schools'
College Eye 45:37, p.3
Lengthy excerpts from address by O. H. Roberts.
2908 Industrial arts workshop opens
College Eye 45:36, p.1
Description of workshop activities.
2909 Keck to direct junior high meet
College Eye 45:36, p.1
2910 PR workshop schedule set
College Eye 45:35, p.1
2911 Spitzer explains learning devices
College Eye 45:35, p.3
H. R. Spitzer demonstrates audio visual devices; photo.
2912 Mathematics workshop to begin next Monday
College Eye 45:34, p.3
Professor Gibb will lead the workshop.
2913 Bond, Minnesota prof, speaks at workshop
College Eye 45:34, p.4
Guy Bond speaks at reading workshop.
2914 Roberts speaks at July workshop
College Eye 45:31, p.7
A quick look at the public relations workshop.
2915 Liz Corpuz made forensic chairman
College Eye 45:30, p.8
List of leaders for fall high school debate meet.
2916 Workshops study religion's place in classrooms
College Eye 45:30, p.8
One workshop will be held in Iowa.
2917 Charles Gaitskell speaks tomorrow
College Eye 45:29, p.5
Will speak at art education conference.
2918 Workshop studies citizens' problems
College Eye 45:29, p.3
A look ahead at the public relations workshop.
2919 Program for drama conference varied
Alumnus 38:2, p.27
Description of conference activities.
2920 Coaches, staffers attend Cedar Rapids luncheon
Alumnus 38:2, p.10
Sixty gather for meeting; photo.
2921 High schools attend one-act play festival
Alumnus 38:2, p.4
Five area high schools participate.
2922 Plan summer workshop
College Eye 45:28, p.3
Malcolm Keck will conduct workshop.
2923 Political scientists have meeting Saturday
College Eye 45:27, p.7
Representatives from 20 colleges will attend.
2924 Student teaching conference set
College Eye 45:27, p.8
Representatives from 40 schools will attend.
2925 Large crowd expected for drama meet
College Eye 45:27, p.8
600-800 will attend conference and play performance.
2926 Hold conference to aid teachers
College Eye 45:24, p.1
Will hold conference for principals and supervisors.
2927 Orchesis sponsors dance symposium
College Eye 45:24, p.3
180 high school students will attend.
2928 Two conferences planned in April
College Eye 45:22, p.7
2929 Home economics meeting planned
College Eye 45:21, p.3
800 invitations sent out.
2930 String conference
College Eye 45:19, p.6
Iowa string teachers will be on campus.
2931 Set luncheon for coaches in Cedar Rapids March 20
Alumnus 38:1, p.7
Expect one hundred for third meeting.
2932 Community group meets at college
College Eye 45:15, p.6
Planning group will meet.
2933 Break attendance record at elementary conference
Alumnus 37:4, p.2
850 at meeting.
2934 Vasey to speak at Teacher Day
College Eye 45:11, p.3
657 students attend events.
2935 State schools' cooperation encourages future teachers
College Eye 45:9, p.7
Many students and faculty will assist with the Prospective Teachers Day program.
2936 Educators talk on conservation
College Eye 45:7, p.6
Campus hosts conservation education conference.
2937 Four men to speak to FBLA; high school students invited
College Eye 45:7, p.1
Highlights of the convention.
2938 Art workshop features trips in Cedar Falls
College Eye 45:7, p.2
As part of fifth annual elementary art conference.
2939 Heads of 23 Iowa schools convene here
College Eye 45:7, p.3
Department of Education hold colloquium.
2940 Teacher recruitment program scheduled for November 12
College Eye 45:4, p.1
Prospective Teacher Day on campus.
2941 Brass ensemble is featured at music conference
College Eye 45:3, p.2
2942 Dr. Harold Shane will speak at 4th education conference
College Eye 45:3, p.1
Program highlights; photo.
2943 Chicago ensemble opens convention
College Eye 45:2, p.1
2944 "Protecting our Schools" is theme for lively sessions at PR workshop
Alumnus 37:3, p.2
Over one hundred attend workshop.
2945 Children not bad Dreikurs states; only discouraged
College Eye 44:41, p.1
Excerpts from address by Rudolf Dreikurs.
2946 Dr. Zirbes speaks on modern trends
College Eye 44:39, p.4
Brief excerpts from address.
2947 P.T.A. sets leadership meet here
College Eye 44:39, p.1
Conference highlights.
2948 Fall conference set
College Eye 44:38, p.3
2949 King says public must comprehend school functions
College Eye 44:38, p.1
Lloyd King speaks at School Public Relations Workshop.
2950 Dr. Laura Zirbes will appear here for elementary meeting
College Eye 44:38, p.1
Profile of Laura Zirbes.