Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2701 - 2750 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2701 Second annual religious conf. this weekend
College Eye 51:3, p.3
For campus religious leaders; sponsored by SCRA.
2702 Dr. London to address conference
College Eye 51:3, p.1
H. H. London will speak to industrial arts conference; photo.
2703 Music workshop starts today
College Eye 51:2, p.7
Hosting third annual music workshop.
2704 Industrial Arts Department host Iowa conference
College Eye 51:2, p.7
H. H. London will speak.
2705 TC hosts 51 at clinic
College Eye 51:2, p.2
On athletic training.
2706 Plans set for elementary education conference
Alumnus 44:3, p.6
Will feature Sydney J. Harris.
2707 Workshoppers fly west
College Eye 50:38, p.4
Air Age Education Workshop participants fly to Oklahoma City; photo.
2708 Post session offers 2 hours August 10-21
College Eye 50:38, p.4
Two education workshops offered.
2709 To create an underdog . . . .
College Eye 50:35, p.2
Some Lawther Hall students were shifted to the loft to make room for conference attendees.
2710 Sydney Harris to address elementary conference
College Eye 50:35, p.1
Profile of Harris; photo.
2711 43 attending NSF institute on campus
College Eye 50:35, p.4
Receiving advanced training in science and mathematics.
2712 Seminar progressing for 86 top youngsters
College Eye 50:35, p.3
Ross Nielsen is directing science and mathematics workshop.
2713 2 workshops begin soon
College Eye 50:34, p.3
Workshops on elementary education and libraries set.
2714 Conant Report for workshop
College Eye 50:34, p.3
2715 No sliding in near-Utopia for these high schoolers
College Eye 50:34, p.1
Fifty students will study writing under Professors Vander Beek and Cowley.
2716 J. C. Wright to talk at PR workshop
College Eye 50:33, p.3
Conant Report will be subject.
2717 Workshops cover air, lit
College Eye 50:33, p.4
Professor Dreier will offer Air Education Workshop; Professor Cowley will offer writing workshop.
2718 High school students attend annual drama conference
College Eye 50:31, p.5
A look at the program.
2719 English workshop to be held this summer
College Eye 50:31, p.8
Will cover teaching writing in secondary schools.
2720 Workshop on air education is summer feature
College Eye 50:28, p.4
Professor Dreier will offer air age workshop general education course.
2721 Business leaders to visit ISTC, hold banquet
College Eye 50:26, p.3
FBLA conference will bring 400 to campus.
2722 Library workers visit here
College Eye 50:26, p.8
Over one hundred high school students will be on campus for program.
2723 Prospective Teachers Day to host hundreds of high school students
College Eye 50:25, p.3
Description of the upcoming day.
2724 Phys. Ed. parley in Waterloo in April
College Eye 50:24, p.6
Gives information for the upcoming Central District convention.
2725 Girls' sport day is this Saturday
College Eye 50:23, p.8
Will attract three hundred high school students.
2726 Junior high experimental seminar reports on science, math project
College Eye 50:19, p.1
Walter Gohman reports on the summer seminar for fifth graders.
2727 Workshop, conference slated for elementary leaders here
College Eye 50:18, p.1
Conference program.
2728 Hundreds attend ISTC conferences
Alumnus 43:4, p.7
Margaret Mead speaks to elementary conference.
2729 Educators to attend colloquium
College Eye 50:10, p.1
Seventh teachers education colloquium will bring principals an superintendents to campus.
2730 HS discussion on campus today
College Eye 50:8, p.7
Students from fifteen high schools will be here.
2731 HS music group will meet here
College Eye 50:7, p.3
Music educators will meet.
2732 World known author Margaret Mead here
College Eye 50:3, p.1
Will speak at elementary conference; photo.
2733 Question of the hour--will it fly?
College Eye 49:38, p.3
Student studies in Air Age Workshop; photo.
2734 Something new . . . a high school workshop
College Eye 49:37, p.5
A look at the student council workshop.
2735 Flyin' high, discussions, at workshop
College Eye 49:36, p.4
Air Age Workshop flies to Texas.
2736 . . . and the workshops continue
College Eye 49:36, p.1
Description of some of the summer workshops.
2737 Needed . . . more support
College Eye 49:36, p.1
Highlights of the public relations workshop.
2738 Institute hosts two scientists
College Eye 49:35, p.3
Joseph Kaplan and Lt. Colonel Simons will speak.
2739 And present speakers
College Eye 49:35, p.1
Close look at the Reading and Language Arts workshop.
2740 Workshop sessions supplement learning
College Eye 49:35, p.1
Quick look at some of the summer workshops.
2741 Air age study in full swing
College Eye 49:34, p.3
Ten students in Air Age Workshop led by Professor Dreier.
2742 'The Matchmaker' to be presented at drama conference next week
College Eye 49:31, p.5
2743 Music Conference features four concerts
Alumnus 42:2, p.4
Various sessions attract college and high school music teachers.
2744 Air Age Education Workshop on campus this summer
Alumnus 42:2, p.5
Classes will combine with actual flying experience.
2745 High school artists to attend fair here
College Eye 49:27, p.6
Five hundred expected to attend; a look at the program.
2746 Student ISEA plans meeting for Wednesday
College Eye 49:27, p.6
Program for state regional meeting.
2747 Future business leaders hold state meeting here
College Eye 49:27, p.7
Over 400 expected to attend; photo.
2748 TC to form model seminar; superior Jr. High students to study science, math
College Eye 49:23, p.1
Will offer eight-week summer seminar.
2749 $58,000 for science at TC; federal funds to provide workshop
College Eye 49:12, p.1
Will be used to fund workshop for junior high school teachers; photo.
2750 Prospective teachers visiting ISTC campus on Wednesday
College Eye 49:9, p.3
A look at the program for Prospective Teachers Day.