Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3201 - 3250 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3201 Art groups host to conference
College Eye 39:5, p.1
Will also evaluate ISTC program; photo.
3202 Speech teachers needed: Ednay
College Eye 39:4, p.4
3203 Audio-visual meet for elementary teachers Oct. 22
College Eye 39:4, p.3
Will hold teaching institute on campus.
3204 Vocal forum included in music convention
College Eye 39:4, p.3
3205 Conference plans announced today
College Eye 39:3, p.1
For home economics meeting.
3206 Speech group to meet Saturday
College Eye 39:3, p.6
3207 Conference time on campus
Alumnus 31:4, p.2
Five conferences scheduled.
3208 Home Ec. Dept. plans conference
College Eye 39:2, p.8
On broadening home economics program.
3209 Music teachers to analyze tricks of vocalizing
College Eye 39:2, p.6
At conference on TC campus.
3210 Dr. Palmer announces conference speakers
College Eye 39:2, p.6
3211 Ednay is guest speaker at speech conference here next week
College Eye 39:2, p.1
Conference highlights.
3212 Instructors to discuss speech problems Oct. 4
College Eye 39:1, p.4
3213 Business education sponsors workshop
College Eye 38:43, p.5
3214 Education workshop in second annual meet here August 18-22
College Eye 38:41, p.1
Highlights of the distributive education workshop.
3215 School authorities discuss education in county areas
College Eye 38:39, p.1
Rural education conference highlights.
3216 Red Cross workshop for teachers meets here this month
College Eye 38:38, p.1
3217 Two conferences on campus; annual Iowa PTA, education institute meet at Teachers College
College Eye 38:38, p.1
Highlights of PTA and special education conferences.
3218 Institution for teaching handicapped to hold annual meeting July 10 here
College Eye 38:36, p.3
Lengthy description of the third annual special education conference.
3219 Teachers College scene of annual Iowa P. T. meet
College Eye 38:36, p.1
Program highlights; photo.
3220 Plans made for drama conference
College Eye 38:27, p.3
Program highlights; last held in 1944.
3221 Dr. Kolb recommends action
Alumnus 31:2, p.2
Professor of rural sociology outlines program at conference.
3222 Placement conference to be held Friday
College Eye 38:23, p.7
Twenty colleges will send representatives.
3223 Keltner, Goslin publish plans for Midwest talk-fest here
College Eye 38:11, p.1
Highlights of the program.
3224 Debate- discussion conference here
College Eye 38:10, p.4
Description of program for high school students.
3225 Iowa State Music Teachers association will hold annual conference here
College Eye 38:6, p.1
Program highlights.
3226 Weeks talks on intolerance
Alumnus 30:4, p.4
I. D. Weeks speaks at PTA conference.
3227 Cornell University professor speaks at Teachers College science conference
College Eye 38:2, p.1
E. Laurence Palmer will speak.
3228 Iowa music teachers plan first post-war state convention
College Eye 38:1, p.1
Professor Kurtz is president of the association; meeting will be held on campus.
3229 Distributive education workshop
Public Relations News Release 1946:274, p.1
Henry Richert from the U. S. Office of Education, Jessie Parker, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Ernest Zelliott, director of Business Education in Des Moines schools will speak.
3230 Distributive education discussed
Public Relations News Release 1946:273, p.1
High school representatives hear and study a five day course entitled, "How to Teach an Employee". Teachers will learn how to work with adult business managers and owners.
3231 Education conferences scheduled for fall
College Eye 37:43, p.1
Four conferences are scheduled.
3232 Conference schedule announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:266, p.1
Four conferences will be held on campus during a the next month. Iowa Music Teachers annual meeting, teaching of science and health, teaching social studies, and a meeting of superintendents and principals to be held.
3233 'Looking toward tomorrow's education' assembly topic chosen by Dr. Weeks
College Eye 37:38, p.3
Highlights of the Parent-Teacher conference.
3234 I. D. Weeks to speak
Public Relations News Release 1946:216, p.1
Weeks will be the featured speaker at the parent and teacher conference on campus. Several sessions will be held with panel discussions and presentations.
3235 Iowa Congress of Parent and Teachers conference
Public Relations News Release 1946:215, p.1
Event will be held on campus. The theme is "Better Teamwork for Home and School". I. D. Weeks, president of the University of South Dakota, is the chief speaker.
3236 Student leaders hold workshop
Alumnus 30:3, p.2
Participate in leadership workshop; Henry Wieman and Helen Rush were guest speakers.
3237 Two week workshop announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:205, p.1
Arthur Armstrong, Junior Red Cross director, will be in charge of the workshop/conference. Sessions will begin at 3:15 each day; starting July 8-July 20. Stimulation of interest in the Junior Red Cross is the goal.
3238 County superintendents' work conference
Public Relations News Release 1946:196, p.1
Seven faculty members will be on the program in Spirit Lake.
3239 Home economics trends will be studied in workshop
College Eye 37:35, p.1
Description of the workshop.
3240 Special summer workshops planned
College Eye 37:34, p.1
Brief descriptions of the home economics and physical education workshops.
3241 Dean Nelson announces workshops
Public Relations News Release 1946:177, p.1
Workshops for teaching home economics and physical education for women will be held this summer.
3242 Summer quarter events announced
Public Relations News Release 1946:174, p.1
Lectures, concerts, and entertainment will highlight the summer quarter. The summer play will be a comedy. A faculty recital, college symphony concert, and a concert by a college quartet will be featured.
3243 Highway safety meeting will be held
Public Relations News Release 1946:165, p.1
Fifteen experts to meet to discuss plans for training of teachers for driver education. The possibility of constructing a driving range; including curves, intersections, signals, and signs.
3244 Child health workshop cancelled
Public Relations News Release 1946:161, p.1
Workshop cancelled due to the unprecedented number of students attending summer school. Many of the students are veterans.
3245 Helen Rush to speak
Public Relations News Release 1946:147, p.1
Dean of Women at the University of Pittsburgh will address student leaders. Meetings are part of a series of workshops on leadership.
3246 Visiting professors to present workshops
Public Relations News Release 1946:131, p.1
Henry Wieman and Helen Rush will lead two workshops on the responsibilities of leadership.
3247 Teacher becomes force in her community emphasizes Hoffman
College Eye 37:27, p.3
Brief excerpts from remarks at vocational conference.
3248 1946 graduating class from ISTC to attend vocations conference
Public Relations News Release 1946:90, p.1
Group will hear chairman of the women's committee of the Iowa Farm Bureau, teacher, superintendent, and school board member.
3249 Education conference held at T. C.
Alumnus 30:2, p.2
Conference concerns adult education.
3250 Vocation conference planned; April 2 set as date for discussions
College Eye 37:26, p.3
Will discuss teacher and the community.