Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3301 - 3350 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3301 Faculty discuss school issues; educators meet here to discuss new T. C. services
College Eye 35:23, p.1
Conference brings together school administrators from around the state.
3302 Extension Service meeting, March 13
College Eye 35:22, p.1
County and city superintendents will be invited.
3303 W. A. A. play day successful, five schools participate
College Eye 35:21, p.5
130 high school students on campus for a variety of recreational activities.
3304 Child health workshop
Alumnus 27:4, p.8
Thirty public health and school nurses attend meeting.
3305 Open play facilities to 'child health' students
College Eye 34:40, p.1
3306 Noted psychiatrist speaks here; Sadler to talk to assembly
College Eye 34:40, p.1
William S. Sadler will be here for child health workshop.
3307 Child health course begins
College Eye 34:39, p.1
Will hold two-week special workshop.
3308 Parent-Teacher Institute stresses democracy, education of emotions
College Eye 34:35, p.1
Highlights of PTA conference.
3309 Parents, teachers to meet here; Howard V. Funk on program next Friday
College Eye 34:33, p.1
A look at PTA conference highlights.
3310 Education meeting scheduled here cancelled by war
College Eye 34:27, p.3
Annual elementary principals meeting will not be held.
3311 Conferences limited this year by tire, gas shortages
College Eye 34:5, p.5
ISTC will reduce the number of campus conferences.
3312 Conference meets; speakers explain consumer duties
College Eye 33:41, p.3
3313 Tips given on ethics codes for teachers
College Eye 33:40, p.3
3314 Consumer interest groups confer on campus Tuesday
College Eye 33:40, p.1
Will talk about government control of economy.
3315 Institute will discuss ethics of teaching
College Eye 33:39, p.1
Institute of Professional Relations will meet on campus.
3316 P.T.A. session well attended; Funk lectures
College Eye 33:38, p.1
3317 Parent teacher institute holds sessions today
College Eye 33:37, p.1
3318 Parent-teacher institute program held at college
College Eye 33:36, p.1
3319 Campus welcomes conferees
College Eye 33:29, p.1
Will host four major conferences.
3320 Rural conference scheduled April 25
College Eye 33:28, p.3
Many ISTC faculty on program.
3321 To show wartime play production
College Eye 33:28, p.1
Conference will show how to stage plays under wartime conditions.
3322 Wartime education problems to be discussed April 24, 25
College Eye 33:28, p.1
Program for secondary schools conference.
3323 Festival guests to view Candida and one-acts
College Eye 33:27, p.1
1000 students and teachers expected for twelfth annual play production conference.
3324 Methodist delegates to register here today
College Eye 33:27, p.3
For annual meeting.
3325 Language students plot 'T. C. Roundup'
College Eye 33:26, p.3
500 high school students will attend.
3326 Crowds expected in April
Alumnus 26:2, p.2
Three conferences will attract hundreds to campus.
3327 College to greet more conferees
College Eye 33:25, p.1
Several conferences to be held on campus.
3328 Campus welcomes 3500 guests
College Eye 33:24, p.1
A look at the program.
3329 Conference will include educators of 14 states
College Eye 33:24, p.1
About 150 are scheduled to speak at the conference.
3330 Rural chorus demonstrates
College Eye 33:24, p.1
Chorus of 500 will perform for rural education conference; photo.
3331 Tonight's keynote
College Eye 33:24, p.5
T. V. Smith will speak at rural education conference; photo.
3332 Hold dinner here tonight
College Eye 33:24, p.5
3333 Education leaders to lecture here
College Eye 33:23, p.1
Alumnus Romeo Short will participate in rural education conference.
3334 Extension group will meet here
College Eye 33:23, p.3
National association meeting will be held on campus.
3335 Expect 3,500 for rural conference
College Eye 33:20, p.1
3336 Coolidge Quartet plays tonight
College Eye 33:12, p.1
In association with high school music clinic; photo.
3337 College plans music festival
College Eye 33:11, p.1
Clinic will bring hundreds of high school students to campus in conjunction with Coolidge String Quartet appearance.
3338 Plan Midwest meeting of Rural Life Group
College Eye 33:11, p.4
3339 Vocational expert to address Women's League
College Eye 33:6, p.1
Marguerite Zapoleon will speak; lengthy description of women's vocational conference.
3340 Campus School Girl Reserves are conference hosts
College Eye 33:5, p.3
Lengthy description of conference.
3341 Freedom of speech
Alumnus 25:4, p.2
Many come to campus for series of conferences including the PTA, safety educators, and public relations professionals.
3342 Discuss ethics at Thursday institute
College Eye 32:40, p.1
Program for the conference on ethics in the teaching profession.
3343 Consider code of ethics
College Eye 32:38, p.1
At conference to be held on campus.
3344 They did it again
Alumnus 25:3, p.1
1200 teachers and students attend high school dramatics conference.
3345 Proclaim parley a success
College Eye 32:37, p.4
Report on recent PTA conference.
3346 State P. T. A. will meet here; plan to aid child welfare
College Eye 32:36, p.1
Lengthy description of the program.
3347 Parents, teachers will meet
College Eye 32:35, p.1
First time that parent and teachers congress has been held on this campus.
3348 Parents, teachers convene
College Eye 32:34, p.1
Program highlights of parent-teacher institute.
3349 Record attendance at drama conference
College Eye 32:30, p.3
1200 students and teachers attended.
3350 Over 1000 expected at conference; 'Hamlet' highlights program
College Eye 32:29, p.1
Lengthy description of drama conference program.