Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3351 - 3400 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3351 Complete final plans for eleventh play conference
College Eye 32:28, p.1
Preview of the conference and the performance of "Hamlet"; photo.
3352 Summer workshop plan
College Eye 32:28, p.2
Professor Beard believes that summer workshops will offer the opportunity for teachers to research and solve problems.
3353 Conference draws Iowa principals; to discuss needs of children
College Eye 32:26, p.1
Lengthy description of program.
3354 Teachers talk democracy
Alumnus 25:2, p.2
Secondary School Subjects conference.
3355 Two city superintendents to lead elementary conference
College Eye 32:24, p.1
A look at the program for the conference.
3356 Eighty-two to speak on school and democracy
College Eye 32:24, p.1
Quick look at the secondary school curriculum conference.
3357 Indiana Institute head here at Rural Life Conference Monday
College Eye 32:23, p.1
Description of the program; photo.
3358 Dean Nelson explains new summer workshops
College Eye 32:22, p.1
Explains a new idea for education at ISTC.
3359 Rural life conference plans made
College Eye 32:22, p.1
Shirley Greene will speak.
3360 Short term summer workshop to be offered
College Eye 32:19, p.1
Teachers will have opportunity to work on projects under faculty guidance.
3361 Student leaders confer on administrative problems
College Eye 32:9, p.4
Description of recent student leadership conference.
3362 Campus leaders convene
College Eye 32:8, p.1
For Iowa student leadership conference.
3363 Leadership conference scheduled
College Eye 32:6, p.1
For student leaders at Iowa colleges and universities.
3364 It's drama day tomorrow; 1,000 are expected to attend
College Eye 31:28, p.1
Program for the annual drama conference.
3365 Rural youth meeting is here today; represents ten Iowa colleges
College Eye 31:27, p.1
Conference program.
3366 Arithmetic confab is here Saturday
College Eye 31:26, p.1
Several faculty will speak.
3367 Principals to meet today
College Eye 31:26, p.1
3368 Rural youth convene here
College Eye 31:26, p.3
Iowa Rural Collegiate Youth will meet.
3369 Play conference is April 20
Alumnus 24:2, p.19
One thousand expected for annual play production conference; will perform "Winterset".
3370 Will present 'Winterset' here; is for drama meeting
College Eye 31:24, p.1
Preview of the play.
3371 Prepare for Emphasis Week; Knoff gives purpose, final suggestions on religious meetings
College Eye 31:20, p.1
Gerald Knoff talks about the upcoming program.
3372 To hold six seminars during Emphasis Week
College Eye 31:19, p.2
Seminar topics.
3373 Journalists gather; Thomas talks; West Hall nears completion
Alumnus 24:1, p.3
125 gather at journalism conference; Norman Thomas speaks; new women's dorm will be ready for spring or summer quarter.
3374 'War and Democracy' is country life theme
College Eye 31:10, p.3
3375 Give attention to innovations here at conference
College Eye 31:10, p.3
Highlights of home economics conference.
3376 Discuss yearbook, paper problems here
College Eye 31:10, p.1
George Holmes directed the fourth annual high school publications conference.
3377 Iowa home economics majors to convene here, Clark College women to be co-hostesses at Saturday session
College Eye 31:9, p.3
Schedule for the meeting.
3378 Around the Campus
College Eye 31:9, p.1
Show on latest fashions; Baker Hall defeats Seerley Hall in touch football.
3379 Teachers College to be host for state convention
College Eye 31:6, p.3
Of home economics teachers.
3380 State Convention here November 11
College Eye 31:5, p.3
Of Ellen Richards Club.
3381 Supervisors attend annual conference
College Eye 31:5, p.4
Several faculty members perform.
3382 To welcome 853 music supervisors here tomorrow
College Eye 31:4, p.1
For music conference.
3383 Musicians to convene here next week
College Eye 31:3, p.1
Music faculty will help put on conference.
3384 Presbyterian students convene here tomorrow
College Eye 30:30, p.1
The Reverend John Maxwell Adams of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will be at TC for the conference of Westminster Fellowships of Iowa.
3385 Maxwell, Lampe speak at Westminster conference tomorrow
College Eye 30:30, p.2
3386 Bronte play heads drama schedule; full program planned for conference
College Eye 30:29, p.1
Cast plays in the ninth annual conference. This conference has attracted over two hundred students.
3387 Present 'Moor Born' next week
College Eye 30:28, p.1
Will be presented at ninth annual drama conference.
3388 Rural life program here
College Eye 30:28, p.2
3389 Deans of men from Iowa schools here tomorrow
College Eye 30:27, p.1
Expect personnel from seventy schools.
3390 Conference play, 'Moor Born'
College Eye 30:25, p.1
"Moor Born," is about the Bronte family. It has three talented sisters and a brother and shows their lives through their privately written poems.
3391 Fifth arithmetic conference meets
College Eye 30:24, p.1
Several faculty will participate.
3392 Math teachers confer on building concepts
College Eye 30:23, p.1
3393 Around the Campus
College Eye 30:6, p.1
PE instructors come to campus; green button ceremony to be held; Fall Fun Fest planned.
3394 Expect 200 at commercial conference
College Eye 30:6, p.2
Conference highlights.
3395 Wesley Players from three state schools will convene here
College Eye 30:6, p.3
Professor Hake will speak.
3396 Mickey's Musings
College Eye 30:6, p.4
News from the Department of Physical Education for Women.
3397 Propose forum on campus; world topics
College Eye 30:5, p.1
Mr. Holmes makes suggestion; Professor Sage approves.
3398 Conference schedule promises many visitors during coming school year
Alumnus 22:4, p.12
Varied conference schedule may draw two thousand visitors.
3399 Dr. Boothe to welcome pressmen
College Eye 30:4, p.1
At third annual conference for advisors to high school publications.
3400 Mach, Hart to preside over conference
College Eye 30:3, p.4
On commercial education.