Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3551 - 3600 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3551 Over two hundred attend convention here in Commons
College Eye 25:16, p.3
For high school home economics clubs.
3552 High school student leaders will attend two day meet here
College Eye 25:16, p.1
Will be opportunity for leaders to discuss their problems.
3553 Home Economics Clubs to meet; first convention ever held here begins at 9 o'clock
College Eye 25:15, p.1
Program for the state meeting.
3554 Home Economics Student clubs to meet here Oct. 7
College Eye 25:14, p.1
State conference to be held on campus.
3555 Press booklet is compiled; contains facts, suggestions for convention administration
College Eye 25:3, p.1
Will assist in convention planning.
3556 Ganz will lead huge symphony for convention
College Eye 24:32, p.1
At Iowa State Music Teachers convention.
3557 Seventeenth Annual Iowa College Press Association convention opens today; Vernon Nash will address students at assembly Friday morning
College Eye 24:30, p.1
Program highlights.
3558 Press adviser
College Eye 24:30, p.1
Blair Converse from Iowa State College in Ames will attend the Iowa College Press Association; photo.
3559 From Grinnell
College Eye 24:30, p.1
Frank Beatle will be at the Iowa College Press Association convention at TC; photo.
3560 Publications staff meeting is called
College Eye 24:29, p.1
To prepare for press convention.
3561 Press meeting here next week; Vernon Nash will deliver lecture on Friday morning
College Eye 24:29, p.1
Brief schedule of convention.
3562 Press convention date cards are due
College Eye 24:29, p.1
For those who want dates for the press convention.
3563 Prep dramatists will see spring play performed; three hundred expected at drama conference tomorrow
College Eye 24:29, p.1
About three hundred will attend.
3564 Third annual conference on play production
Public Relations News Release 1932:283, p.1
"Romeo and Juliet" will be presented on April 22 to high school students and teachers from all over the state, as part of the third annual state high school drama conference.
3565 Annual drama conference to be staged here; high school meeting will convene Saturday, April 22
College Eye 24:28, p.1
Description of the program of the third annual drama conference.
3566 Dating Bureau is feature of Iowa Press conclave
College Eye 24:28, p.1
Will attempt to match visitors with dates.
3567 Shakespeare will be presented
Public Relations News Release 1932:282, p.1
"Romeo and Juliet" will be presented for the students April 20 and 24, and on April 22 for the delegates of the third annual state high school drama conference.
3568 Professor from China to speak; Vernon Nash, of Yenching University, coming for press meet
College Eye 24:27, p.1
Will address press association banquet.
3569 'Y' convention includes most Iowa colleges; buffet supper in Bartlett hall to open program of activities
College Eye 24:26, p.1
Conference program.
3570 Lazell to speak at press meet here in April; Frank Beatle of Grinnell is President of association
College Eye 24:22, p.1
Description of the conference program.
3571 Committees plan for press meet; seventeenth convention is scheduled for April 28 and 29
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Convention highlights.
3572 Council will be hosts to delegates
College Eye 24:6, p.1
Attending high school leadership conference.
3573 H. T. Steeper will lead discussions at student conference
College Eye 24:6, p.1
Will address high school leadership conference.
3574 High school expects twenty-five schools at local conference
College Eye 24:5, p.1
For sectional leadership conference at TCHS.
3575 Ruth Latta will run official date bureau for press conference
College Eye 23:49, p.4
3576 Crowds of visitors attend conventions here last weekend
College Eye 23:41, p.2
3577 Cedar Falls was convention week this weekend
Public Relations News Release 1931:365, p.1
Four professional groups had meetings on campus this week. Junior Academy of Science activites discussed.
3578 Two weekend conclaves invite public attendance
College Eye 23:40, p.1
AAUP and Iowa Academy of Science will meet here.
3579 Two hundred attend second play production conference Saturday
College Eye 23:40, p.2
ISTC faculty make presentations; twenty-two schools send representatives.
3580 Professors will convene here this weekend; psychologist from Chicago will address state meet of American Association of University Professors
College Eye 23:40, p.1
Program highlights for the AAUP meeting.
3581 Teachers College to act as host of press conclave next year
College Eye 23:40, p.1
Iowa College Press Association will meet on campus.
3582 Iowa Academy of Scientists meets today; Dr. O. R. Latham will welcome delegates at one o'clock; academy president will talk on geology
College Eye 23:40, p.1
About four hundred will attend; meeting highlights.
3583 Two speakers from Cedar ?Rapids
Public Relations News Release 1931:349, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3584 Fifty-three speakers from Iowa City
Public Relations News Release 1931:339, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3585 Sixty-eight speakers from Ames
Public Relations News Release 1931:340, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3586 W. C. Yenger, of Sioux City
Public Relations News Release 1931:341, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3587 Five speakers from Mount Vernon
Public Relations News Release 1931:342, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3588 L. L. Thurstone, of Chicago University
Public Relations News Release 1931:343, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3589 Three speakers from Grinnell
Public Relations News Release 1931:344, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3590 C. W. Storm, of Decorah
Public Relations News Release 1931:345, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3591 Two speakers from Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1931:347, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3592 T. H. Liggett and Kenneth Dykstra, both of Pella
Public Relations News Release 1931:350, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3593 B. D. Roberts, of Fairfield
Public Relations News Release 1931:351, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3594 Seven speakers from Mount Pleasant
Public Relations News Release 1931:352, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3595 Meetings of the Academy of Science
Public Relations News Release 1931:353, p.1
Several speakers this weekend; some are ISTC faculty.
3596 Arthur Goshorn, of Winterset
Public Relations News Release 1931:348, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3597 High school scientists will follow the example
Public Relations News Release 1931:355, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention on March 29 and 30.
3598 Approximately 400 Iowa scientists
Public Relations News Release 1931:356, p.1
Iowa Academy of Science anuual convention is this weekend; agenda for the convention discussed.
3599 J. A. Baker, of Indianola
Public Relations News Release 1931:346, p.1
Will be on campus for the Iowa Academy of Science annual convention.
3600 Improvement of college instruction
Public Relations News Release 1931:331, p.1
State meeting of American Association of University Professors is on campus April 30.