Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3651 - 3700 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3651 Tawdry music harmful to soul says Dr. Clarke
College Eye 21:26, p.1
Excerpts from address by Frances Clarke at music conference.
3652 Educational conference is great success
Alumnus 14:2, p.9
Report on 13th Annual Conference on Problems of Elementary Education.
3653 Educators including more than 350
Public Relations News Release 1929:366, p.1
ISTC hosts conference on problems in elementary education; roster of speakers.
3654 Grow educationally
College Eye 21:25, p.1
Elementary Education conference on campus.
3655 Thirtieth annual elementary education conference meets; President Latham extends greetings at opening session
College Eye 21:25, p.1
Meeting highlights.
3656 School teaches farmers to turn sunshine and soil into silver
College Eye 21:25, p.1
Highlights of address by G. F. Ekstrom at elementary education conference.
3657 Music clubs of state plan contest here
College Eye 21:25, p.1
3658 Dull, listless methods of conventional teaching
Public Relations News Release 1929:375, p.1
Finding creative ways to teach children at the Conference on Problems of Elementary Education
3659 Two noted educators
Public Relations News Release 1929:369, p.1
The convention on problems in elementary education will have two noted speakers.
3660 Education problems will be discussed at conference here
College Eye 21:24, p.1
Outline of speakers and topics for elementary education conference.
3661 Iowans belonging to the Society of the Mayflower.
Public Relations News Release 1929:327, p.1
Mayflower Descendants hold convention on campus.
3662 The first Hi-Y day of northeastern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1929:319, p.1
YMCA hoolds Hi-Y day on campus
3663 College will be host of educators
College Eye 21:23, p.6
For thirteenth annual elementary education conference.
3664 Educators in Black Hawk county and the surrounding
Public Relations News Release 1929:300, p.1
A speech clinc will be held on campus.
3665 Approximately seventy-five young aspirants
Public Relations News Release 1929:287, p.1
A music contest will be held on campus in April.
3666 Program committee plans for convention here this month
College Eye 21:18, p.1
Planning for elementary education conferences.
3667 Music Federation plans annual meeting here
College Eye 21:18, p.1
Iowa branch will meet in Cedar Falls.
3668 The program committee of the fourteenth annual
Public Relations News Release 1929:197, p.1
The fourteenth annual convention on elementary school education will meet on campus February 3.
3669 Educational problems to be threshed out
College Eye 21:17, p.1
At thirteenth elementary education conference.
3670 March 27 and 28 will be the dates
Public Relations News Release 1929:173, p.1
The thirteenth annual Conference on Problems of Elementary Education will be held on campus.
3671 Students will see dancers, peddlers, portrayed by profs.; preparations are under way to discuss problems of elementary education
College Eye 21:15, p.1
Faculty will entertain at conference.
3672 Thirteenth annual education parley convenes in March; entertainment will be sponsored by members of local chapter of A. A. U. W.
College Eye 21:15, p.1
Will discuss problems of elementary education.
3673 Upwards of 100 Northeastern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1929:130, p.1
Over one hundred people will attend the Northeastern High School Conference on campus today.
3674 Athletic conference to be here tomorrow
College Eye 21:14, p.1
Athletics staff will host high school coaches.
3675 Twelfth annual Ed. conference held April 18, 19
College Eye 20:29, p.1
Highlights of the conference.
3676 Women's Athletic Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
Description of the 1927 state convention of the Women's Athletic Association; photo.
3677 N. E. Iowa high school heads meet Thursday
College Eye 19:15, p.6
Northeastern Iowa high school leaders meet to determine schedule for upcoming year.
3678 Women's Sports; W. A. A.
College Eye 19:14, p.7
Brief review of the state WAA meeting on campus.
3679 W. A. A. convention to be held at T. C. this week; representatives from all colleges to be on campus; many interesting numbers on program
College Eye 19:13, p.1
Conference program.
3680 W. A. A. convention held here Dec. 2-3; all Iowa colleges to be represented
College Eye 19:12, p.1
3681 W. A. A.
College Eye 19:10, p.7
WAA state convention will be held on campus.
3682 Interstate contest in speech held in two sections
College Eye 18:41, p.1
Will discuss problems of Midwest farmers.
3683 Consolidated schools conference excellent
College Eye 18:22, p.1
Brief highlights.
3684 Annual conference here this week
College Eye 18:21, p.1
Will host tenth annual consolidated schools conference.
3685 Health exhibit conference feature
College Eye 18:21, p.1
In association with consolidated schools conference.
3686 Interstate contest here
College Eye 18:13, p.3
Will host interstate extempore contest in spring.
3687 Prof. C. A. Fullerton
College Eye 17:40, p.5
Professors C. A. Fullerton, Alpha Mayfield, and Minnie E. Starr attended meeting in Detroit.
3688 The following instructors
College Eye 17:37, p.3
Myrtle Gaffin, T. B. Krouskup, Mrs. Condit, Frances Botsford, G. R. Mach, and R. O. Skar attend conference.
3689 Peace conference Friday; Thomas Harrison soldier pacifist the main speaker
College Eye 17:35, p.1
To be sponsored by religious groups, YWCA, and YMCA; Thomas Q. Harrison will speak.
3690 Gov. Hammill and F. O. Lowden speak before conference
College Eye 17:26, p.1
Highlights of conference devoted to rural and consolidated schools.
3691 Official notices
College Eye 17:24, p.5
Program for the ninth annual consolidated schools conference.
3692 Campus is Mecca for Iowa scientists; R. I. Cratty of Ames is new president
College Eye 16:33, p.1
Iowa Academy of Science holds 39th annual meeting on T. C. campus.
3693 Rural institute decided success; Gerlach and Roadman discuss needs in community life
College Eye 16:27, p.1
First ever Rural Institute program featured Earl Roadman and Talitha Gerlach as speakers.
3694 Rural institute program Friday and Saturday; national Y. W. secretary, Talitha Gerlach, and Dr. Earl Roadman will speak
College Eye 16:26, p.1
Conference schedule features several ISTC speakers.
3695 L. S. A. A. meet best ever held according to Dr. Gimmestad; theme is how to put Christ into the life of a student
College Eye 16:23, p.1
Lutheran conference highlights.
3696 Campus to be Mecca Midwest Lutherans for this weekend; many prominent religious workers to discuss problems of student welfare
College Eye 16:22, p.1
To be hosted on ISTC campus; conference highlights.
3697 Designer Johonnot goes to Des Moines; will conduct art classes there next two months
College Eye 16:21, p.1
Has been offering classes on campus for last four weeks.
3698 Designer Johonnot conducting series of art classes; many people enrolling from Waterloo and Cedar Falls with college students
College Eye 16:17, p.1
Ralph Helm Johonnot will be on campus.
3699 Big consolidated school convention is great success; many prominent speakers express views of interest and value at confab
College Eye 16:16, p.1
Highlights of the conference.
3700 Teachers conference here; prominent leaders in education here Thursday and Friday
College Eye 16:15, p.1
For eighth annual consolidated schools conference.