Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3751 - 3800 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3751 The Normal Training Conference
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.2
Normal training conference held October 11 and 12. Those involved listed.
3752 The Consolidated School
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.2
Iowa Consolidated School Conference occurred at Cedar Falls.
3753 Consolidated school conference success; educators from Iowa and near-by states profit by two-day conference
College Eye 12:16, p.8
Many different educational viewpoints expressed.
3754 Program on consolidated school conference
College Eye 12:15, p.1
Speakers and their topics.
3755 Consolidated school leaders meet here; rural educators from all parts of state to meet here Dec. 9 and 10
College Eye 12:14, p.1
Conference is open to students; conference highlights; brief history of consolidation.
3756 Program for normal training high school conference; to be held October 11th and 12th, 1920 at Iowa State Teachers College; under the Department of Pub
College Eye 12:6, p.5
Schedule for the conference.
3757 Conferences for 1920-1921
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.1
Schedule for upcoming Normal Training Conference and Consolidated School Conference.
3758 Conference of normal training schools coming
College Eye 12:5, p.7
State superintendent expects at least one delegate from each school to attend.
3759 Life Work Conference
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.1
Inter-Church World Movement meetings were held under the auspices of the YM/YWCA. There were many speakers/ conferences.
3760 Better Homes Institute
College Eye 12:1, p.
Conference to be held on eight subjects dealing with teaching.
3761 The National Consolidated School Conference
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.1
National Bureau of Education held first National Conference on Consolidated Schools at ISTC. J. L. McBrien and George S. Dick were in charge.
3762 M. E. notes
College Eye 11:26, p.2
Review of events during the Methodist Episcopal division of the Life Work Conference held on campus.
3763 Many decisions at conference; meeting a success
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Life Work Conference events reviewed.
3764 Life Work conference begins!; leaders of national reputation coming; three day conference stored Friday
College Eye 11:25, p.1
Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. will host conference.
3765 Life Work Conference held; reserve date for end of month
College Eye 11:23, p.1
Miss Owers, Miss Conde, Dr. McAfee and Dr. Helming will speak at conference on March 26, 27, and 28.
3766 National Conference on Consolidated Schools resolutions
College Eye 11:21, p.2
Text of resolutions established during conference.
3767 The following are some of the Teachers College graduates
College Eye 11:21, p.8
Names of students who attended the consolidated schools conference.
3768 National conference a success; consolidated school meetings close
College Eye 11:21, p.1
Review of events during the Consolidated School conference on campus.
3769 Calamity threatens nation!; teacher shortage astonishing; President Grubbe stirs audience
College Eye 11:21, p.1
At consolidated school conference, Colorado State Teachers College President Grubbe spoke on the number of teachers in the country.
3770 Music Department
College Eye 11:21, p.7
News notes from the Department of Orchestral Music.
3771 National conference in session; consolidated schools hold meetings; best educators in U. S. here
College Eye 11:20, p.1
Largest consolidated schools conference ever held took place at I. S. T. C.
3772 Wonderful exhibits here; numerous consolidated school displays
College Eye 11:20, p.1
Exhibits were numerous, consisting of items made by I. S. T. C.'s consolidated school children.
3773 Persons knowing of available rooms
College Eye 11:18, p.8
People asked to notify Mr. Hart of any available rooms for members of the Consolidated Conference Committee.
3774 Reduced fare for delegates; conference Feb. 17-19
College Eye 11:17, p.1
To increase attendance, discounted fares have been offered for delegates to the Consolidated School Conference on campus.
3775 Rural Department
College Eye 11:14, p.5
News from the Department of Rural Education.
3776 Consolidated school conference
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1
George S. Dick and J. L. McBrien are in charge of organizing and conducting the National Conference on Consolidated Schools, substituting the State Conference.
3777 The Normal Training High School Conference
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2
The Normal Training High School Conference was given by the Department of Public Instruction. It was well attended, with many involved in addresses.
3778 Improve Iowa schools; Governor addresses Teachers
College Eye 11:4, p.1
Description of program of the Normal Training Conference.
3779 Normal training conference in session here; Governor Harding gave address yesterday
College Eye 11:3, p.1
Conference highlights; brief summaries of addresses.
3780 Committee on Conferences
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.2
Conferences planned with Department of Public Instruction for Consolidated Schools, Normal Training High Schools, and County Superintendents.
3781 Three state organizations in convention here
College Eye 10:25, p.6
Iowa Academy of Science, Iowa section of the American Chemical Society, and the Iowa section of the American Mathematical Association meet here.
3782 Teachers College entertains Iowa Academy of Science
College Eye 10:23, p.1
Will hold annual meeting on campus.
3783 The Consolidated School Conference
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.3
The conference occurred March 7 and 8 with addresses given by Homer Seerley, A. M. Deyoe, J. A. Woodruff, and W. B. Sandford. Macy Campbell was executive chairperson.
3784 Consolidated school conference Thursday and Friday
College Eye 9:21, p.7
Annual conference scheduled for March 7 and 8.
3785 Second annual Conference of Consolidated Schools; tentative program; one national speaker to be here; Cedar Falls, Iowa, March 7th and 8th, 1918
College Eye 9:18, p.1
Gives agenda for the conference.
3786 State conference high school teacher training departments
College Eye 9:2, p.1
Schedule of conference; many ISTC faculty will participate.
3787 A vote of thanks from visiting superintendents
College Eye 8:30, p.1
Expresses thanks for excellence in hosting conference at Teachers College.
3788 Convention is great success; program unusually interesting
College Eye 8:29, p.1
The superintendents and consolidated schools conferences wrap up; praise for issues discussed.
3789 The convention
College Eye 8:29, p.4
Believes superintendents conference was a resounding success thanks to the efforts of students and faculty alike.
3790 On Wednesday evening
College Eye 8:29, p.8
The faculty entertained visiting superintendents.
3791 T. C. alumni
College Eye 8:29, p.8
Many alumni and former students attended the recent conference for county superintendents.
3792 Over fifty automobiles
College Eye 8:29, p.8
Were at ISTC during the superintendent conference.
3793 Two great conferences at Teachers College; Iowa consolidated schools
College Eye 8:28, p.1
Conferences of county superintendents and consolidated school men to be held on the T. C. campus.
3794 Conference of county superintendents
College Eye 8:27, p.5
Program for conference provided.
3795 Iowa State Teachers College, March 23-24, 1917; Office of Dean of Women, Administration Bldg.
College Eye 8:22, p.7
Schedule for fifth annual conference of the deans of women of Iowa colleges provided.
3796 Conference of Iowa editors
College Eye 8:21, p.4
College Eye supports notion of having Iowa newspaper editor conference.
3797 Deans of Women of Iowa colleges meet soon
College Eye 8:19, p.8
Conference will be held here; Marion Walker is and the president of the group.
3798 Clio Teachers Convention
College Eye 8:18, p.3
Annual Hawkeye Teachers Conference held in Clio Hall.
3799 At the call
College Eye 8:10, p.7
County superintendents will meet at ISTC.
3800 State convention; state conventions of the Y. M. and the Y. W. C. A.
College Eye 7:21, p.1
State and international leaders will meet on campus for annual conventions.