Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3501 - 3550 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3501 A group from Eldora was the first delegation from out-of-town to register for the leadership conference
Public Relations News Release 1935:293, p.1
3502 J. M. Sterrett will lead the discussion meetings of the sectional student leadership conference
Public Relations News Release 1935:274, p.1
Schedule of events.
3503 Approximately one hundred high school students are expected at the sectional student leadership conference
Public Relations News Release 1935:277, p.1
Schedule of events.
3504 Leadership parley to be on campus next week end
College Eye 27:21, p.4
Meeting for high school leaders.
3505 Scientists gather here tomorrow; conference groups to see exhibits, hear talks by specialists
College Eye 27:21, p.4
Will hold conference on teaching of the sciences.
3506 The conference on the teaching of the sciences will be held November 16
Public Relations News Release 1935:229, p.1
Description of exhibits.
3507 Dr. H. S. Conard will address the luncheon meeting of the conference on teaching science
Public Relations News Release 1935:227, p.1
Science teachers from all Northeaster Iowa have been invited.
3508 Conard to speak at science conference here next week-end
College Eye 27:20, p.1
H. S. Conard will speak; conference highlights.
3509 Dr. H. S. Conard will deliver the luncheon address
Public Relations News Release 1935:217, p.1
Schedule of events for the luncheon and the conference on teaching science.
3510 Science convention here November 16
College Eye 27:19, p.1
Will speak on teaching of science at TC.
3511 Thomes to tell of trip to Spain; illustrated travelogue to be presented at conference
College Eye 27:16, p.5
Will speak at language conference.
3512 Songs and plays in French, Spanish, and German will feature the conference on languages
Public Relations News Release 1935:84, p.2
Schedule of events.
3513 Language meet is to be held here Saturday, Oct. 12
College Eye 27:15, p.1
Highlights of the conference.
3514 Industrial Art conference to be here Oct. 5; seven hundred invitations mailed to town teachers
College Eye 27:14, p.5
Program highlights.
3515 Charles H. Bailey will discuss "The Teaching of Working Drawing as a Language"
Public Relations News Release 1935:14, p.1
The conference on teaching of industrial arts in junior and senior high school will be October 5.
3516 H. G. Palmer will discuss "Developing Appreciation of Good Design and Good Workmanship"
Public Relations News Release 1935:13, p.1
The conference on teaching of industrial arts in junior and senior high school will be October 5.
3517 Dean M. Schweickhard has been selected as principal speaker
Public Relations News Release 1935:12, p.1
Schedule of events for the teaching of industrial arts in junior and senior high school conference.
3518 Eight educational meets planned by Extension Division
College Eye 27:12, p.1
Schedule of conferences.
3519 Invitations sent for conference on languages
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Highlights of the October conference.
3520 Music conference set for February
College Eye 27:53, p.1
3521 Schweickhard will address industrial art conclave here
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Highlights of the conference.
3522 Question of materials a serious problem for music supervisors
College Eye 27:52, p.2
Suggests a conference should be held in which music directors can pick out material for the upcoming year.
3523 Ministers seek greater virility in church work
College Eye 26:43, p.1
Ministerial association meets on campus.
3524 Journalists gather for convention; delegates now arriving for annual Iowa College Press Association meet; newspaper and yearbook staffs expected from
College Eye 26:43, p.1
Convention schedule; photo.
3525 Mothers are to be honored by campus organizations tomorrow
College Eye 26:42, p.3
Schedule of organizational plans.
3526 Senior class will bask in social limelight this weekend at prom
College Eye 26:41, p.3
Campus social calendar.
3527 Press convention date bureau to banish dull care
College Eye 26:41, p.1
Dating Bureau will be set up for convention.
3528 All-college prom will be revived for Press meet
College Eye 26:41, p.1
Schedule for the Iowa College Press Association convention.
3529 Play producers due tomorrow for conference; Iowa prep dramatists will gather in fifth annual meet
College Eye 26:40, p.1
Conference program.
3530 Cast is named for "Good Hope"; Drama Conference play is "high-spirited", says Brooks Atkinson
College Eye 26:38, p.1
List of cast members; preview of the play.
3531 Conference play is "Good Hope"; annual Drama Conference is set for April 25, 26, and 27
College Eye 26:36, p.1
Conference highlights.
3532 College newshounds plan to talk it over in conference here
College Eye 26:35, p.1
Will host Iowa College Press convention.
3533 Programs for math conference mailed
College Eye 26:34, p.1
3534 Teacher placement group to meet here
College Eye 26:34, p.1
Will discuss desired qualifications of teachers.
3535 Mathematicians to convene here for parley March 16
College Eye 26:33, p.1
Conference program.
3536 Wrestling meet of prep coaches held Saturday
College Eye 26:24, p.4
Fieldhouse was host to the second annual meeting of Iowa high school coaches.
3537 Liquid structure is like crystal's, Stewart declares
College Eye 26:22, p.1
G. W. Stewart speaks at conference here.
3538 Geography section sponsors teachers meeting tomorrow
College Eye 26:21, p.1
Program highlights.
3539 Teachers and school officials interested in the problems of teaching geography will be in attendance at the second annual geography conference
Public Relations News Release 1934:684, p.1
Program for the event.
3540 Campus This Week
College Eye 26:19, p.3
News around campus.
3541 Prep leaders meet in Commons today
College Eye 26:16, p.1
For leadership conference.
3542 Rotary Club men entertained here
College Eye 26:13, p.1
President Latham welcomed group to Commons.
3543 Leadership conference, Balloon Dance feature weekend affairs
College Eye 25:40, p.3
Campus social calendar.
3544 Conventions seem to be conventional
College Eye 25:40, p.1
Women's League will sponsor convention on campus.
3545 Dramatists to meet Saturday; at least 450 students and teachers expected to attend
College Eye 25:39, p.1
Program schedule.
3546 Drama conference, spring play, frat dances, top social events
College Eye 25:39, p.3
Campus social calendar.
3547 Drama confab to be April 21; extensive program planned by drama department for delegates
College Eye 25:38, p.1
Conference program schedule.
3548 Geographers to meet Saturday; superintendents, teachers to hold conference at Commons
College Eye 25:30, p.1
Roster of speakers and topics; several ISTC faculty will participate.
3549 Rural ministers will gather here Feb. 28
College Eye 25:30, p.4
3550 Seventy-two members of Business Club in visit to Commons
College Eye 25:17, p.3
Business and professional women meet.