Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 3251 - 3300 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
3251 Cyril Houle to address the Northeast Iowa Education conference
Public Relations News Release 1946:71, p.1
"Where the Adult Comes into the Educational Picture" is the topic of Houle's address. A full day conference will be held.
3252 Physical education department hosts high school girls
College Eye 37:22, p.1
Will hold Play Day for four hundred high school students.
3253 Department head to attend national meeting
Public Relations News Release 1946:41, p.1
Edward Kurtz will travel to Detroit, Michigan to attend the annual meetings of the National Assoication of Schools of Music and the Music Teachers National Association.
3254 Three students compete in Rocky Mountain Speech Conference
Public Relations News Release 1946:40, p.1
Students will debate both the affirmative and negative side of the free trade question. Three of the students will participate in the discussion. All I. S. T. C. students will present a skit at the banquet.
3255 Solomon Simonson to attend lectures and conventions
Public Relations News Release 1945:313, p.1
Associate Professor of Speech to attend meetings in Cincinnati, Chicago, and Columbus, Ohio. He will lecture in New York City.
3256 Students to attend the YM-YW conference
Public Relations News Release 1945:267, p.1
Six students will travel to Boone to participate in a conference at the YMCA camp.
3257 First annual radio institute; Hake director of Aug. 20-22 conference
College Eye 36:44, p.3
Lengthy description of institute program; photo.
3258 Eight close Physical Education workshop program
College Eye 36:41, p.4
Dorothy Michel offers view on value of workshop.
3259 Special to the Waterloo Courier
Public Relations News Release 1945:191, p.1
Information from the educational demonstration of the Army Air Force, held yesterday in the men's gymnasium.
3260 College Hill Interdenominational chapel services to host prominent negro educator.
Public Relations News Release 1945:192, p.1
Dean William J. Faulkner will speak in the auditorium of Iowa State Teachers College. He is one of the speakers at the Cedar Falls Bible Conference.
3261 Edward Kurtz to attend conference in St. Louis
Public Relations News Release 1945:193, p.1
Head of the music department is member of the Committee of Teachers Colleges of the National Association of Schools of Music.
3262 Special to the Waterloo Courier
Public Relations News Release 1945:189, p.1
Equipment and instructors of the Army Air Forces demonstration program pictured.
3263 Special to the Cedar Falls Daily Record
Public Relations News Release 1945:190, p.1
Army Air Force personnel shown with the demonstration equipment to be shown at the Men's Gym.
3264 Men's Gym to host an exhibit and demostration of teaching methods and equipment of the army air force
Public Relations News Release 1945:188, p.1
Mock-ups will be demonstrated. Captain T. L. Sheldrake will open the program.
3265 State Safey Education confernce held at Iowa Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1945:184, p.1
Kimball Wiles, acting director of the schol and college division of the National Safety council, addressed the conference.
3266 Phys. Ed. workshop continues its activities
College Eye 36:39, p.4
Report on the work of the workshop.
3267 Ralph H. Ojeman to address the Parent-Teachers association meeting
Public Relations News Release 1945:172, p.1
President Malcolm Price to welcome the attendees to the meeting. Mrs. Loyd S. Mumfer, president of the Iowa congress of Parents and Teachers, will preside.
3268 Red Cross workshop opens under Armstrong
College Eye 36:38, p.2
Will help teachers to carry out work of Junior Red Cross in schools.
3269 Handicapped Child Teaching Institute
College Eye 36:38, p.1
A look at the program to be held on the ISTC campus.
3270 Elementary students, teachers conference in Campus School auditorium
College Eye 36:38, p.1
Professors Curtis and Rhodes will give demonstrations.
3271 Institute on the Training of Teachers for Handicapped Children
Public Relations News Release 1945:168, p.1
John Lee will address the Institute. President Malcolm Price will presided. Several national speakers will attend and speak to the group.
3272 Three week workshop to emphasize the planning of physical education programs
Public Relations News Release 1945:164, p.1
Dorothy Michel will direct a special physical education workshop for students and teachers.
3273 Child Health Workshop to be held
Public Relations News Release 1945:163, p.1
Ralph Ojemann from the University of Iowa will direct the third annual workshop. Procedures in handling health problesms and discussions with specialists will highlight the workshop.
3274 Howard Y. McClusky spoke at the state child health workshop
Public Relations News Release 1945:162, p.1
Children must be born into homes where they are loved, wanted, and have emotional security. Security is needed by young and old alike.
3275 Phys. Ed. Workshop opens June 2
College Eye 36:36, p.4
Description of workshop program.
3276 McClusky here to open final week in Child Welfare Workshop program
College Eye 36:36, p.1
Howard Y. McClusky will speak; program highlights.
3277 Walter L. Bierring, Howard Y, McClusky, Guy Wagner, and Richard G. Bond address the third annual child Health Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1945:156, p.1
Third annual Child Health Workshop held. Speakers announced.
3278 Nurses, teachers register for child welfare workshop
College Eye 36:35, p.1
ISTC faculty will present program.
3279 Child Health Workshop to feature five outstanding public health workers
Public Relations News Release 1945:150, p.1
Ruth B. Freeman will moderate a panel discussion, "How Can the Community Develop and Use Health Resources?"
3280 Robert Jackson will be the first to speak during the third annual Child Health Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1945:148, p.1
Robert Jackson, Marjory Lyford, and Ralph J. Ojemann will address the workshop.
3281 Wartime romance topic of council now on campus
College Eye 36:28, p.1
Ruth O. McCarn speaks.
3282 Joseph W. Rhodes addressed the Eastern Iowa Parochial Teachers Convention
Public Relations News Release 1945:91, p.1
"Trends in Audio-Visual Education in the Schools" was the title of Rhodes address.
3283 Hold vocations conference
Alumnus 29:2, p.6
Educational leaders talk about the profession of teaching.
3284 Stephen Corey speaks to assembly
Public Relations News Release 1945:75, p.1
Corey's talk, "Why Teach Anyway", opened a two day vocational conference sponsored by the Women's League.
3285 Do we accept the challenge
College Eye 36:25, p.2
Discusses topics of the recent conference on the vocation of teaching.
3286 Teachers teaching unrelated materials Dr. Corey tells vocational assembly
College Eye 36:25, p.1
Believes schools may be teaching subjects that have no meaning to students.
3287 College selected for Saturday music meet
College Eye 36:24, p.1
Description of conference topics.
3288 Vocation meeting to open; educational leaders here next week
College Eye 36:24, p.1
Schedule of conference programs; photo.
3289 Iowa Bandmasters association holds state conference
Public Relations News Release 1945:67, p.1
Meeting on campus is one of four held throughout the state. Speakers will lead discussions on topics of interest.
3290 Stephen Cory to open vocations conference at college assembly
College Eye 36:23, p.1
3291 Vocations Conference revived
Public Relations News Release 1945:64, p.1
Women's League committee announced the agenda for the Vocations Conference. Stephen M. Cory will be the keynote speaker. J. Edgar Stonecipher and Jack Logan will also address the group and visit with education classes.
3292 Conference for vocational guidelines for teachers to be held March 19, 20
College Eye 36:21, p.1
3293 Band association prepares clinic
College Eye 36:10, p.4
Bandmasters will hold clinic on campus.
3294 P. T. A. institute held here; Hunt explains revisions of school code
College Eye 35:38, p.1
A look at the conference program.
3295 Stress needs of junior high school
Alumnus 28:3, p.2
Twenty-one principals meet with officials and faculty on campus.
3296 Play conference draws 400
Alumnus 28:3, p.1
13th annual conference condensed to one afternoon.
3297 Workshop now in full swing; Robert L. Jackson speaks today at health workshop
College Eye 35:33, p.1
At child health workshop.
3298 Play conference well attended
College Eye 35:30, p.1
Four hundred attend afternoon program.
3299 Principals, faculty discuss curriculum
College Eye 35:28, p.6
Lengthy report on junior high school conference.
3300 Rural teachers meet at Campus School
College Eye 35:25, p.6
Workshop will focus on reading.