
Displaying 351 - 400 of 472 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
351 Contract calls for indoor track
College Eye 30:34, p.5
New addition to the football stadium which will provide twice the seating capacity and house an indoor track; description of improvements; will cost $75,000.
352 Kucharo's sky-rider builds new women's dormitory
College Eye 30:13, p.5
Working on the women's dormitory structure; photo.
353 The builder
Alumnus 22:4, p.
Worker on steel girder in Seerley Hall for Men; photo.
354 President O. R. Latham
Alumnus 22:3, p.4
President Latham completes his tenth year in office; brief summary of his accomplishments; photo.
355 Dear Mr. Editor
College Eye 29:25, p.2
Allie the Alligator expresses concern over his fate and his home.
356 Seerley Hall plastered; paint next
College Eye 29:21, p.1
Description of the new building; will be at least two months before it is ready for use; photo.
357 Pool construction complete soon
College Eye 29:11, p.1
Should be ready in a month; brief description of the facilities.
358 Maze of blueprints reveals building progress
College Eye 29:7, p.1
Report of progress on Seerley Hall for Men and the Women's Gymnasium swimming pool; hope to complete Seerley Hall by May 1, 1938; photo.
359 New dorm, pool well under way
College Eye 29:1, p.5
New Seerley Hall for Men should be completed by May 1938; swimming pool adjacent to Women's Gymnasium should be ready by December 1937.
360 Trucks roar at Seerley Hall
College Eye 28:42, p.1
Construction progressing on Seerley Hall for Men and the women's swimming pool.
361 New brick laundry is being erected behind Baker Hall
College Eye 28:4, p.1
Total value of building and equipment will be about $25,000; may be complete by December.
362 Lighting, paving among campus improvements
Alumnus 20:4, p.18
Improvements include new stadium, laundry building, greenhouse; roof repairs; gateway south of Men's Gym; paving; new outdoor lighting system; and landscaping.
363 Rebuilding of ruined grandstand starts
College Eye 28:1, p.1
Excavation work for new stadium has begun; photo.
364 Campus-wide improvements move forward; seven separate projects approximating $60,000 under way
College Eye 27:11, p.1
Survey of construction projects and improvements.
365 Campus canoeing pool nearing completion
College Eye 27:3, p.4
Now landscaping banks.
366 Progress; college grows during past seven years, offices, buildings, campus improved
College Eye 27:20, p.2
Quick survey of campus construction over the last few years.
367 Modern features re-new Gilchrist
College Eye 27:20, p.1
368 New tennis courts soon to be ready
College Eye 27:20, p.6
Awaiting installation of nets.
369 New tennis courts nearing completion; plan skating rink
College Eye 27:14, p.4
Women's courts should be completed in October; will build putting green; hope to pave men's courts in several years.
370 Work progressing on new dormitory
College Eye 27:14, p.4
Report on progress on Baker Hall; should be enclosed for the cold weather season.
371 Sport Shorts
College Eye 27:14, p.6
Briefly comments on the football team and upcoming game, the new tennis courts, and recreational swimming.
372 The new Laykold net courts being rapidly completed
College Eye 27:12, p.4
Will provide good all-weather conditions.
373 Remodeling provides commercial offices
College Eye 27:51, p.3
Mathematics will have use of second floor of Old Administration Building; Commercial Education will use third floor.
374 Campus building program nears peak for 1935
College Eye 27:51, p.1
Baker Hall to be built; Gilchrist chapel will be remodeled into little theater; ten new tennis courts will be built; landscaping and sidewalks.
375 The buliding and reconstruction schedule is nearing its peak for 1935
Public Relations News Release 1934:1126, p.1
Four projects are in the process of completion.
376 College rebuilds grounds in 1934; alterations, repairs change appearance of buildings
College Eye 26:25, p.1
Description of changes to the campus.
377 Longer class intervals, credit rule, administrative changes top events in campus news; departmental and campus alterations are also recent changes
College Eye 26:12, p.1
Will allow ten minutes of passage time instead of five minutes; changes in music and language departments; landscaping in central campus after demolition of Power Plant.
378 Campus remodeling under way
Alumnus 18:3, p.10
Central campus area, formerly occupied by heating plant and parking lot, will be landscaped; street encircling area will be paved; offices will be remodeled to meet new administrative needs.
379 New commons building nearly complete
Public Relations News Release 1932:345, p.1
the $250,000 building is nearly complete except for interior finishing work and landscaping. It will be ready for use at the opening of the fall term, September 11. Photo.
380 Plaster work in Commons is completed; general contract is to be completed by July 26
College Eye 25:4, p.1
Other interior work remains to be done; should be complete for fall term.
381 Weather retards work on Commons
College Eye 24:19, p.4
Work suspended until weather improves; brick work underway; target completion date is late July 1933.
382 Builders start walls of Commons Monday
College Eye 24:7, p.5
Excavation and foundation work took seven weeks; masonry work now under way.
383 Remodeling an building program
Alumnus 16:4, p.10
Heating plant should be ready for use by October 1, 1932; Commons may be ready by May 1933; other smaller remodeling projects underway.
384 High school gets new stage settings, seats, repainting
College Eye 24:2, p.6
Several remodeling and building projects underway; Power Plant should be ready October 1.
385 Construction of Commons to be complete by May; contracts are awarded to three Iowa building companies
College Eye 24:1, p.1
Anderson Construction of Council Bluffs is the general contractor for the $200,000 project; description of the facilities; work began on August 10, 1932.
386 Improvements are completed in Central Hall
College Eye 24:1, p.1
Description of extensive remodeling project including changes for the Department of Music.
387 Construction on Commons is to be started soon; contracts are awarded to three Iowa building companies
College Eye 23:53, p.1
Should begin within two weeks; Anderson Construction is general contractor; budget is about $200,000; hope to complete work by May 10, 1933.
388 Cause of economic slump is unearthed on local campus
College Eye 23:52, p.4
Workers find change while fixing sidewalks.
389 Steam distributor will be installed
College Eye 23:50, p.4
Large pit excavated for connections to campus steam tunnels.
390 Screens placed on Campanile keep out birds
College Eye 23:49, p.1
Campanile undergoes repairs after damage to Fasoldt mechanism; roof repaired, electricity installed to operate chimes, clock mechanism shielded, heat will be furnished, and screens installed.
391 Will be ready October first
College Eye 23:49, p.4
Artist's rendition of the finished heating plant.
392 Heating plant puzzles co-ed reporter; pleasure trip turns out to be assignment and nets this story as result
College Eye 23:48, p.2
A look at the new Power Plant, now under construction.
393 Grandstands will be built this summer; football seats will more than double capacity of the stadium
College Eye 23:45, p.1
Will also make improvements to Central Hall and put in new sidewalks.
394 College Commons plans are approved by Iowa State Board of Education
College Eye 23:38, p.1
Approve preliminary work of architects; hope to done by end of spring term 1933.
395 Preliminary plans for the college commons
Public Relations News Release 1931:249, p.1
Awaiting final approval at Board meeting in April; construction may begin July 1, 1932; detailed description of facilities; Proudfoot, Rawson, Souers, and Thomas are architects.
396 Preliminary plans for college Commons are now complete; construction will begin July 1
College Eye 23:34, p.1
Description of the new facility.
397 Complete renovation of Placement Bureau offices is finished
College Eye 23:34, p.1
New quarters doubled in size.
398 Heating plant here will be finished soon; equipment installation begun, states Supt. E. E. Cole; contracts are granted for varied types of apparatus
College Eye 23:33, p.1
Installation of technical equipment now under way; hope to be ready by October.
399 The installation of equipment
Public Relations News Release 1931:258, p.1
Work on boiler installation to begin March 1; conveyer and stoker work to begin March 15; alternating current to replace direct current; turbine flook work now under way; hope to have work compete by October 1932.
400 New building is project here; plans for college Commons are now in process of preparation, announces President Latham
College Eye 23:31, p.1
Construction will start last this spring; architect chosen; will cost between $100,000 and $200,000.