Displaying 451 - 472 of 472 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
451 | Plans for new building; work on new manual arts building will commence soon College Eye 4:13, p.3 |
New Vocational Building has been planned; Proudfoot, Bird and Rawson will design it; will be located on southwest corner of quadrangle. | |
452 | Campaign is launched for Campanile; big pepperfest is held Monday night; stirring speeches by patrons of the school; students in favor of project College Eye 4:7, p.1 |
Over one thousand students attended booster meeting for the construction of the campus clock tower; expected to cost $12,000; photo. | |
453 | Untitled College Eye 4:3, p.5 |
Comments on faculty, students, and happenings on campus. | |
454 | Untitled College Eye 4:2, p.4 |
Wonders why the new fence around the athletic field doesn't go between the hospital and the field. | |
455 | The new dormitory College Eye 4:2, p.1 |
Progress report on the construction of Bartlett Hall; foundation and beginnings of walls complete. | |
456 | The Training School College Eye 4:1, p.5 |
News from the Training School; enjoying new school building; accounts of end of year ceremonies and celebrations. | |
457 | Ground is broken for new dormitory College Eye 4:1, p.1 |
Bartlett Hall foundation is being constructed; will cost about $100,000; description of building and rooms; completion date is September 1, 1915. | |
458 | Editor criticizes Trewin; David Brant, of the Iowa City Republican shows up State Board College Eye 2:19, p.1 |
David Brant defends the Iowa State Teachers College and questions the board decision for no new buildings. | |
459 | Training School prospects bright; work on new building progresses nicely College Eye 1:3, p.7 |
Enrollment nears three hundred; new teaching critics are settling in. | |
460 | Department of orchestral instruments College Eye 1:1, p.7 |
News from the music department. | |
461 | The spirit of push and progress Normal Eyte 16:2, p.25 |
Board of Trustees instructs James Robinson to begin constructing the foundation for the new science building. | |
462 | Work of excavating for the new gymnasium building commenced Normal Eyte 13:28, p.444 |
Began April 14; currently filling low places. | |
463 | All will be glad to learn Normal Eyte 5:3, p.21 |
Woodwork and mosaic flooring in Administration Building being installed. | |
464 | Mingled with all the benefits Normal Eyte 5:3, p.21 |
Certain inconveniences, including the closing of the library, have occurred during work around campus. | |
465 | The brick work Normal Eyte 4:34, p.540 |
First story of new building nearing completion; have had difficulty in securing lumber. | |
466 | Work is being pushed Normal Eyte 4:27, p.427 |
Stone work will soon be done on Administration Building; most material is on site. | |
467 | Excavating for the new building is progressing rapidly Normal Eyte 4:5, p.75 |
Saturday activities in other buildings cancelled while water pipes were connected. | |
468 | Excavating for the new building Normal Eyte 4:4, p.57 |
Will cause detours for students; foundation expected to be finished this fall. | |
469 | The work on the new building Students' Offering 7:29, p.5 |
Steam heat is on; plaster being applied; speaking tubes installed; pipes for gas lighting inserted. | |
470 | The music of the hammer Students' Offering 7:28, p.5 |
Lathing is about half done in new building; prepare to put in steam pipes linked to present system. | |
471 | The work at the Normal building Students' Offering 7:27, p.5 |
Most brick work done; slates being put on roof, which should be finished by Christmas; inside work can then move ahead. | |
472 | The new building Students' Offering 7:26, p.5 |
Progressing well; walls completed above second story level; people drive out to see it. |