Displaying 401 - 450 of 472 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
401 | Placement Bureau is in temporary location until late next month College Eye 23:28, p.1 |
402 | College heating and power plant will be completed within month; smoke stack, tunnel, steel construction are now completed College Eye 23:27, p.1 |
Only a few remaining pieces of work remain to be done. | |
403 | Remodeling is finished in President's office College Eye 23:26, p.1 |
Suite will expand former two room arrangement to four rooms. | |
404 | Offices of Placement Bureau are subjected to renovating process College Eye 23:26, p.1 |
Suite will include three rooms. | |
405 | Remodeling process in President's offices is soon to be completed College Eye 23:25, p.1 |
Suite will include reception room and meeting room; Benjamin Boardman moves into addition to Old Administration Building.. | |
406 | Financial secretary changes quarters College Eye 23:25, p.2 |
Will feature vault for safe storage of records. | |
407 | The new smoke stack Public Relations News Release 1931:128, p.1 |
Construction of the power plant smoke stack completed by Rust Engineering; steel work on power plant building nearing completion; shops building still needs roof; steam tunnel to center of campus under construction. | |
408 | Floor covering laid in secretary's office College Eye 23:23, p.2 |
Office will be in addition to south side of Old Administration Building. | |
409 | Engineers complete 197 foot smoke stack for new college heating plant College Eye 23:23, p.1 |
Stack is made of reinforced concrete; built by Rust Engineering; coal and ash units nearly finished; rain delays masonry work. | |
410 | Intrepid workmen defy formidable library rule College Eye 23:19, p.6 |
Workmen busy installing new window sashes in Library and doing other remodeling there. | |
411 | It seems that one new office shrinks College Eye 23:19, p.6 |
Causes problems in ordering furniture for Benjamin Boardman's office. | |
412 | Work on heating plant moves rapidly; stack will be started soon College Eye 23:16, p.1 |
Structural steel now being placed; crew also works on garage and shops building. | |
413 | Power plant excavations are complete; all concrete footings and foundation walls will be finished within two weeks, says construction boss College Eye 23:13, p.1 |
Building will cost $90,000; Tapager Construction is general contractor; description of the building; stack will be 197 feet tall. | |
414 | All of the concrete has been poured Public Relations News Release 1931:5, p.1 |
Concrete footings complete; foundation walls to begin soon; steel for shops building is on site; chimney construction let as separate contract. | |
415 | Excavation work for the foundation of the new heating and power plant Public Relations News Release 1930:515, p.1 |
Will be finished within the next two weeks; base for smokestack (31 feet in diameter and 197 feet tall) is done; railroad siding complete; carpenters installing forms for additional foundation work. | |
416 | New siding speeds up work on heating plant construction; carload of cement is used in smoke stack base recently completed College Eye 23:11, p.4 |
Railroad siding makes deliveries easier; construction progress. | |
417 | Untitled College Eye 23:11, p.2 |
Recap of events and construction during summer term. | |
418 | Work is begun on auditorium; many other improvements are being completed here this summer College Eye 23:11, p.1 |
Description of the new auditorium chairs. | |
419 | Untitled College Eye 23:10, p.2 |
Present conditions at the college teach students how not to conduct themselves in the business of learning. | |
420 | Since all prospective "galloping ghosts" Public Relations News Release 1930:494, p.1 |
Francis Schammel and Art Olsen, football teammates, remove a tree which was in the way of construction of power plant. | |
421 | First ground broken for new power plant College Eye 23:8, p.3 |
Tapager Construction Company begins excavation; will go down ten to twelve feet. | |
422 | First ground in the excavation for the new heating and power Public Relations News Release 1930:488, p.1 |
Groundbreaking for new heating and power plant took place on July 18; Tapager Construction Company is doing work; excavation will take about ten days; then foundation work will begin. | |
423 | The alumnus returns Alumnus 15:3, p.17 |
Points out changes to returning alumni. | |
424 | One of the most familiar landmarks Public Relations News Release 1930:399, p.1 |
Construction of new Power Plant begins around July 1; lengthy description of the new plant and the shops building. | |
425 | Construction of the new $365,000 service unit Public Relations News Release 1930:397, p.1 |
Work will begin July 1 on a new power and heating plant as well as a shops and garage building; E. E. Cole is architect. | |
426 | Condemned south entrance now undergoing reconstruction; secretary Boardman's office to be enlarged; declared unsafe several years ago College Eye 18:11, p.1 |
Entrance will be enlarged to allow greater numbers of students to pass through; will also build one story addition to Business Office. | |
427 | Four thousand fans is seating capacity of new gym; will soon be ready for use College Eye 17:20, p.1 |
Description of new facilities in Men's Gymnasium; should be ready in two weeks. | |
428 | First act in erection of Campanile is impressive sight to the many viewers College Eye 17:1, p.1 |
Cornerstone laid; description of impressive ceremony; text of address given by Pauline Devitt; photo. | |
429 | $35,000 still needed for Campanile Fund College Eye 16:30, p.3 |
Costs and location given for construction of Campanile for the college's fiftieth anniversary. | |
430 | Foundation of new gymnasium fast nearing completion; will be first building on new addition to college campus College Eye 16:28, p.6 |
Description of new Men's Gymnasium. | |
431 | Unload material for Men's Gymnasium College Eye 16:21, p.8 |
Update on the progress of the Men's Gymnasium. | |
432 | Work will begin soon on Teachers $250,000 gymnasium; new building will be 175 by 205 feet College Eye 16:18, p.3 |
Description of the new Men's Gymnasium. | |
433 | Bids to open next week for men's dormitory College Eye 16:15, p.3 |
Budget will be about $120,000; will be located on south side of campus; will be divided into 16-20 man units. | |
434 | Work on Men's Gym to begin soon College Eye 16:14, p.6 |
General contract awarded to Breckner Construction Company; will cost $160,721; to be completed August 1, 1925. | |
435 | Hundreds of students witness breaking of ground for Campanile; to be dedicated in 1926 at fiftieth anniversary of school College Eye 16:12, p.1 |
Eliza Rawstern Wright turns the first spade of earth; class marches to site; Campanile will cost about $50,000. | |
436 | Gym plans underway College Eye 16:5, p.6 |
Plans for Men's Gym are now being completed by architect; will call for bids in a month or so; building will be 230 X 206 feet. | |
437 | New dormitory great improvement to campus College Eye 16:4, p.1 |
Addition to Bartlett Hall nearing completion; should be ready by winter term; expect another addition to be built. | |
438 | Progress made in Campanile drive; cost estimated College Eye 16:2, p.3 |
Brick and stone will cost $25,000, clock will cost $12,000, chimes will cost $15,000; faculty pledge $10,000; cash and pledges have passed $25,000. | |
439 | The addition to the dormitory College Eye 14:50, p.1 |
Hope that addition to Bartlett Hall will be finished by winter term; should house an additional sixty women; hope to build another addition in a year, but inflation may hamper plans. | |
440 | New buildings for Teachers College College Eye 14:11, p.7 |
Plans include an addition to Bartlett Hall, a men's dormitory, a natural science building, a new power plant, tennis courts, and an athletic field. | |
441 | State Board of Education decision College Eye 13:28, p.4 |
Will not now purchase additional land or build new buildings for the Teachers College due to high costs. | |
442 | New bleachers Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.1 |
Superintendent James E. Robinson constructs seating for up to 1200 visitors located on the east and west sides of the football field. | |
443 | A peek into the Natural Science department College Eye 11:2, p.6 |
News notes about department faculty. | |
444 | The Campanile Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.8 |
The Alumni Association met and accepted report of Campanile Committee. They are asking for donations and hope to begin construction in the fall. Art students have submitted six designs and Association will pay premium for best one. | |
445 | The Vocational Building Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1 |
Foundation of the new Vocational Building is now complete. Agriculture, manual training, and cooking and art laboratories will be housed there. | |
446 | Appropriations Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1 |
ISTC granted money for building Vocational Building and second section of women's dorm, furnishing Bartlett Hall, paving 23rd Street, organizing Study Centers in all counties, and providing a 48 week school year. | |
447 | Materials on track for Vocational Building College Eye 7:1, p.7 |
Have been unloading brick and stone for the new building; cost will be about $100,000; should be useful and handsome structure; Bartlett Hall nearing completion; to be open in fall 1915; all rooms are booked. | |
448 | New dormitory to open June 2nd; only dining service may be secured until opening of fall term College Eye 4:27, p.1 |
Dining services will begin June 2nd; dormitory will be ready for occupation in the fall. | |
449 | Plans complete for new building; vocational arts building will be valuable addition; will be built after model of Training School College Eye 4:19, p.2 |
Planned Vocational Building will by 67 by 144 feet, and will have four stories; hope to complete it by 1916. | |
450 | Untitled College Eye 4:19, p.5 |
Lockers are being removed. |