# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Fulfilling or frightening? Northern Iowan 119:51, p.1 |
Erin McRae interviews education students to get their thoughts on the recent education related legislation passed in Iowa and why those students choose to remain in education; photo. | |
2 | Hate crimes won't stop until we stop its source Northern Iowan 117:43, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, hate crimes will continue to rise due to easy access to guns, lack of accountability for white men, and restrictions on diversity in education; photo. |
3 | Back to normal is on the way Northern Iowan 117:39, p.3 |
Maier discusses Biden's new Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, and plans to reopen schools in the upcoming year, as well as UNI's return to in-person learning in Fall 2021; photo. | |
4 | Panel discusses race in the classroom Northern Iowan 115:45, p.4 |
Classroom Conversations on Race: A Panel Discussion was held on March 28 in Maucker Union. Panelists included professors Carissa Froyum, Anna Kogl, Abbylynn Helgevold, and Gaetane Jean-Marie; photo. | |
5 | Are you pro-life or pro-birth? Northern Iowan 115:39, p.3 |
Professor emeritus of marketing Steve Corbin submits a letter to the editor arguing that there are major differences between being pro-life and pro-birth; photo. | |
6 | is YouTube a practical career? Northern Iowan 115:38, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, having a career in social media comes with downsides such as impracticality, suffering relationships, and fleeting fame. Bennethum attempts to dissuade readers from making a living on social media, instead favoring education; photo. | |
7 | Liberal arts education is necessary Northern Iowan 115:37, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, a liberal arts education should offer students a vivid education that captures their interest and prepares them for the world. Wiggins discusses the drop in humanities majors and why students are moving away from them, critiquing current academic and societal structures and advocating for a reimagining of college and the liberal arts; photo. | |
8 | Editorial: higher ed needs higher funding Northern Iowan 114:28, p.3 |
Madden and Dausener are concerned with Iowa decreasing funding for higher education. | |
9 | Low-skilled labor plagues some grads Northern Iowan 114:12, p.2 |
Many college graduates end up in a low-skilled labor job immediately after graduation. This chance increases or decreases depending on the student's given major and field of interest; photo. | |
10 | Military spending overshadows education Northern Iowan 114:8, p.3 |
Columnist Abbi Cobb discuses the military spending increase. Cobb thinks there should be less military increases and more effort put into education; photo. | |
11 | CV arrests teach COE students lesson Northern Iowan 112:42, p.2 |
Students and faculty of the College of Education reflect on the recent arrests of Cedar Falls High School teacher Douglas Wilkinson and Kingsley Elementary School principal Amber Dietz; photo. |
12 | Courage comes with teaching profession Northern Iowan 112:20, p.5 |
In the author's opinion, teachers have difficult jobs, care about their students, and make a difference in the world; photos. |
13 | Drop the attitude, not the course Northern Iowan 112:3, p.3 |
In Moeller's opinion, persisting in a difficult course instead of dropping it can bring students both academic and professional benefits; photo. |
14 | Making that major decision Northern Iowan 112:1, p.5 |
Student Abbi Cobb shares her struggles in finding a major; photo. |
15 | UNI's Elementary Literacy Conference to be held April 17 Public Relations News Release 2014:216, p.1 |
The 47th annual Elementary Literacy Conference will be on April 17, in the Schindler Education Center. There will be a pre-conference event at the Grout Museum/Bluedorn Science Imaginarium in Waterloo April 16. The conference is free for UNI students. | |
16 | UNI selected as a 'Best Graduate School' by U.S. News & World Report Public Relations News Release 2014:212, p.1 |
UNI is a top graduate school in education, according to the 2016 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools ranking. The College of Business Administration was also recognized in the rankings, being named a best part-time MBA program. | |
17 | Lifelong university program Northern Iowan 111:38, p.2 |
UNI is offering credit-less classes taught by retired and current faculty. | |
18 | UNI's College of Education to host town hall meeting in Cedar Rapids Public Relations News Release 2014:136, p.1 |
The meeting will be held December 11, at Grant Wood AEA. UNI will host several town hall meetings across the state to discuss education in Iowa. | |
19 | UNI's College of Education tot host town hall meeting in Des Moines area Public Relations News Release 2014:132, p.1 |
The next meeting will be held in Johnston, December 10, at Heartland AEA. Meeting will be held across the state from now until December. | |
20 | UNI's College of Education to host town meeting in Bettendorf Public Relations News Release 2014:107, p.1 |
UNI will host several town meetings across Iowa to discuss education. The next meeting is November 17, and is going to be held in Bettendorf. Meetings will be held from now until December. | |
21 | UNI's College of Education to host town hall meeting in Clear Lake Public Relations News Release 2014:103, p.1 |
UNI College of Education will host several town meetings across Iowa to discuss education. The next meeting will be held in Clear Lake, November 6. Meetings will be held from now until December. | |
22 | UNI's College of Education to host town hall meeting in Dubuque Public Relations News Release 2014:82, p.1 |
UNI College of Education will host meetings in Iowa to discuss education. The next meeting will be held in Dubuque October 23. | |
23 | UNI's College of Education to host town hall meeting in Spencer Public Relations News Release 2014:69, p.1 |
UNI College of Education will host several town hall meetings in Iowa to discuss education. The next meeting will be held in Spencer, October 15. | |
24 | UNI's College of Education reschedules town hall meeting in Cedar Falls Public Relations News Release 2014:68, p.1 |
UNI College of Education will host several town meetings across Iowa to discuss education. A meeting will be held in the Cedar Valley, October 8. | |
25 | UNI's College of Education to host town meeting in Council Bluffs Public Relations News Release 2014:61, p.1 |
UNI College of Education will host several town meetings across the state to discuss education in Iowa. The next meeting will be in Council Bluffs, October 9, at the Educational Service Center. | |
26 | What is college worth to you? Northern Iowan 111:7, p.3 |
Columnist Tucker reminds students to have goals in college, so that they can work hard and accomplish their goals; photo. | |
27 | Advanced Studies Certificate in Superintendency to be offered at a distance through UNI Public Relations News Release 2014:49, p.1 |
UNI is accepting applications for its Advanced Studies Certificate in Superintendency program that begins spring 2015. Students gain hands-on experience through an internship where work products and skills are developed. | |
28 | A welcome from the Dean of the College of Education Northern Iowan 110:55, p. |
Dean Dwight Watson welcomes new students to the university and the College of Education. | |
29 | Build your own future as students Northern Iowan 110:52, p.3 |
This column stresses the importance of learning outside of the classroom. | |
30 | Earn a master's degree or advanced studies certificate in principalship at a distance through UNI Public Relations News Release 2013:212, p.1 |
UNI is now accepting applications for its Master of Arts in Education or Advanced Studies Certificate in Principalship programs. These two-year programs are for individuals seeking endorsement as pre-K through 12 principals or supervisors. | |
31 | New skills grace UNI: funding enables Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to open in library Northern Iowan 110:43, p.1 |
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning program will open in room 378 of the Rod Library. This program will offer workshops and forums on ways to enhance learning. This will help both students and faculty to connect; photo. | |
32 | College unpreparedness affects all students Northern Iowan 110:41, p.3 |
The author points out that many students graduating from high school are not ready for college. To solve this problem high schools need to prepare their students better. First year students who are not prepared for college waste their time and money. | |
33 | Obama misplaces focus of students Northern Iowan 110:37, p.3 |
Says President Obama wants to curtail liberal arts education. Instead, focus should be on vocational-technical education. Says that Obama is telling the working class and the uneducated to learn to be happy with their place in society. | |
34 | Focus on learning, not grades Northern Iowan 110:35, p.3 |
Says students need to focus on learning the material rather than just getting good grades. Many students get through classes by memorizing and doing just enough work to get by. Instead of just striving for an "A", students should learn the material. | |
35 | Sen. Hatch starts new campaign Northern Iowan 110:34, p.1 |
As re-election season comes closer, Senator Jack Hatch has joined the race for governor. He believes that there needs to be more focus on funding for higher education. He supports Branstad's initiatives to help veterans, and wants to expand them. | |
36 | Proposed center to study various university issues Northern Iowan 110:33, p.3 |
A group of UNI staff members recently presented plans for a proposed Center for the Study of Undergraduate Education to Faculty Senate. The center has not been approved yet, but the group has begun a research project. | |
37 | Let's say goodbye to lectures Northern Iowan 110:31, p.4 |
The author feels that lecture-based classes are not the best way for students to learn. Students can only focus for short periods of time, so interactive learning would be better for students. It may be more work, but ultimately it would be beneficial. | |
38 | Student loan debt decreasing at UNI Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1 |
Student loan debt has decreased 10 percent since 2010 for the average UNI student. The "Live Like a Student" program may be helping The program educates students on financial choices and borrowing responsibly. | |
39 | UNI should open an independent movie theater Northern Iowan 110:22, p.3 |
The author thinks that opening a small movie theatre at UNI would be a great way to help provide a well-rounded liberal arts education. He mentions that the local theatres never show any independent or foreign films. | |
40 | How would you improve the Liberal Arts Core? Northern Iowan 110:19, p.3 |
Each author gives their opinion on the Liberal Arts Core. All agree that it is important to be exposed to a variety of subjects, but there is not a consensus on how this should be implemented. | |
41 | Regents approve education center Northern Iowan 110:18, p.1 |
The Iowa Board of Regents approved plans to open a new education center, "The Center for Educational Transformation" at the University of Northern Iowa. The center will replace Malcolm Price Laboratory. | |
42 | It's time to view education differently Northern Iowan 110:16, p.3 |
The author reminds students to appreciative their right to receive an education. In Pakistan there was a girl that was shot standing up for women's education rights. The story of this girl shows that Americans we are truly fortunate; photo. | |
43 | The search for wisdom through Humanities Northern Iowan 110:15, p.3 |
The author is disappointed that cuts are being made to humanities departments across the country. He explains that the critical thinking and problem solving skills taught in humanities courses are important and need to be taught in schools. | |
44 | Arts fight for a seat in the classroom Northern Iowan 110:15, p.3 |
The author expresses the importance of fine arts in education. She also points out that decreases in funding and budget cuts are causing art classes to be eliminated from many schools. This is taking away an important aspect of a well-rounded education. | |
45 | UNI studies school settings with Back-to-School project Public Relations News Release 2013:95, p.1 |
UNI hosted a Back-to-School project that allowed teachers, business leaders, and legislators to see what it was like to attend school in a Cedar Valley high school. Based on this experience they are able to evaluate college are career readiness. | |
46 | An open letter to UNI President William Ruud Northern Iowan 110:10, p.3 |
Linh Ta talks about the installation of President Ruud. Expresses concern about the different issues UNI is currently facing. Encourages President Ruud to remember his goals, aspirations, and commitment to serving the UNI community. | |
47 | UNI to host sessions on improving literacy in elementary education Public Relations News Release 2013:66, p.1 |
The second annual Jacobson Center and Reading Recovery Literacy Academy will be held on campus. The event focuses on Reading Recovery and Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy. Peter Johnston and Lester Laminack will be speaking at the event. | |
48 | Free Webinar - Iowa Tax Law Legislative Update Public Relations News Release 2013:65, p.1 |
There is a free online webinar over 2013 changes to Iowa tax law. This presentation is available thanks to the Iowa Department of Revenue partnering with UNI. Rob Williams serves as the moderator. | |
49 | Free college for the people Northern Iowan 110:5, p.5 |
Author proposes the idea of free tuition at public universities instead of all the loans and grants. Our nation says that we value college education; the author feels it is time to show this through public policy. | |
50 | Craving for diversity Northern Iowan 110:3, p.3 |
The author expresses a need for a more diverse student body at UNI. She thinks that by having a more diverse campus it would enhance learning and lead to more interesting discussions in class. |