
Displaying 401 - 450 of 1495 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Getting an education
Northern Iowan 93:2, p.11
Columnist comments on getting an education.
402 "Return on Investment" shown by Iowa Educational Technology Training Institute
Public Relations News Release 1996:8, p.1
Iowa teachers are becoming more knowledgeable at incorporating technology into their classrooms.
403 Parents and children learning together
Northern Iowan 92:61, p.3
Offers ideas on object of learning.
404 Cost versus value; college is expensive--but has the cost been overstated?
Northern Iowa Today 80:1, p.8
Analyzing the true costs of education and the ways to meet those costs.
405 Obiter Scripta
Northern Iowan 92:56, p.5
Offers advice on what to get out of education.
406 Higher education should not ignore morality, spirituality, religion
Northern Iowan 92:55, p.10
President Koob offers viewpoint on power of religion, spirit, and morality.
407 Going to college, getting an education not same thing
Northern Iowan 92:53, p.8
People go to college for many reasons, but they should devote some effort to learning.
408 Reconsidering value of liberal arts education
Northern Iowan 92:51, p.7
Believes students should savor and value their general education experiences.
409 Hayworth's liberal arts column interesting, thoughtful
Northern Iowan 92:48, p.9
Supports idea of broad education.
410 Advice for freshman in college
Northern Iowan 92:47, p.5
Urges students to seek new experiences and people, to broaden knowledge, to make connections.
411 Liberal arts degree useful
Northern Iowan 92:45, p.7
Believes degree will at least protect him from a factory job, but is not sure what else it will bring.
412 Universities have failed to question effectiveness of their activities
Northern Iowan 92:42, p.8
Offers ideas for improving the quality of education.
413 Getting your money's worth out of college
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.7
Believes small colleges served his children well.
414 Seven habits of highly effective students
Northern Iowan 92:38, p.7
Outlines ways in which students can learn effectively.
415 Faculty in review: the Regents report
Campus News Network 6:10, p.2
Faculty members are greatly involved with undergraduate education, says results of study of undergraduate teaching at Regents' institutions.
416 American Education Week: investing our time, talents
Campus News Network 6:6, p.1
Faculty, staff, and students will visit classrooms as part of American Education Week November 13-17.
417 Teach and educate yourselves
Northern Iowan 91:45, p.5
Urges people to take initiative in their own education.
418 Apply your education!
Northern Iowan 91:33, p.5
Believes there is more to college than going to classes and preparing for a job.
419 UNI receives $1 million grant to help Slovakia restructure educational system
Campus News Network 4:15, p.1
USAID has agreed to provide money in FYs 1994 and 1995 to help fund second phase.
420 A decade at risk; the 36 pages that jolted education
Northern Iowa Today 77:2, p.10
Analyzes impact of "A Nation At Risk" after ten years.
421 Qualifications for educational success raise questions
Northern Iowan 88:23, p.3
Considers best way to improve education.
422 Escalante inspires future teachers to tackle problems
Northern Iowan 87:63, p.2
Problems with American education.
423 The final showing
Northern Iowan 87:57, p.2
Reviews what he has learned in college.
424 A final sweet 'thank you'
Northern Iowan 87:54, p.3
Senior sums up value of his education.
425 Education: who is to blame?
Northern Iowan 87:48, p.3
Assesses responsibility for problems with education.
426 University of Northern Iowa professor puts academic theories into classroom practice
Public Relations News Release 1990:235, p.1
Teaches third grade to observe if theories taught in college classrooms work in real classroom situations.
427 Educating parents about what goes on in school can be as important as what children learn: Early childhood expert
Public Relations News Release 1990:723, p.1
Anne Federlein states that educators need to communicate with parents what is going on in their child's preschool and elementary classroom.
428 Teachers must be careful to avoid sexual stereotyping in the classroom
Public Relations News Release 1989:526, p.1
As head of multi-cultural, non-sexist programming at Price Laboratory School, Dianna Briggs advises educators to be more wary of sexual stereotyping in the classroom.
429 Grads prepare for "real world"; friends, clubs left behind
Northern Iowan 86:58, p.12
Students talk about what they have learned and what they intend to do.
430 "Inclusive schools" movement seeks to integrate disabled students into regular classrooms
Public Relations News Release 1989:524, p.1
Professors William and Susan Stainback support the integration of disabled individuals with other elementary students. Schools Are For Everyone (SAFE) is a nationwide organization working toward school integration.
431 University of Northern Iowa offers summer natural history workshop for teachers
Public Relations News Release 1989:530, p.1
The Iowa Conservation Education Council and Department of Natural Resources sponsor the Natural History Potpourri Workshop. The workshop allows students to explore forests, prairie, and ponds throughout southwest Iowa.
432 Minorities in Teaching Program
Public Relations News Release 1989:528, p.1
The Minorities in Teaching Program is a partnership with Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Sioux City, and Waterloo that identifies young minority students who show potential for careers in education. Professor Richard Strub coordinates the program.
433 'Teaching Geography Workshop' to be held April 16 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:507, p.1
President Constantine Curris, and Professors Ron Johnston, and Basheer Nijim speak at the teaching geography workshop for k-12 teachers in the UNI Commons Ballroom.
434 Sexism in the classroom -- part of "hidden curriculum."
Public Relations News Release 1989:501, p.1
Professor Dianna Briggs urges educators to be more aware of sexist messages in the classroom. She suggests that teachers use both male and female role models in classroom discussions.
435 Pioneering University of Northern Iowa program recruits minority students into teaching
Public Relations News Release 1989:497, p.1
Professor Richard Strub coordinates the Minorities in Education program, which seeks to recruit minority students from sixth through twelfth grade into the field of education. Students who complete the program will be given priority in IMAGES grants.
436 Science and technology gap
Public Relations News Release 1989:483, p.1
Professor Bonnie Litwiller sits on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, which proposes new standards for math and science in response to surveys indicating poor performance in American schools.
437 Children's Issues
Public Relations News Release 1989:483, p.1
Professor Anne Federlein conducts research on children from disadvantaged homes at the Regents Center for Early Developmental Education.
438 Music should be integral part of any child's education: University of Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1989:438, p.1
Professor Patricia Osterby discusses the future role of music in education. Osterby predicts that the arts will replace sports as the country's extracurricular activity of choice as the New Millennium approaches.
439 Building better schools without tearing down walls--an expert opinion
Public Relations News Release 1989:470, p.1
Professor Thomas Switzer discusses how school, teachers, and parents need to be actively involved in improving the education system. Switzer participates in the Minorities in Teaching Program.
440 How do we get our kids interested in school? Parents play a part.
Public Relations News Release 1989:445, p.1
Professor Ann Federlein encourages parents to be active in their children's schools through volunteer work. Federlein states that students take more interest in their education when parents play an active role in their school.
441 Computers transforming Iowa schools
Public Relations News Release 1989:328, p.1
Professor Don Darrow analyzes the use of computers in teaching science, history, mathematics, and language. Darrow states that children retain information more efficiently through computer simulations than lecture.
442 Population changes affecting rural school enrollment into 21st Century
Public Relations News Release 1989:327, p.1
Professor William Dreier examines possible outcomes of imposing a one-thousand student enrollment minimum on public schools.
443 Big decisions await choosy parents who choose their children's school
Public Relations News Release 1989:347, p.1
Professor James Albrecht discusses the negative outcomes of allowing parents to select which school their children attend. Albrecht believes that parents may make their selections based on convenience rather than quality of education.
444 University of Northern Iowa faculty members designing curriculum materials for AIDS Memorial Quilt project
Public Relations News Release 1989:342, p.1
Gretta Berghammer and Kaye Morgan organize an AIDS study guide for use in area schools. A portion of Cleve Jones' Nobel prize nominated AIDS quilt is displayed at the Central Intermediate School in Waterloo.
445 Choose school for the right reasons when your district offers "Parental Choice"
Public Relations News Release 1989:326, p.1
Professor James Albrecht analyzes the pros and cons of allowing parental choice in which schools their children attend within the district. Albrecht concludes that parents are more likely to select schooling based on convenience rather than quality.
446 Helping at risk children through Project PEACE
Public Relations News Release 1989:329, p.1

Professor Gloria Kirkland Holmes develops the Parent Education and Child Enrichment program. The program was created to halt developmental problems in young children that may hinder their performance in school at a later age.

447 The Nineties; higher education in the Education Decade
Northern Iowa Today 73:2, p.3
President Curris and other top administrators plan for UNI's future.
448 Vocational and technical education course to be offered at Des Moines Area Community College by University of northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:319, p.1
Professor Jack Reed instructs a course at the Des Moines Area Community College titled "The History and Philosophy of Vocational-Technical Education". Reed will cover the principles and practice of adult schooling.
449 How do children learn? Dramatic play is a positive force in classrooms
Public Relations News Release 1989:317, p.1
Professor Gretta Berghammer researches the application of creative drama in teaching preschool aged children.
450 Year-round school on the horizon, says University of Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1989:312, p.1
Professor Judy Finkelstein suggests that year round scheduling will improve student performance, as well as the cost effectiveness of the education system.