
Displaying 301 - 350 of 1495 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Every child left behind
Northern Iowan 101:50, p.9
Discusses the No Child Left Behind Act.
302 International Education Week 2004 at UNI
Northern Iowan 101:23, p.4
UNI Study Abroad Center and Office of International Programs puts together calendar of campus-wide events to celebrate International Education Week.
303 Bringing discrimination back
Northern Iowan 101:21, p.7
Hopes America's growing backlash against homosexuality does not extend further into public schools.
304 Facing the issues: education
Northern Iowan 101:12, p.4
Describes positions presidential candidates take on educational issues and how they affect UNI students; photo.
305 UNI study finds most Iowa superintendents like No Child Left Behind Act
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Over sixty percent of responding superintendents felt instruction was improved directly because of NCLB.
306 UNI state fair booth celebrates rural education
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"Excellence in Education" exhibit showcasing a 1920s-style one-room school will be in the Varied Industries Building.
307 Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society takes on the Windy City
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Society takes trip to Chicago to observe education in large urban settings; students listed.
308 Debaters hash out party differences
Northern Iowan 100:53, p.1
UNI College Republicans and Northern Iowa Democrats debate the positions of Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush in the upcoming election; photo.
309 Radio show to consider Iowa's future economically, culturally
Northern Iowan 100:48, p.1
Chuck Offenburger and Iowans for a Better Future will sponsor ten radio shows; photo.
310 Are Iowa children being left behind?
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.7
Debates the effectiveness of the No Child Left Behind Act in a state noted for an already above average public education system, such as Iowa.
311 Candidates see top priority in education
Northern Iowan 100:33, p.1
Democratic presidential candidates express their plans for the nation's education; photo.
312 UNI College of Education to host technology forum in West Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Panelists to include Robert Koob, Bill Callahan, Karla Krueger, Yana Cornish, and Judy Jeffrey and will discuss technology's role in education.
313 UNI division of Educational Technology to host speaker on using technology for learning
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
David D. Thornburg to speak on educational technology.
314 Thoughts on 'the end of the road'
Northern Iowan 100:21, p.7
Reflects on things he'll miss about college life.
315 National Separation of Church and State Day
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2
Controversy regarding religion in schools discussed.
316 Taking public education to school
Northern Iowan 100:7, p.7
Concerned that the United States is not taking education seriously.
317 UNI offers 'Community Builders' presentation
Public Relations News Release 2002:583, p.1
Presentation highlights relationship between higher education and the building of Iowa's economy.
318 Manifesto of a frustrated scholar
Northern Iowan 99:53, p.5
Claims that students shouldn't complain about the rigors of post-secondary education.
319 Turning attention to the real problems at hand
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.7
Complains about the economic situation in America and the passing of President Bush's "No Child Left Behind Act."
320 University of Northern Iowa to host National Educator Expo Saturday
Public Relations News Release 2002:399, p.1
Ninety-one school districts will be present at the national Educator Expo to recruit new teachers.
321 March is Music in Our Schools Month
Public Relations News Release 2002:397, p.1
Will talk about the importance of music education.
322 Educate our future
Public Relations News Release 2002:207, p.1
Changes in the education system will be discussed.
323 UNI educational communications/instructional technology programs meet national standards
Public Relations News Release 2002:178, p.1
UNI will be in the first in the state to be accredited under the new standards.
324 UNI's Price Laboratory School offers first Teacher Institute
Public Relations News Release 2002:120, p.1
Sessions on different aspects of education will be presented at the first annual Teacher Institute hosted by Price Laboratory School.
325 Nussle coming to UNI
Northern Iowan 98:46, p.1
Congressman Jim Nussle will speak at UNI on the future of education.
326 Vote Steve Sukup for Iowa's next governor
Northern Iowan 98:43, p.9
Discusses Steve Sukup, a candidate for governor, and claims that he will protect the budget from receiving further cuts in education.
327 InTime project shows teachers how to integrate technology into the classroom
Public Relations News Release 2001:352, p.1
InTime, a Web site created by UNI's College of Education, contains information about new technologies that have been integrated into education by other professors.
328 Iowa loan program working for teachers
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.1
The Iowa Teacher Shortage Forgivable Loan encourages graduates in education to teach in more difficult programs, such as special education.
329 UNI hosts 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools'
Public Relations News Release 2000:271, p.1
List of individual preK-12 project awards.
330 UNI to host 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools'
Public Relations News Release 2000:258, p.1
UNI to host workshop on educational technology on February 23.
331 Assessing Bush's education plan
Public Relations News Release 2000:228, p.1
Dean of the College of Education will discuss President Bush's education reform plans.
332 Bush takes early stance on education
Northern Iowan 97:32, p.8
Explains how President Bush's education plan will affect UNI students in the future.
333 Switzer testifies before Iowa legislature
Campus News Network 11:13, p.1
Thomas Switzer joins other college of education deans in updating the legislature regarding education issues.
334 Intelligence standards detrimental to education
Northern Iowan 97:26, p.9
Discusses problems with the public education system.
335 Take opportunity, read newspapers
Northern Iowan 97:14, p.6
Encourages students to start reading the newspaper to become an educated person.
336 Study show public concerns for Iowa's K-12 schools
Public Relations News Release 2000:110, p.1
The results of the survey for Iowa public schools for grades K-12 show that Iowans have positive views, but want to make improvements in the schools.
337 UNI resumes EducatioNet series
Public Relations News Release 2000:23, p.1
EducatioNet is written primarly for parents and educators of K-12 students.
338 Caution . . . construction ahead
Northern Iowan 97:2, p.9
Feels college is a time to try new experiences and choose what kind of person you want to be.
339 Cedar Valley high school students to assess academic potential at UNI Power of Education Student Leadership Conference
Public Relations News Release 1999:303, p.1
UNI will hold the Power of Education Student Leadership Conference Friday, March 31.
340 Education should take priority in spending decisions
Northern Iowan 96:41, p.7
The Iowa State Legislature is debating which projects should take priority in the plan to improve communities.
341 Clinton outlines ambitious new education initiatives
Northern Iowan 96:34, p.1
President Clinton described new educational initiatives in his final State of the Union address.
342 Iowa earns a "D" in educating the educated
Northern Iowan 96:32, p.3
Iowa received a "D" for its efforts to improve the quality of its teachers.
343 Learning is ultimate goal
Northern Iowan 96:29, p.8
Students are here to learn from professors.
344 Media Advisory: University of Northern Iowa home to teacher mentoring program
Public Relations News Release 1999:196, p.1
Iowa received a "D" grade in the national Quality Counts 2000 survey for its efforts to improve teacher quality.
345 Media advisory: local expert sources for AP education report card story
Public Relations News Release 1999:191, p.1
The Associated Press Education Week's "Quality Counts 2000" state survey gave Iowa an "F" in standards accountability.
346 Childrens' futures at risk due to education of nation
Northern Iowan 96:16, p.6
Column suggests that the problem with education in the U. S. is that students no longer value it.
347 College should prepare you for life, not just career
Northern Iowan 96:15, p.7
Column states that the highest purpose of attending college is to become an educated person, not just to prepare for a job.
348 "Envisioning Education" to be presented by University of Northern Iowa speaker Tuesday noon, Oct. 12 at Ottumwa Kiwanis Club
Public Relations News Release 1999:80, p.1
Statewide speakers program will continue on October 12 when Roger Kueter will address the Kiwanis Club in Ottumwa on where education is headed and how UNI is meeting the challenge.
349 "Envisioning Education" to be presented by University of Northern Iowa Humanities dean Tuesday, Oct. 5, in Estherville
Public Relations News Release 1999:73, p.1
James Lubker will address the Kiwanis Club in Estherville on issues such as where education is headed and how UNI is meeting the challenge.
350 Critical view of computers in education topic for year's first Capstone lecture at University of Northern Iowa Wednesday, Oct. 6
Public Relations News Release 1999:66, p.1
Professor Lowell Monke, from Grinnell College, will present the lecture "Education Unplugged: An argument for hi-tech modesty in the 21st century schools" on October 6, 1999, for the course "Capstone: Environment, Technology and Society".