Displaying 301 - 350 of 1495 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | Every child left behind Northern Iowan 101:50, p.9 |
Discusses the No Child Left Behind Act. | |
302 | International Education Week 2004 at UNI Northern Iowan 101:23, p.4 |
UNI Study Abroad Center and Office of International Programs puts together calendar of campus-wide events to celebrate International Education Week. | |
303 | Bringing discrimination back Northern Iowan 101:21, p.7 |
Hopes America's growing backlash against homosexuality does not extend further into public schools. | |
304 | Facing the issues: education Northern Iowan 101:12, p.4 |
Describes positions presidential candidates take on educational issues and how they affect UNI students; photo. | |
305 | UNI study finds most Iowa superintendents like No Child Left Behind Act Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Over sixty percent of responding superintendents felt instruction was improved directly because of NCLB. | |
306 | UNI state fair booth celebrates rural education Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
"Excellence in Education" exhibit showcasing a 1920s-style one-room school will be in the Varied Industries Building. | |
307 | Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society takes on the Windy City Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Society takes trip to Chicago to observe education in large urban settings; students listed. | |
308 | Debaters hash out party differences Northern Iowan 100:53, p.1 |
UNI College Republicans and Northern Iowa Democrats debate the positions of Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush in the upcoming election; photo. | |
309 | Radio show to consider Iowa's future economically, culturally Northern Iowan 100:48, p.1 |
Chuck Offenburger and Iowans for a Better Future will sponsor ten radio shows; photo. | |
310 | Are Iowa children being left behind? Northern Iowan 100:39, p.7 |
Debates the effectiveness of the No Child Left Behind Act in a state noted for an already above average public education system, such as Iowa. | |
311 | Candidates see top priority in education Northern Iowan 100:33, p.1 |
Democratic presidential candidates express their plans for the nation's education; photo. | |
312 | UNI College of Education to host technology forum in West Des Moines Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Panelists to include Robert Koob, Bill Callahan, Karla Krueger, Yana Cornish, and Judy Jeffrey and will discuss technology's role in education. | |
313 | UNI division of Educational Technology to host speaker on using technology for learning Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
David D. Thornburg to speak on educational technology. | |
314 | Thoughts on 'the end of the road' Northern Iowan 100:21, p.7 |
Reflects on things he'll miss about college life. | |
315 | National Separation of Church and State Day Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2 |
Controversy regarding religion in schools discussed. | |
316 | Taking public education to school Northern Iowan 100:7, p.7 |
Concerned that the United States is not taking education seriously. | |
317 | UNI offers 'Community Builders' presentation Public Relations News Release 2002:583, p.1 |
Presentation highlights relationship between higher education and the building of Iowa's economy. | |
318 | Manifesto of a frustrated scholar Northern Iowan 99:53, p.5 |
Claims that students shouldn't complain about the rigors of post-secondary education. | |
319 | Turning attention to the real problems at hand Northern Iowan 99:50, p.7 |
Complains about the economic situation in America and the passing of President Bush's "No Child Left Behind Act." | |
320 | University of Northern Iowa to host National Educator Expo Saturday Public Relations News Release 2002:399, p.1 |
Ninety-one school districts will be present at the national Educator Expo to recruit new teachers. | |
321 | March is Music in Our Schools Month Public Relations News Release 2002:397, p.1 |
Will talk about the importance of music education. | |
322 | Educate our future Public Relations News Release 2002:207, p.1 |
Changes in the education system will be discussed. | |
323 | UNI educational communications/instructional technology programs meet national standards Public Relations News Release 2002:178, p.1 |
UNI will be in the first in the state to be accredited under the new standards. | |
324 | UNI's Price Laboratory School offers first Teacher Institute Public Relations News Release 2002:120, p.1 |
Sessions on different aspects of education will be presented at the first annual Teacher Institute hosted by Price Laboratory School. | |
325 | Nussle coming to UNI Northern Iowan 98:46, p.1 |
Congressman Jim Nussle will speak at UNI on the future of education. | |
326 | Vote Steve Sukup for Iowa's next governor Northern Iowan 98:43, p.9 |
Discusses Steve Sukup, a candidate for governor, and claims that he will protect the budget from receiving further cuts in education. | |
327 | InTime project shows teachers how to integrate technology into the classroom Public Relations News Release 2001:352, p.1 |
InTime, a Web site created by UNI's College of Education, contains information about new technologies that have been integrated into education by other professors. | |
328 | Iowa loan program working for teachers Northern Iowan 98:37, p.1 |
The Iowa Teacher Shortage Forgivable Loan encourages graduates in education to teach in more difficult programs, such as special education. | |
329 | UNI hosts 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools' Public Relations News Release 2000:271, p.1 |
List of individual preK-12 project awards. | |
330 | UNI to host 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools' Public Relations News Release 2000:258, p.1 |
UNI to host workshop on educational technology on February 23. | |
331 | Assessing Bush's education plan Public Relations News Release 2000:228, p.1 |
Dean of the College of Education will discuss President Bush's education reform plans. | |
332 | Bush takes early stance on education Northern Iowan 97:32, p.8 |
Explains how President Bush's education plan will affect UNI students in the future. | |
333 | Switzer testifies before Iowa legislature Campus News Network 11:13, p.1 |
Thomas Switzer joins other college of education deans in updating the legislature regarding education issues. | |
334 | Intelligence standards detrimental to education Northern Iowan 97:26, p.9 |
Discusses problems with the public education system. | |
335 | Take opportunity, read newspapers Northern Iowan 97:14, p.6 |
Encourages students to start reading the newspaper to become an educated person. | |
336 | Study show public concerns for Iowa's K-12 schools Public Relations News Release 2000:110, p.1 |
The results of the survey for Iowa public schools for grades K-12 show that Iowans have positive views, but want to make improvements in the schools. | |
337 | UNI resumes EducatioNet series Public Relations News Release 2000:23, p.1 |
EducatioNet is written primarly for parents and educators of K-12 students. | |
338 | Caution . . . construction ahead Northern Iowan 97:2, p.9 |
Feels college is a time to try new experiences and choose what kind of person you want to be. | |
339 | Cedar Valley high school students to assess academic potential at UNI Power of Education Student Leadership Conference Public Relations News Release 1999:303, p.1 |
UNI will hold the Power of Education Student Leadership Conference Friday, March 31. | |
340 | Education should take priority in spending decisions Northern Iowan 96:41, p.7 |
The Iowa State Legislature is debating which projects should take priority in the plan to improve communities. | |
341 | Clinton outlines ambitious new education initiatives Northern Iowan 96:34, p.1 |
President Clinton described new educational initiatives in his final State of the Union address. | |
342 | Iowa earns a "D" in educating the educated Northern Iowan 96:32, p.3 |
Iowa received a "D" for its efforts to improve the quality of its teachers. | |
343 | Learning is ultimate goal Northern Iowan 96:29, p.8 |
Students are here to learn from professors. | |
344 | Media Advisory: University of Northern Iowa home to teacher mentoring program Public Relations News Release 1999:196, p.1 |
Iowa received a "D" grade in the national Quality Counts 2000 survey for its efforts to improve teacher quality. | |
345 | Media advisory: local expert sources for AP education report card story Public Relations News Release 1999:191, p.1 |
The Associated Press Education Week's "Quality Counts 2000" state survey gave Iowa an "F" in standards accountability. | |
346 | Childrens' futures at risk due to education of nation Northern Iowan 96:16, p.6 |
Column suggests that the problem with education in the U. S. is that students no longer value it. | |
347 | College should prepare you for life, not just career Northern Iowan 96:15, p.7 |
Column states that the highest purpose of attending college is to become an educated person, not just to prepare for a job. | |
348 | "Envisioning Education" to be presented by University of Northern Iowa speaker Tuesday noon, Oct. 12 at Ottumwa Kiwanis Club Public Relations News Release 1999:80, p.1 |
Statewide speakers program will continue on October 12 when Roger Kueter will address the Kiwanis Club in Ottumwa on where education is headed and how UNI is meeting the challenge. | |
349 | "Envisioning Education" to be presented by University of Northern Iowa Humanities dean Tuesday, Oct. 5, in Estherville Public Relations News Release 1999:73, p.1 |
James Lubker will address the Kiwanis Club in Estherville on issues such as where education is headed and how UNI is meeting the challenge. | |
350 | Critical view of computers in education topic for year's first Capstone lecture at University of Northern Iowa Wednesday, Oct. 6 Public Relations News Release 1999:66, p.1 |
Professor Lowell Monke, from Grinnell College, will present the lecture "Education Unplugged: An argument for hi-tech modesty in the 21st century schools" on October 6, 1999, for the course "Capstone: Environment, Technology and Society". |