
Displaying 101 - 150 of 1495 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Let us begin anew
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.4
Students, faculty, and staff urged to contact their representatives and ask that they support funding for higher education. It is time to stand up for education and gain the support of the people of Iowa.
102 Danielson, community discuss cuts
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1
Elected officials hear responses from the community about the closing of Price Lab School. The community was strongly in favor of keeping the school; photo.
103 UNI announces first round of cuts, eyes others
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.1
Museum, print services, and Price Lab School are slated to close. The Department of Public Safety and low enrollment academic programs are under review; photo.
104 A tale of two chambers
Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1
Iowa Senate has a 4.5 million dollar increase for UNI in its proposed budget. The House has a three million dollar reduction in their budget. There seems to be a large difference in opinion on education; photo.
105 Vookbag to bring social network atmosphere to the classroom
Northern Iowan 108:38, p.5
Jeffrey Short has invented Vookbag. Vookbag is an educational organization tool, allowing students to share class materials. It also allows questions to be asked and answered. The product will be released March 1; photo.
106 Beck says possibility of $12 million for UNI is slim
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.3
Governor Branstad's budget has twenty million dollars extra for public universities. UNI will get a portion of that money, but significantly less than the twelve million anticipated.
107 Speak up on behalf of your university
Northern Iowan 108:32, p.4
Believes that students, parents, grandparents, and the general population need to let their voices be heard in Des Moines and Washington, D. C. concerning the ever increasing costs of education.
108 Show me the money
Northern Iowan 108:31, p.4
Governor Branstad's education plan examined. Author calls for more specifies, especially concerning teacher salaries; photo.
109 Branstad proposes $25 million education plan
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.1
If the Governor's plan is approved by the House and Senate, Iowa will be number one in the country and tenth in the world for quality education. The plan is student friendly as is the education plan in the Senate; photo.
110 Looking for an easy course? Suck it up.
Northern Iowan 108:29, p.4
College is more than grades. Being challenged in class will reward you for years to come.
111 Tuition: enough is enough
Northern Iowan 108:28, p.4
Students, faculty, staff, and parents urged to contact their local legislators and ensure that voices are heard concerning the never ending increases in the cost of education.
112 College of Education refocuses mission
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.1
A new mission statement is meant to sum up the primary goals of the college: leadership, transformation, service, engagement, and diversity; photo.
113 We don't need no education
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.5
Challenges present system of education. The process of cramming for exams and simply restating the material needs to be replaced with actual learning that uses critical thinking and creativity.
114 Bachman's views detrimental to education
Northern Iowan 108:26, p.4
Bachman's Q and A session where her desire to abolish the Department of Education came out. She supports intelligent design being taught in public schools. She showed no concern for increase tuition and student debt; photo.
115 Don't be that guy
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.4
Bad jokes and sucking up to the professor are not looked upon with favor among fellow classmates. Class participation can be taken to the extreme; photo.
116 Occupy Cedar Valley ends encampment
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.1
Occupiers have packed up their tents and moved out of Overman Park. The group decided to hold more events such as teach-ins, vigils, and demonstrations and are looking for a permanent office environment.
117 Bachman argues for local control of education
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.1
Presidential candidate, Michelle Bachman, spoke to an estimated crowd of 350 in Russell Hall. Iowa Public Radio and UNI collaborated to host the event. Veteran escorted out after he tried to continue debating; photo.
118 Presidential candidate Rick Santorum to discuss education at UNI's presidential candidate forums
Public Relations News Release 2011:127, p.1
Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum will give a speech in part with UNI's Presidential Education Forums.
119 Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann to discuss education at UNI's presidential candidate forums
Public Relations News Release 2011:123, p.1
Michele Bachmann a Minnesota State Senator and presidential hopeful will speak at the educational forums on campus.
120 Education that builds engaged citizenship
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.6
Believes that higher education is about learning, discussing, and sharing ideas that will build a better city, state, and nation. Here is a teachable moment. Believes that the protesters remind us of deep societal problems; photo.
121 Forum held for African American men
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.1
Over fifty African-American men participated in the first of its kind meeting. The event focused on ways to improve the health and wellness and educational and relationship challenges facing the community.
122 'Pay as You Earn' takes steps to lessen student loan debt
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.1
President Obama's plan to aid student loan debt involves payments capped at ten per cent of the student's income. They would also be able to consolidate direct loans and Federal Family Education loans; photo.
123 UNI and IPR planning presidential candidate forum
Northern Iowan 108:16, p.2
Iowa Public Radio and the university have invited candidates to share their views on education. Details regarding dates and times will be announced when plans are completed.
124 Have your cupcake and eat it too
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.6
She's the First is a non-profit group that sponsors young girls' education in the developing world and helping them be the first of their family to graduate from high school. The UNI chapter will sell cupcakes as their first fund raiser; photo.
125 Against behaviorism
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.4
The exchange of opinion is essential to our ability to create a new beginning and act against the laws of behaviorism. Mankind should not be classed only on its behavior.
126 Edelman emphasizes need to end child poverty
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.1
Marian Wright Edelman spoke on the topic "The Future of Our Children in a Post 9/11 World". She shared her experiences during 9/11 and urged the audience to fight for education for today's children; photo.
127 Stop the cuts
Northern Iowan 108:10, p.3
Students urged to contact legislators concerning the seemingly never ending cuts to education funding. Students now contribute more toward their education than does that state. Take advantage of all the available programs.
128 UNI College of Education to host "Hot topics in Education" webinars
Public Relations News Release 2011:41, p.1
Professional development webinars will be offered free to all educators by the College of Education.
129 A fundamental misunderstanding
Northern Iowan 107:56, p.3
State Senator Shawn Hamerlinck told student representatives to go home and not worry about what is being done in Des Moines concerning the budget. He was wrong to think that they were lobbyists. They were constituents and taxpayers.
130 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
Philip Mauceri encourages students to learn from the innovative techniques used by professors in the college. Expresses commitment to the idea of a quality undergraduate experience.
131 The failure of a few
Northern Iowan 107:53, p.14
Professors urged to become more engaged during their teaching. Do not just teach the textbook, but add relevant, up to date materials. Do not just read from your PowerPoint. Challenge your students to look outside the textbook for answers.
132 American dream vs. Libertarian person
Northern Iowan 107:52, p.11
Believes that Republican budget is full of cuts that may be detrimental to the average American. For example, students may not have Pell Grants available in the future. Trickle down economics has never worked.
133 Let college prepare you for the 'real world'
Northern Iowan 107:49, p.10
Students urged to develop skills employers are looking for, get involved with student groups, gain experience in areas of interest, and use college as a time to open their minds to new ideas.
134 Tuition to increase by five percent next year
Northern Iowan 107:45, p.1
The Iowa Board of Regents voted 7-2 to approve a tuition increase for the coming academic year. In-state business students will see an increase of 11.3 percent. This is aimed to make up for former Governor Culver's ten per cent across the board cut.
135 Your college career: own it
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.10
With college come pressures of discovering who we are, what we believe in, and how to handle situations. It is a time of discovery and self-revelation.
136 Opinions, dogmatism and a need for discussion
Northern Iowan 107:42, p.9
Believes that differing opinions can come to a point at which discussion will take place. These forums should not be forgotten or attacked. Discussing differences of opinions is healthy.
137 Black and White Ball
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.10
Everyone is invited to attend the dance, sponsored by the Hispanic Latino Student Union. Students urged to interact with those from different cultures. Interacting is a way of learning about each other.
138 Paths and expectations
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.10
The college experience is not the same for all students. All professors do not wear tweed jackets and all students do not spend hours and hours in local bars. Get involved and do your own thing. Make your own choices.
139 'Because I want to"
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.9
Students need to take the responsibility to be prepared with best knowledge needed to make safe decisions. Getting tested for sexual transmitted disease and practicing safe sex are basic pieces of information needed.
140 Mark Grey discusses immigration in Iowa
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.2
Mexican immigration exploded in the early 1990's. Mexicans cross the border because of the lack of jobs, poor education, and because following the passage of the North American Free Trade Act, farmers could not compete; photo.
141 NISG prepares students for upcoming Regents Day
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.2
March 7 students from the Regents institutions will travel to Des Moines to lobby for higher education funding. Nearly one hundred ninety U. N. I. students will attend. NISG is holding training sessions prior to the trip.
142 Larry Stone discusses the legacy of Iowa's 'bird lady'
Northern Iowan 107:40, p.4
Gladys Black and her passion for birds, kids, and outdoor education were examined during a story telling and photographic presentation; photo.
143 'Talk Politics' tackles the issues of Regents hikes, proposed budget cuts
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.1
College Republicans, UNI Democrats, and Young Americans for Liberty hold discussion on proposed budget cuts to higher education. Students urged to participate in Regents Day in Des Moines; photo.
144 Storming the Capitol
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.1
Students will take their concerns about proposed budget cuts to Des Moines on March 7. NISG will provide free transportation, refreshments, and lunch.
145 'Kids in the Kitchen' promotes healthy lifestyle choices for children
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.2
Sixth grade students at Price Lab School are learning how to cook; thanks to Jim Nadeau, executive chef at College Square Hy-Vee. Children will prepare a complete meal and serve it to their parents February 24; photo.
146 Send a message: these cuts need to stop
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.9
Once again the state legislature is asking students to pay higher tuition. The current proposals are for deep cuts to higher education funding. Larger class size, fewer professors, and fewer student services will be the result. Speak out now.
147 Procrastinate tomorrow
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.11
It is up to students to make or break their college education. Students urged to plan ahead, organize assignments, refer to the syllabus, plan time for themselves, and plan for the job hunt.
148 Club S. O. L. E. builds a relationship with nature
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.7
Student Outdoor Leadership Education group often spends Wednesday and Thursday hiking in the Cedar Valley on snow shoes or cross country skis. The club has explored several activities, since its beginning in 2001; photo.
149 U. S. Senator Tom Harkin visits UNI to address funding for higher education
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.1
Ben Allen, Bill Dotzler, Jerry Nelson, Kim Young-Kent, Jerry Durham and Jonathon Keniston made up a panel presenting information from different perspectives on education to Senator Harkin; photo.
150 Regents propose 5 percent tuition increase in light of potential budget reductions
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.1
Both in and out of state students would see their tuition bill raised by five per cent next year. Students in the College of Business upper division are looking at a proposal of 11.3 percent for in state and 7.9 for out of state students.