
Displaying 651 - 700 of 1495 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
651 College women should not allow education to be wasted: DeShon
College Eye 58:7, p.3
Profile of Peggy DeShon, 1963 Homecoming Queen; photo.
652 'California isn't as wonderful, nor Iowa as terrible as letter implies
College Eye 57:39, p.2
Disagreement with previous letter about teaching in California and Iowa.
653 Jungman argues merits of Iowa vs. California educational systems stated in Stimpson letter
College Eye 57:39, p.2
Disagreement about educational systems.
654 Swanson sees faults in British educational system
College Eye 57:37, p.2
Tests play too much of a role to determine education levels.
655 'The college community--still a Placid Maelstrom'
College Eye 57:37, p.2
Intellectual evidence is on campus, but hard to find.
656 Jewett cites need to further upgrade English teaching
College Eye 57:36, p.2
English is just as important as any other class.
657 Rats!: The bell rings, the race begins
College Eye 57:31, p.2
Students have to push themselves to learn and not depend on classes.
658 Year around schooling economically strong
College Eye 57:30, p.2
Professor Tulasiewicz suggest change in academic calendar.
659 Communist practice, course possibility for curriculum
College Eye 57:29, p.2
A communism course may be just what the students need to learn.
660 Attacks thesis of May 3 editorial
College Eye 57:29, p.2
Claims that students do not choose SCI because it is an easy school.
661 Student attacks editorial logic
College Eye 57:29, p.2
Disagrees with editorial that considered the possibility that enrollment is high because of the easy degree.
662 Degree-minded students come for easy education
College Eye 57:28, p.2
Why do students come to SCI?
663 Would not independent study be a better learning device?
College Eye 57:19, p.2
Students should be able to earn credit hours by learning on their own.
664 Intellectual apathy is one of the most damning cancers
College Eye 57:17, p.2
Students are not interested in broadening their education.
665 Dangerous to ignore Rickover
College Eye 57:17, p.2
Education in the schools is not as good as it could or should be.
666 Education system blocks creativity, SCI audience told
Alumnus 48:1, p.7
Harold Taylor speaks.
667 We must cram more education into pre-adult years
College Eye 57:15, p.2
Present students know less than the students of yesterday and are not as prepared to go out into the world.
668 Education problems caused by ends, means disagreement
College Eye 57:14, p.2
There is no consensus on the aim for education.
669 Financial discrimination is undemocratic
College Eye 57:9, p.2
Everyone is not entitled to go to college.
670 Only self-motivation will endure beyond the moment
College Eye 57:8, p.2
No one can get a student to learn except himself.
671 Conventional routine dulls student
College Eye 57:6, p.2
No excitement in the classroom can lead students towards a dull life ahead.
672 World complexity means increased educational needs
College Eye 57:5, p.2
673 Security not in material goods
College Eye 56:37, p.2
Author argues that a sense of emotional security is the ultimate goal of a college education.
674 'The college community . . . a placid maelstrom'
College Eye 56:37, p.2
Everett Howell discusses the wasted opportunities for rich discussions of serious issues.
675 We need another plan of attack
College Eye 56:37, p.2
Notes the general lack of enthusiasm among students, and deems it normal.
676 Today's student must learn to seek truth
College Eye 56:36, p.2
Professor Howard Jones expresses discontent with the lack of commitment in current students.
677 Re-evaluation of aims of higher education necessary
College Eye 56:34, p.2
Professor Metcalfe discusses difficulties of being a student in the "Age of Anxiety."
678 Fowler accuses Fox of naivete
College Eye 56:25, p.2
Reiterates position that educators are inconsistent in what they propose as goodness, truth, knowledge, and the example that they provide.
679 Fox analyzes teacher union prospects
College Eye 56:13, p.2
Discusses the differences between the NEA and the AFT, and talks about how a vote in New York could change education.
680 'More experienced' answer to editorial
College Eye 56:12, p.2
Letter responds to past editorial, and says that we should not look for rewards in preliminary education; knowledge is the reward.
681 Educators at fault for sorry state
College Eye 56:6, p.2
Professor Fox believes that educators need to work much harder and take responsibility for the problems that are in the system.
682 It's education, not apple polishing
College Eye 56:3, p.2
Discusses the need for more interaction outside the classroom between students and professors.
683 So let's have another cup
College Eye 56:1, p.2
Believes that a good part of education is obtained outside the classroom.
684 SCI professor to spend two years in Viet-Nam
Public Relations News Release 1960:578, p.1
Willis H. Wagner, associate professor in the industrial arts department, assists instructors in the Phu Tho Polytechnic school in Viet-Nam. Kenneth Brower will teach courses in wood in Wagner's absence.
685 SCI to offer extension courses
Public Relations News Release 1960:576, p.1
Twenty-seven extension courses in education, psychology, humanities, mathematics, business education, speech, science, and religion are offered in twenty-two Iowa towns.
686 SCI dean of students explains national defense loans
Public Relations News Release 1960:573, p.1
Dean Paul F. Bender explains the role of National Defense student loans in financing a college education. He states that parents and students alike must accept responsibility for the cost of an education with relying too heavily on loans.
687 SCI to offer extension courses here
Public Relations News Release 1960:577, p.1
Extension Services offers courses in high schools throughout the state, including classes in humanities, mathematics, business, and education. Instructors, towns, and courses listed.
688 SCI workshop members hear speaker, tour plant
Public Relations News Release 1960:575, p.1
The Elementary Post Session Workshop is held, featuring Miss Verna Sponselor, and Bernice Lamb as speakers. A class in education and guidance visits the Viking Pump Company, where they studied the job classification system and engaged in a tour.
689 Extension summer short course to be offered in Charles City
Public Relations News Release 1960:569, p.1
Don Wiederanders instructs a short summer course on the instruction of arithmetic in Charles City, where twenty teachers from the area have been enrolled.
690 Indian student receives first specialist degree granted by State College of Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1960:574, p.1
The first Specialist Degree in Education is awarded to Jagdish Goyal, who is the first member of his family to receive a degree from a United States college.
691 Local student to receive degree from SCI
Public Relations News Release 1960:561, p.1
One-hundred and ninety-one candidates receive degrees at the first commencement exercises of the State College of Iowa. One of those awarded at the commencement exercises is given the first specialist in education degree. Graduates listed.
692 Hultman gives views on legal problems of school counselors
Public Relations News Release 1960:554, p.1
Iowa State Attorney General Evan L. Hultman discusses the legal matters of school counseling, including whether or not counselors have rights to privileged communication and whether they may refer a student to a psychiatrist.
693 Student from India to receive first specialist degree granted by SCI
Public Relations News Release 1960:552, p.1
Jagdish Goyal receives the first ever Specialist in Education degree from the State College of Iowa. Goyal is the first in his family to receive a degree from an American college.
694 SCI lab school holds class for mentally handicapped
Public Relations News Release 1960:551, p.1
Mrs. Olive Bradfield teaches a special education class of eleven children from the Cedar Falls area at the Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Activities include art, music and rhythm, swimming, library time, and academic work.
695 Van Til to speak at SCI elementary education conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:549, p.1
Professor Nellie D. Hampton acts as chairman of the Elementary Education Conference, where Professor William Van Til of the New York University and National Education Association will be speaking.
696 Wallace's Farmer editor to visit school and community relations class
Public Relations News Release 1960:543, p.1
Richard Albrecht, editor of the "Wallace's Farmer" news magazine visits Professor William H. Dreier's school and community relations class to discuss several polls taken by the magazine regarding school organization and taxes.
697 Volunteers needed for UCLA Peace Corps
Public Relations News Release 1960:540, p.1
The state College of Iowa receives a request from the University of California for volunteers for the Peace Corps program. Applicants will receive five months of training to teach in Nigerian schools. Professor Raymond Schlicher distributes applications.
698 PDK initiates new members
Public Relations News Release 1960:538, p.1
Professor Caryl Middleton heads the State College of Iowa chapter of the Phi Delta Kappa honorary fraternity for men in education, which welcomes eleven new members into its ranks.
699 England too has educational woes
College Eye 52:39, p.4
A look at the British education system.
700 Wright speaks on Iowa education needs
Public Relations News Release 1960:527, p.1
Superintendet of Public Instruction J. C. Wright addresses a State College of Iowa education workshop on the value of enhancing the education system.