
Displaying 6501 - 6550 of 7068 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
6501 Conference championship undecided; lies between colleges of Ellsworth and Parsons; both have made clean sweep
College Eye 4:10, p.5
Ellsworth and Parsons Colleges will compete for the conference championship title.
6502 Teachers 13 Iowa Wesleyan 0; Teachers pile up score of thirteen points, thus winning last conference game of the season
College Eye 4:10, p.1
I. S. T. C. takes its first win of the season.
6503 After Pepperfest is held Friday night; students celebrate football victory by big bonfire, speeches and line plunges on the "movies"
College Eye 4:10, p.1
Pep rally was held at the corner of 22nd and College Streets; head downtown for raid on theaters.
6504 Untitled
College Eye 4:10, p.4
Criticizes other schools that do not welcome visiting athletic teams; comments on other football related items.
6505 Teachers lose Fayette game; fail to score on strong U. I. U. lineup; hard fought game throughout; score twelve to nothing
College Eye 4:9, p.1
I. S. T. C. defeated by Upper Iowa University.
6506 A soliloquy before the game
College Eye 4:9, p.4
Creative work describing the experiences of a football player.
6507 Teachers meet Iowa Wesleyan Friday; second and last game to be played on the home field; Wesleyan reported strong; game call at 2:30
College Eye 4:9, p.1
6508 Fayette game Saturday; Teachers will meet Upper Iowa University on their home grounds
College Eye 4:8, p.1
Game against Fayette is expected to be a tough competition.
6509 Teachers drop game to Penn; Quaker and Pedagogue clash ends in a victory for the former by a score of 19 to 7
College Eye 4:8, p.1
6510 The after glow
College Eye 4:7, p.8
Review of football game from fan's point of view.
6511 Teachers break even with Dubuque College; Dubuque aggregation under Coach Dorais score in first half; Teachers score in last quarter
College Eye 4:7, p.1
I. S. T. C. tied with Dubuque, 6-6.; remaining schedule printed.
6512 Teachers meet Penn Friday; game will take place at Oskaloosa, Iowa; Penn team reported strong
College Eye 4:7, p.1
Competition against Penn considered one of the biggest games of the season.
6513 Untitled
College Eye 4:6, p.4
Franklin Willey was the victim of unsportsmanlike attacks during football game.
6514 Game with Dubuque College Saturday; varsity will clash with strong eleven under Coach Dorais, All American quarterback
College Eye 4:6, p.1
Former St. Joseph College will travel to Cedar Falls to compete against I. S. T. C.
6515 Ellsworth gives Teachers a surprise; nine veteran prove too strong for Teachers inexperienced line; score 26 to 0; fast game throughout
College Eye 4:6, p.1
Ellsworth talent was underestimated by I. S. T. C.
6516 Poe after the Ellsworth game
College Eye 4:6, p.5
Portrays the attitude of fans on the way home from Ellsworth football game.
6517 Untitled
College Eye 4:5, p.5
Football player traveled on the train to Iowa City.
6518 Teachers go down before fast Iowa team; gigantic score is piled up against the purple and gold--Teachers at first make good showing
College Eye 4:5, p.1
I. S. T. C. defeated, 95-0.
6519 Training School loses to Tigers; are defeated by a score of 28 to 7; Hersey scores in second quarter
College Eye 4:5, p.1
Teachers College High School was defeated by the Cedar Falls High School.
6520 Teachers are preparing for Ellsworth; Line will be well in shape by Friday; Ellsworth reported strong
College Eye 4:5, p.1
Upcoming game favors I. S. T. C.; Ellsworth has few experienced players.
6521 Large delegation accompanies team to Iowa; special cars well patronized
College Eye 4:5, p.2
Several women students who traveled to Iowa City to cheer the football team are listed.
6522 The Ellsworth game if McCauley were alive
College Eye 4:5, p.4
Describes the preparations for the Ellsworth football game.
6523 Prospects good in Hawkeye Conference; lineup will be formidable
College Eye 4:4, p.1
I. S. T. C. will have an advantage over other teams in the conference.
6524 Team meets Iowa Saturday; will probably make strong showing
College Eye 4:4, p.1
I. S. T. C. does not expect to win against the University of Iowa.
6525 Untitled
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Encourages students to purchase football tickets and a subscription to the College Eye.
6526 Editorial
College Eye 4:4, p.4
Gives reasons why students should support athletics.
6527 Teachers win first game; Highland Park goes down before Teacher's lineup
College Eye 4:4, p.1
I. S. T. C. won, 6-0.
6528 Untitled
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Football captain Romeo Short has not been playing, because he is suffering from multiple injuries.
6529 Second team goes down before high school
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Second string team was defeated, 6-0, by the Cedar Falls Tigers.
6530 Students celebrate Highland victory; real rural demonstration
College Eye 4:4, p.1
Gathering was held to welcome home football players from Highland Park.
6531 Football
College Eye 4:3, p.1
Practices continue; prospects look promising.
6532 Untitled
College Eye 4:3, p.5
Comments on faculty, students, and happenings on campus.
6533 Prospects in football
College Eye 4:2, p.1
Practices will be underway soon; season schedule is posted; photo.
6534 A review of athletics
College Eye 4:1, p.6
1913-1914 athletic season has been eventful.
6535 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Review of 1913 season; photo.
6536 The "T. C." Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
T. C. Club is made up of letter winners in football, basketball, baseball, track, and gymnastics; members listed; photo.
6537 Athletics
College Eye 3:24, p.401
Football schedule for the fall season; baseball and track news.
6538 Athletics
College Eye 3:14, p.241
Ended football season with deficit of $40; basketball season schedule announced; gymnastics meet to be held.
6539 Y. M. C. A. entertains football men
College Eye 3:12, p.203
Had informal oyster supper banquet; officers elected.
6540 Athletics
College Eye 3:12, p.209
Drake won football game, 25-0; account of game.
6541 Athletics
College Eye 3:11, p.185
Football team defeated Upper Iowa University, 12-0.
6542 Intercollegiate News
College Eye 3:11, p.189
News from other college campuses.
6543 Athletics
College Eye 3:10, p.170
Football team plays scoreless game with Clark; will play Upper Iowa University this week.
6544 Students celebrate football victory
College Eye 3:9, p.152
Held celebratory party with bonfire on College Hill after game.
6545 Athletics
College Eye 3:9, p.159
Football team won against Grinnell, 12-7; next game will be against Leander Clark.
6546 Athletics
College Eye 3:8, p.137
Football team lost to St. Joe, 7-6; will play Grinnell next week.
6547 Athletics
College Eye 3:7, p.122
Football team lost to Ellsworth, 6-0; poor weather conditions for the game.
6548 Rousing "pep" meeting held last Thursday
College Eye 3:7, p.119
Students got excited about the football game.
6549 Ellsworth here Friday
College Eye 3:6, p.109
Encourages student passes to buy season tickets to games.
6550 Athletics
College Eye 3:6, p.106
Football team lost to Iowa, 45-3.