
Displaying 6701 - 6750 of 7068 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
6701 Normal blanks Ellsworth; purple and gold win fighting game. Umpire very partial; score 15 to 0
Normal Eyte 19:10, p.152
Brief recap of the football game.
6702 Coming events
Normal Eyte 19:10, p.160
Schedule of campus events through March 8, 1909.
6703 Coming events
Normal Eyte 19:9, p.144
Schedule of campus events.
6704 Normal defeats Ellsworth; wins game by straight football tactics- Ellsworth Crosses goal- 18-5
Normal Eyte 19:9, p.129
Normal team gets third straight win.
6705 Coming events
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.124
Schedule for campus activities.
6706 The early prospects
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.128
Students get excited by upcoming football game.
6707 Football game called off; Normal-Ellsworth teams did not clash Saturday. Weatherman responsible for disappointment
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.115
Game postponed due to rain.
6708 Novel lecture given; Prof. C. B. Simmons addresses girls of school instructing them in ways of football
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.116
Coach Simmons spoke to women about football.
6709 Football mass meeting; enthusiasts gather on bleachers to hold "spirit-fest"--songs, yells and speeches
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.104
Students gather at football field for pep rally.
6710 Athletics; Normal-Lenox game, 22-0; Purple and Gold sweeps opponents off their feet in the first half
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.103
Team wins first game by playing great.
6711 Fort Sumter
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.108
Cheered on football players.
6712 The Normal team
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.109
George Vinall is football team captain.
6713 The athletic board
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.93
Board decided to continue football seasons; news of Normalites engaged in physical training work.
6714 Football breaks loose; the practice game of season pulled off merrily; plucky but one-sided match
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.89
Team's score was high, while the competition was never allowed to see the end zone; account of practice game against Fairbank High School.
6715 Athletics; football
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.89
Team wins first game against Faribank High School, 54-0, high hopes for the rest of the season.
6716 Untitled
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.81
Football team's first game is this week against Lenox College.
6717 Coming events
Normal Eyte 19:5, p.69
Campus schedule of activities.
6718 In an open field tackle
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.62
Russell Glasener injured in football practice.
6719 Athletics; football
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.56
Schedule being arranged; the potential benefits of being able to coach football; Russell Glasener injured.
6720 Football
Normal Eyte 19:3, p.42
Continuing efforts to sell all seven hundred season tickets.
6721 Official
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.18
Washington State recognized ISNS credentials; additional June 1908 graduates; four football games authorized provided funds can be raised; new study room for history and political science.
6722 Untitled
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.17
Football team's success starts with support of team as it is recruited.
6723 Football; the effect of inter-society games upon intercollegiate contests
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.20
Challenges between men's societies last year created a good foundation for this year's intercollegiate team; photo.
6724 Athletics; football
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.22
Team must raise three hundred fifty dollars before Athletic Board will approve season.
6725 Ode to football
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.23
Poetic tribute.
6726 Untitled
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.1
Expects this year's team to have great success, if football is reinstated.
6727 Football has returned!
Normal Eyte 19:1, p.10
A trial season will be held this fall; students excited; hold pep rally.
6728 It does one little good
Normal Eyte 18:20, p.306
Comments on football controversy between University of Iowa and Iowa State University.
6729 The Ames-Iowa football dispute
Normal Eyte 18:17, p.258
The University of Iowa and Iowa State University might not play each other in football; I. S. N. S. is not taking sides because they have had negative experiences with both teams.
6730 "Tad" Jones
Normal Eyte 18:15, p.225
Responds to Yale student's prayer for victory by saying that one should not appeal to God about football.
6731 Athletics
Normal Eyte 18:14, p.211
Athletic Board set basketball schedule for the term; ISNS defeated East Waterloo High School, 48-7.
6732 Among the chapel notices
Normal Eyte 18:6, p.82
Men interested in playing football should talk to the Department of Athletics.
6733 Official
Normal Eyte 18:6, p.84
Library and Museum basements will be completed this year; work on Laboratory Building continues; news of staff; football suspended for a year; new curriculum and longer classes; teacher certification under examination.
6734 Sioux Jones
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.44
Will coach the Scrubs in football.
6735 The new football rules
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.48
Explains new rules that were adopted last year.
6736 Football was abolished
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.48
Simpson College, Penn College, and Normal Schools will not have a football program this year.
6737 It is reported that
Normal Eyte 18:2, p.18
ISNS will have a football team next year; hopes athletics will attract more men to the institution.
6738 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.251
Cartoon of the football stadium being closed.
6739 In commenting on the All-American football team
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.347
Strong praise for the football abilities of Joe Wright at Springfield YMCA.
6740 Basketball, tennis and cross country runs
Normal Eyte 17:8, p.113
There is no football at ISNS this year, but there are interests in other sports.
6741 Joe Wright
Normal Eyte 17:7, p.97
Former Normal football player gaining national recognition; captain and center for Springfield Training School.
6742 S. U. I.'s nervousness
Normal Eyte 17:7, p.97
May encounter a strong opponent in Iowa State.
6743 Normal men are winning players
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.93
Sioux Jones and Ralph McElhiney are doing well in football at Ames.
6744 Joe Wright
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.93
Captain of football team in Springfield, Massachusetts.
6745 Football in Iowa
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.66
Several colleges, including ISNS, have dropped football this year; others are playing the full schedules shown here.
6746 From football to debate
Normal Eyte 17:4, p.49
Urges students to switch their loyalty from football to debate, especially since there will be no football this year; preliminary debate for Ames competition coming up; will consider Philippine Islands.
6747 The "guaranteed" code for football
Normal Eyte 17:2, p.19
Offers George Ade's humorous new code for football.
6748 Football at Normal
Normal Eyte 17:2, p.18
ISNS will play no intercollegiate football games in 1906; many men left school as a result; will resume play under "American rugby" rules.
6749 The enrollment this term
Normal Eyte 17:1, p.14
Larger than fall 1905, but many fewer men; possibly due to lack of football team.
6750 Football 1905
Pedagog 0:0, p.125
Survey of the 1905 season; ISNS record was 5-2-3; scores of each game; football will be dropped until rules are changed; photo.