
Displaying 6551 - 6600 of 7068 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
6551 Athletics
College Eye 3:5, p.90
Held football scrimmage; started club to raise moral standard of athletics; track meet held; physical training classes started.
6552 Athletics
College Eye 3:4, p.74
Progress report on the football team.
6553 Athletics
College Eye 3:3, p.59
Football season schedule; season ticket costs $1.
6554 Athletics
College Eye 3:2, p.34
Encourages school spirit; urges support of football team under Coach Berkstrasser.
6555 The TC Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
List of members.
6556 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Review of the 1912 season, team photo.
6557 '13 football schedule adopted; our warriors taking place in high society
College Eye 2:24, p.2
Preview up 1913 football season.
6558 Makes Teachers strong
College Eye 2:24, p.6
Profile of Coach H. F. Pasini.
6559 Basketball; Morningside not coming; Upper Iowa substituted; good contest promised
College Eye 2:17, p.1
Urges everyone to go to the game on Friday.
6560 Varsity football men honored; loyal support made possible the presentation of fine sweaters; second team also recognized
College Eye 2:14, p.1
Presentation of the football emblems.
6561 Football fatalities and injuries
College Eye 2:14, p.2
Rules changes have reduced the number of deaths, but there are still many serious injuries around the country.
6562 After the presentation of the football sweaters
College Eye 2:14, p.4
The students at Iowa State Teachers College help to support the school and athletic teams.
6563 Football captain chosen; Williard Patty was unanimously chosen
College Eye 2:13, p.5
Williard Patty was a good choice for captain.
6564 Football of 1912 is deceased
College Eye 2:13, p.4
Fans and Iowa State Teachers College students should support the basketball team the way they supported the football team.
6565 Young Men's Christian Association banquet; local Christian organization entertains successful athletes; co-operative spirit much in evidence
College Eye 2:13, p.4
6566 Congratulations are extended
College Eye 2:12, p.4
Exceptional school spirit and support showing in all school activities.
6567 Victory; success crowns the efforts of Captain Anderson's followers; fine support given team
College Eye 2:12, p.4
A close game but Iowa State Teachers College came out on top.
6568 Football team entertained; Frank Cotton shows his loyalty to the college athletes; action much appreciated
College Eye 2:12, p.1
Frank Cotton hosted the football team at the Cotton Theater.
6569 College calendar
College Eye 2:12, p.8
6570 Teachers down St. Josephs; Pasini's men respond to training and to the enthusiasm of large audience
College Eye 2:11, p.4
Teachers College beat Saint Joseph, 7-3; Teachers College played a very good game.
6571 David Starr Jordan on football
College Eye 2:10, p.7
Believes clean football has a place in college.
6572 The game; Leander Clark, 0--Teachers, 0; Mike Hyland and his boys sadly disappointed
College Eye 2:10, p.1
A clean, scoreless game was played between Teachers College and Leander Clark on Saturday.
6573 College calendar
College Eye 2:9, p.8
6574 College calendar
College Eye 2:8, p.8
6575 Charles City game cancelled
College Eye 2:8, p.8
Charles City was unable to come up with a football team so the game has been cancelled. An exhibition game will take its place.
6576 One of the Coe men remarked
College Eye 2:8, p.4
Reply to a remark made by a Coe College fan who said that he thought ISTC enrolled only women.
6577 You eloquent declaimers
College Eye 2:8, p.4
Get a good forensics team to go against Coe.
6578 Coe defeated; Iowa State Teachers College won from their old rival by score of six to two; was an ideal day and game
College Eye 2:8, p.1
Iowa State Teachers College beat one of its close competitors, Coe College, 6-2.
6579 Gridiron notes; victory handed to Grinnell by whole-hearted pedagogues; score thirty-eight to three
College Eye 2:7, p.4
Teachers College football team lost badly to Grinnell, 38-3.
6580 College calendar
College Eye 2:7, p.8
Upcoming events at Iowa State Teachers College.
6581 Football results
College Eye 2:7, p.8
College football game results.
6582 Football; purple and gold team went down in defeat at the Iowa University last Saturday; final score was 35 to 7
College Eye 2:6, p.1
Teachers College lost the football game to the Hawkeyes, 35-7. The game was a great learning experience for the team.
6583 Game at Grinnell; "Pat's" boys preparing for battle next Saturday; dope on Grinnell's strength
College Eye 2:6, p.7
The chances of a victory are good for the Iowa State Teachers College team.
6584 Football results
College Eye 2:6, p.2
Game results for football games at the university level, the college level, and the high school level.
6585 We fear that our editorials are not heeded
College Eye 2:6, p.4
There is fear that the editorials are not heeded, but people really do listen to them.
6586 Football; game with Iowa City next Saturday; University team reported not as strong as usual
College Eye 2:5, p.1
Next Saturday is the football game against the State University; rumor says that their line is weak.
6587 Athletics; busy week on the football field; varsity wins from East Waterloo High 39-0
College Eye 2:5, p.1
The college football team tested its courage and strength with scrimmages against a high school team.
6588 Saturday's football results
College Eye 2:5, p.3
Scores of football games.
6589 Say, men
College Eye 2:5, p.4
If there were a rule that gave only football players special privileges, there would be a bigger, better football team.
6590 Athletic; forty-seven names on the roll of honor
College Eye 2:4, p.1
The football season is under way; potential starting line-up.
6591 If every student who did not subscribe
College Eye 2:4, p.4
Urges students to buy tickets to football game.
6592 Football; outlook promising for a strong team. Many old men back much new material; change in rules favors a heavy line
College Eye 2:3, p.1
A few changes in football rules; Captain Tom Anderson; photo.
6593 Athletics
College Eye 2:1, p.1
Captain Schluter of 1912 track team; photo. Baseball team of 1912; photo. This year's athletics teams are the best in history.
6594 Remembrances of the year
Old Gold 0:0, p.276
Fictitious letters home.
6595 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.87
Photos of football team's games and practices.
6596 "The Man with the Paddle"
Old Gold 0:0, p.86
Photo of Coach Pasini.
6597 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Synopsis of the 1911 season.
6598 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.84
Photo of team.
6599 Many changes made; football rules will differ radically the coming season
College Eye 1:19, p.3
Football field will be changed, field judge will be eliminated, and other rules will change many aspects of football at I. S. T. C.
6600 Football schedule for 1912 almost completed; track and baseball schedules will soon be ready
College Eye 1:14, p.4
Schedules for football and track seasons