
Displaying 6651 - 6700 of 7068 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
6651 How much
Normal Eyte 21:9, p.143
Encourages the debate team and football team to win their upcoming matches.
6652 Athletic Notes; I. S. T. C. loses to Simpson 6-3; Teachers make long runs but fail to score; Sheffield stars
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.131
I. S. T. C. lost football game, 6-3; account of the game.
6653 I. S. T. C. football song--Ellsworth game
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.131
Provides the words to the song to be sung in the game against Ellsworth College.
6654 Athletic Notes; Leander Clark and Teachers battle to a tie. Leander Clark is outplayed but Teachers weaken at critical times
Normal Eyte 21:7, p.112
I. S. T. C. ended in a tie with Leander Clark; account of the game.
6655 Teachers easily defeat Lenox; the final score is 63-0.
Normal Eyte 21:6, p.97
I. S. T. C. defeated Lenox College, 63-0.
6656 Athletic notes; football season will open on Saturday
Normal Eyte 21:5, p.77
The 1910 football season will begin Saturday October 8 against Lenox College.
6657 Athletic notes; making the team
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.59
A look at a football practice session.
6658 1909 football team; who finished the season without a defeat
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.61
Photo of the 1909 football team.
6659 Changes in the national football rules
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.57
Professor Seymour outlines the significant rules changes.
6660 Russell Glasener; football captain 1910
Normal Eyte 21:3, p.43
A photo of Russell Glasener in his football uniform.
6661 A. G. Reid succeeds Prof. Simmons as football coach
Normal Eyte 21:3, p.43
A. G. Reid will become the new football coach.
6662 Russell Glasener is elected football captain to succeed Leslie Boatman.
Normal Eyte 21:3, p.44
Russell Glasener was unanimously elected as the new football captain.
6663 Athletic notes
Normal Eyte 21:2, p.24
Explains the football team's loss of their captain, Leslye Boatman, who will not be returning to school the upcoming year.
6664 Prof. Simmons resigns; popular football coach goes to Missouri
Normal Eyte 21:2, p.25
Explains the accomplishments of Professor Simmons during his time at the Teachers College.
6665 Good prospects for a successful football season
Normal Eyte 21:2, p.25
The upcoming football season should be successful.
6666 Football schedule 1910.
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.15
Football schedule for the upcoming season.
6667 Athletics
Old Gold 0:0, p.285
Information on the sports at Iowa State Teachers College, includes summaries of all football games, the gymnastics season, baseball, basketball and the women's physical training; includes group pictures and schedules.
6668 Athletic Board meets; important action in regard to eligibility and athletic schedules taken
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.487
Half of surplus football money given to spring athletics.
6669 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:18, p.295
Football season was financial and athletic success; Bachelor of Arts graduates will be the only ones to wear cap and gown; subscribe to this year's Old Gold.
6670 Athletic Board meeting; John Barnes elected track manager; football season is financial success
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.291
Financial report.
6671 Future football; game is severely criticized; change of rules recommended by authorities
Normal Eyte 20:12, p.213
Review of criticisms of football for the numbers of players who are severely injured.
6672 Football review for 1909; victorious season gives team high rank; twelve players receive emblems; 1910 prospects good; Boatman is captain
Normal Eyte 20:12, p.205
Teachers go undefeated; review of the 1909 season and prospects for the 1910 season; photo.
6673 Teachers win game; Grinnell is defeated by score of 24 to 6; both teams in fine condition; rooters elated; Boatman makes three touchdowns.
Normal Eyte 20:11, p.190
Fans meet football team at depot after game.
6674 Teachers defeat Coe; old time rivals are outplayed in fast game; score 5 to 0; Meggers scores touchdown; Teachers captain plays star game.
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.174
Line plays stonewall football defense.
6675 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.167
Great school spirit shown at rally last week; start preparing for Ames debate next fall; victory over Coe was the fifth straight for the football team.
6676 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.151
Forensics debate and football game this weekend; students should support their school above their society.
6677 Big mass meeting; students will hold big rally for Ames debate and Coe football game Thursday evening.
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.153
Enthusiasm runs high; students and faculty members will give speeches; yells and songs will be practiced.
6678 Athletics; Teachers battle Coe; football team meets old rivals, Saturday afternoon; men are in fine condition; "Dope" shows evenly matched teams.
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.165
Coach Simmons makes no predictions about game outcome.
6679 Athletics; Teachers defeats St. Joe; team wins hard fought game at Dubuque; score 32-16.
Normal Eyte 20:8, p.146
Teachers score five touchdowns.
6680 Providing there are fifty students
Normal Eyte 20:8, p.143
Discount rates for round trip tickets to Grinnell will be available if enough students sign up.
6681 George Vernon Orr
Normal Eyte 20:7, p.130
Officiated the game between ISTC and Leander Clark.
6682 Hard fought game won; Teachers defeat Leander-Clark by score of 6 to 0; touchdown scored in second half by Vinall.
Normal Eyte 20:7, p.131
Teachers win despite heavy penalties.
6683 Athletics; Teachers defeat Lenox; football game proves an easy victory; score of 36 to 0 tells tale; game played on heavy field.
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.115
George Vinall makes first touchdown.
6684 Athletics; Teachers win football game; Charles City College is defeated; score, 28-0; twenty-two men give a try-out.
Normal Eyte 20:5, p.98
Quarterback George Vinall keeps team moving fast.
6685 Casey and Simanton
Normal Eyte 20:5, p.102
ISTC football.
6686 Athletics; football season opens Saturday; team is in good shape for game with Charles City College.
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.64
Game starts at 3:00 Saturday.
6687 Changes in the football rules; several improvements made in the game.
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.31
Drop kick now worth three points, not four; rules on forward pass about the same; rules on punting over the goal line change; photo..
6688 A daily football practice; Coach Simmons is giving the candidates stiff workouts.
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.29
A closer look at football practice.
6689 Meggers captains football team; Athletic Board elects Glasener manager.
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.25
Edward Meggers unanimously voted captain; photo.
6690 Editorial
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.17
New students must decide which societies to join; special issue boosts football team.
6691 Football prospects; here is the coach's opinion in the matter
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.26
Football proves to be successful physically and educationally; reinstated in 1908; will have another season in 1909; photo.
6692 Athletics; prospects for football season are good.
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.13
Nine returnees for this year's team; schedule of games.
6693 Football schedule out; Teachers will play seven games this fall.
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.24
I. S. T. C. will play seven games in 1909 season.
6694 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Description of 1908 season, cartoon, players, and prospects; photo.
6695 Busy week; Normal Gymnasium to be scene of many activities--conference gymnastics meet--basketball meeting Iowa physical education society
Normal Eyte 19:18, p.273
Faculty will play seniors in basketball; first meeting of Iowa branch of American Physical Education Association.
6696 Athletic Board meets; body of sports directors in session, Thursday--track meet and football plans made
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.261
Football approved for next fall; planning for invitational track meet in May.
6697 On Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 19:14, p.223
Margaret Oliver entertained football team.
6698 Friday morning
Normal Eyte 19:13, p.206
Margaret Oliver will entertain football team with dinner.
6699 Football season of 1908; team developed from green material meets success- Normal quietly regaining place in football world
Normal Eyte 19:11, p.167
A review of the 1908 schedule; photo.
6700 Normal wins another; Charles City College unable to score. Referee fails to win game, but holds down points
Normal Eyte 19:11, p.169
Account of the game; photo.