Library Services

Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1156 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1101 The number of books in our library
Normal Eyte 4:22, p.346
Many more added this week.
1102 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:17, p.265
Meeting leaders announced; other activities scheduled.
1103 The Osborne & Murphy Printing Company
Normal Eyte 4:17, p.262
Sends Christmas issue of Red Oak newspaper to library; has historical articles in it.
1104 No student should forget
Normal Eyte 4:17, p.261
Library presents many opportunities for reading even outside one's field of study.
1105 With the beginning of the year
Normal Eyte 4:16, p.246
Library rules change; books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed for one week; fine for overdue books is ten cents per day.
1106 During the vacation
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.220
New shelves built in library and books rearranged; report on holdings and circulation.
1107 Those who remained here
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.218
Library busy over Christmas holidays.
1108 The State Normal School
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.216
O. C. Scott writes his impressions of the school after visiting as an oratorical contest judge.
1109 Library notes
Normal Eyte 4:9, p.134
Anna Baker has classified and catalogued over two hundred new books; library also has bound volumes of ISNS programs and senior theses.
1110 A set
Normal Eyte 4:7, p.106
Guide books placed in library.
1111 We observe
Normal Eyte 4:7, p.106
Quarterly Illustrated added to library.
1112 Among the new books
Normal Eyte 4:6, p.90
Library has added many good, new books and placed them in their respective departments.
1113 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:4, p.55
Meeting leaders announced; detailed description of meeting of missionary circle.
1114 We notice among the periodicals
Normal Eyte 4:3, p.44
Harvard Graduate's Magazine now in library.
1115 Our library
Normal Eyte 4:3, p.44
Volumes have been re-arranged and are being catalogued.
1116 If the riches of an object
Normal Eyte 4:3, p.43
Library receiving heavy use.
1117 Mrs. D. F. Hoover and Miss Baker
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.317
Miss Baker will spend a portion of the summer on campus to acquaint herself with the library and prepare for her position as librarian which will start in September 1894.
1118 Two new periodicals
Normal Eyte 3:28, p.223
"Physical Education" and "Athletics" added to library collection.
1119 The following, probably the reflections of some new students
Normal Eyte 3:27, p.215
A student wishes for the ability to take in all the information that he needs.
1120 Appropriations
Normal Eyte 3:26, p.201
Bill is very near completion; will include $30,000 for a new building, though President Seerley believes that about $75,000 is needed; bill also includes money for the library and a librarian as well as other new funds; $20,000 per biennium addition.
1121 Programs wanted by the school
Normal Eyte 3:25, p.198
Library wishes to bind copies of school programs; still lacks several items.
1122 The bill providing for an appropriation
Normal Eyte 3:21, p.161
Visiting Committee has reduced recommendations in some areas; list of sums as they now stand; President Seerley seems optimistic that it will pass.
1123 A bill
Normal Eyte 3:20, p.156
Text of the Normal School appropriations bill which includes money for a new building and for a librarian and library material.
1124 A new decoration
Normal Eyte 3:19, p.151
Samuel Smith has made a paper rack for the library.
1125 The first volume of McClure's Magazine
Normal Eyte 3:11, p.86
Added to library.
1126 The New England Magazine
Normal Eyte 3:10, p.74
Has recently been bound.
1127 The library has been increased
Normal Eyte 3:9, p.71
Has received new literature and encyclopedic works.
1128 Mr. Geo. Thayer
Normal Eyte 3:8, p.64
Printing company representative visits in preparation for periodical binding.
1129 In the library
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.25
Library has some new books despite the difficult financial circumstances; reviews of a few new titles.
1130 Miss Minnie Moore
Normal Eyte 2:36, p.279
Visits friends at Normal; remember her service from time when she was librarian.
1131 Our library has now 5220 volumes
Normal Eyte 2:33, p.252
Ranks eighth in size in Iowa colleges; tally of other colleges and their holdings.
1132 In the library
Normal Eyte 2:32, p.243
Review of books on ancient literature, mythology, and archeology.
1133 Additions are continually being made to our library
Normal Eyte 2:31, p.241
Collection now totals 5200 volumes.
1134 In the library
Normal Eyte 2:28, p.212
New books have been added lately; review of some of them.
1135 When closing a term's work
Normal Eyte 2:14, p.107
A look at the achievements and improvements on campus.
1136 Our library is in need of further shelving
Normal Eyte 2:8, p.65
New books are stored on tables and window sills.
1137 New books are daily being added to the library
Normal Eyte 2:2, p.17
Recently acquired two volume set of "Arabian Nights".
1138 The library has been very much enlarged
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.7
Many books added and catalogued.
1139 The Century Encyclopedia
Normal Eyte 1:6, p.47
Located on stands in library.
1140 There has been circulating
Normal Eyte 1:6, p.42
Urges Des Moines Ministerial Association to donate chaplaincy fee to Normal School Library; outlines needs and deficiencies of collection.
1141 President Seerley
Normal Eyte 1:4, p.29
Has received two sets of the Century dictionary: one for the faculty and one for the library.
1142 If "a library's riches increase . . . . "
Normal Eyte 1:2, p.13
Rooms are filled with earnest students.
1143 Our library
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.6
Adds a total of 316 new volumes on many subjects.
1144 The state has done much
Students' Offering 8:34, p.6
Needs of the school include: better library collection and catalogue; covered walks between buildings; society halls.
1145 Though we cannot boast
Students' Offering 8:33, p.5
Brief list of some titles in the library.
1146 The library of the ISNS
Students' Offering 8:32, p.7
Description of 1800 volume library.
1147 Sara Riggs
Students' Offering 7:26, p.6
Now private secretary and librarian.
1148 Our library has been enriched
Students' Offering 6:22, p.6
A dozen books on temperance added.
1149 A new library catalogue
Students' Offering 6:21, p.6
Each student will receive a list of all books in the library; it will be arranged by subject, shelf number, and author.
1150 Malcolm Stewart
Students' Offering 6:20, p.3
Had been managing funds for Commencement of Class of 1881; gives final $2 to library fund.