Old Gold

Displaying 101 - 150 of 1752 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Portraits will be taken for UNI yearbook
Northern Iowan 85:4, p.4
102 Smith named editor 88-89 UNI yearbook
Northern Iowan 85:3, p.7
Brief profile of Laurel Smith.
103 Old Gold wins third ACP first class rating
Northern Iowan 84:47, p.1
Karen Mills explains rating system.
104 Senior portraits to end
Northern Iowan 84:22, p.2
Last week for senior Old Gold portraits.
105 House pictures contest results
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.14
Winners announced; photo.
106 Off-campus students get group photo opportunity
Northern Iowan 84:5, p.3
Will be included in Old Gold if they wish.
107 'Preview UNI' summer orientation staff begins work with sessions Monday (June 15)
Public Relations News Release 1987:400, p.1
Fourteen students volunteer to lead summer orientation sessions for incoming freshmen. The nine sessions of Preview UNI include programs on financial aid, campus organizations, and the ROTC. Includes a list of volunteers.
108 Mugan named executive editor of 1987-88 "Old Gold" yearbook
Northern Iowan 83:57, p.5
Monica Mugan outlines her plans for the yearbook; photo.
109 Lux Service Medallion nominations taken for outsanding UNI service by students
Public Relations News Release 1987:269, p.1
Students, faculty, and staff nominate candidates for the Lux Service Medallion. The award is for students who display leadership and character. Nominees must hold a grand point average of 3.0 and have completed forty hours of credit.
110 Old Gold yearbook goes high tech
Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.8
Will use three programs to put together whole book; photo.
111 Old Gold yearbook done by computer
Public Relations News Release 1986:143, p.1
The Old Gold staff utilizes three computer programs in assembling the yearbook. These programs allow the yearbook staff to create photo captions, insert photo blocks, and automatically sort student names. Includes interviews with two staff members.
112 Senior portraits
Northern Iowan 83:18, p.8
Appointments available.
113 What's Up
Northern Iowan 83:8, p.7
Meetings and activities.
114 60 years bring changes, but friendships and feelings for 'Alma Mater' still strong
Public Relations News Release 1986:472, p.1
The experiences and achievements of ten graduates of the Iowa State Teachers College are recounted after their sixty year reunion. The reunion was held at the University of Northern Iowa, coordinated by the Northern Iowa Alumni Association.
115 New editor puts yearbook on disk
Northern Iowan 82:57, p.8
Jim Giordano is executive editor of Old Gold.
116 'Preview UNI' summer orientation staff begins with sessions Thursday (June 12)
Public Relations News Release 1986:455, p.1
Fourteen UNI students have been selected out of sixty to lead two thousand entering freshmen and their parents in orientation sessions this summer.
117 Nominations now being accepted for Lux Medallion award for outstanding service to UNI
Public Relations News Release 1986:322, p.1
The third annual award will be presented at Homecoming to two undergraduate students who best represent the ideal of service to UNI; five finalists will be selected from the nominations and then interviewed to determine the two winners.
118 Yearbook is 'first class'
Northern Iowan 82:43, p.5
Old Gold wins a "first class" rating from the Associated Collegiate Press.
119 Old Gold earns honors
Northern Iowa Today 14:2, p.7
First edition published by university since yearbook was revived by private publisher in 1979; 1985 edition wins first class rating.
120 UNI's 'Old Gold' yearbook earns first class rating in national competition
Public Relations News Release 1986:252, p.1
The 1985 yearbook received the "First Class" rating from the Associated Collegiate Press; the book received 3,733 points out of a total 4,400; Dean was editor; there is only one higher possible rating.
121 Untitled
Northern Iowan 82:28, p.2
Clarifies an article written by Zafar Malik in the 1985 issue of the "Old Gold Yearbook".
122 UNI Homecoming Parade, Window-Painting, Book of Records Winners Announced
Public Relations News Release 1985:81, p.1
For each category groups received awards and a list of area merchants and businesspeople that donated money for the floats.
123 Photos for yearbook
Northern Iowan 82:5, p.15
Appointments to be scheduled.
124 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:2, p.4
Meetings and activities.
125 Old Gold editor chosen
Northern Iowan 81:56, p.5
Jessica Craig will be editor; photo.
126 New format for Old Gold
Northern Iowan 81:43, p.6
Will be produced by the university rather than by a private company; photo.
127 As good as most, better than some
Alumnus 69:4, p.23
Quick, humorous survey of advertisements in college publications; photo.
128 Sell to get in the yearbook
Northern Iowan 81:22, p.10
Organizations may sell yearbooks in order to earn credit toward the cost of putting their pictures in the yearbooks.
129 Senior portraits to be taken
Northern Iowan 81:16, p.9
Seniors are able to get their picture taken for the Old Gold and for resumes.
130 Old Gold in 'new' hands this fall
Northern Iowan 80:63, p.1
Will be UNI-sponsored publication; Susan Chilcott talks about her goals for the yearbook.
131 Student publications undergo expansion
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1
Establish graduate assistantship; considering scholarships and establishing "Draftings in . . . " series; considering future of Old Gold.
132 Yearbook sports section draws criticism
Northern Iowan 80:4, p.2
Feel more team pictures should have been included in the yearbook.
133 Old Gold to take senior photographs
Northern Iowan 80:4, p.4
134 Old Gold taking senior portraits
Northern Iowan 79:31, p.7
Will offer free sittings.
135 Yearbook awarded first place by ASPA
Northern Iowan 79:27, p.10
Editor Kathy Spratte talks about the award; photo.
136 Sittings scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.5
Photograph sessions for Old Gold.
137 Old Gold changes
Northern Iowan 79:3, p.9
Karen Mills talks about the changes, which will include more pictures, spring sports, and May Commencement.
138 Order your Old Gold now
Northern Iowan 78:35, p.6
Extensive description of plans for yearbook.
139 Senior portrait is free
Northern Iowan 78:28, p.4
Need to set up appointments.
140 'Diversity' is chosen for theme of yearbook
Northern Iowan 78:24, p.18
Karen Mills talks about this year's theme.
141 Yearbook solicits contributions
Northern Iowan 78:22, p.2
Karen Mills encourages students to send in photos that may be used for the Old Gold Yearbook.
142 Portraits being taken
Northern Iowan 78:14, p.6
Free senior portraits will be taken for the Old Gold yearbook.
143 Former UNI P. R. director George Holmes dies
Public Relations News Release 1981:98, p.1

A memorial service will be held for George Holmes. Holmes was director of University Relations for forty two years prior to his retirement.

144 Yearbook coordinator explains new Old Gold group picture choices
Northern Iowan 78:10, p.2
The editors at the Old Gold are trying to include more student groups in the next issue.
145 Old Gold
Northern Iowan 78:10, p.5
Students who have not picked up the 1981 yearbook should do so soon.
146 Yearbooks available
Northern Iowan 78:6, p.12
147 Old Gold, a UNI tradition
Northern Iowan 78:3, p.10
Brief history of the annual.
148 Old Gold yearbook
Northern Iowan 78:2, p.5
Final day to order at discount price.
149 What's up
Northern Iowan 77:55, p.6
Meetings and activities; Julio Quan will speak.
150 What's up
Northern Iowan 77:53, p.4
Meetings and activities; Spring Jazz Bash; Black Hawk County Human Rights Coalition; John P. Trimmer will speak.