Old Gold

Displaying 201 - 250 of 1752 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Yearbook concern
Northern Iowan 65:40, p.2
Concerned that only two students have applied for the editor's job.
202 Ombudsman
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.3
Questions about the Old Gold and the Biafra fast.
203 Annual answer to critics; 'we're sensitive, concerned'
Northern Iowan 65:35, p.3
Yearbook editor tries to explain his position.
204 Push UNI '69 sale
Northern Iowan 65:35, p.1
Week of promotion of yearbook sales.
205 Why yearbook is irrelevant
Northern Iowan 65:34, p.2
Believes other publications already cover field.
206 Yearbook failure disguised
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.2
Believes yearbook deserves one more chance.
207 Yearbook editors propose magazine
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.1
Believe old format has outlived its usefulness; propose issuing magazine three times a year.
208 Yearbook format changes
Northern Iowan 65:32, p.1
Will be published in traditional 9" by 12" after all.
209 Group photos to be taken after holidays
Northern Iowan 65:28, p.5
210 SS sends AFT endorsement to committee for study
Northern Iowan 65:24, p.1
Hear arguments against AFT from Professor Keefe; consider yearbook format.
211 Poll favors new yearbook format
Northern Iowan 65:23, p.8
75% of those voting favored changes.
212 UNI '69 to conduct poll on proposed new format
Northern Iowan 65:22, p.1
Yearbook might consist of several booklets.
213 Appoint Johnson to new Student Senate position
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.1
Bob Johnson will be administrative vice president; also discuss format of yearbook.
214 UNI '69 aerial photo 'shoots' two thousand
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.7
Aerial photo was taken of some two thousand students on central campus Monday afternoon; photo.
215 Senior pictures now available
Northern Iowan 65:13, p.6
Senior pictures taken October 7-9 may be picked up tomorrow at the UNI '69 yearbook office, 205 Gilchrist.
216 Will never be offered again
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.10
Reminder for students to pose outside for aerial photo on October 21; photo will be used in UNI '69 yearbook.
217 New yearbook--UNI '69 goes on sale next week
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.6
Board of Control of Student Publications has changed title of yearbook from Old Gold to UNI '69; history of title changes; all students and faculty are asked to be outside near center of campus at 2:55 p.m. on Monday for aerial photograph.
218 Senior Pix to be taken next week
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.1
Senior pictures for the Old Gold will be taken October 7 through October 9, 1968 by Lohnes Photographers.
219 Old Gold
Northern Iowan 65:4, p.5
Old Gold will have organizational meeting in the Old Gold office, 205 Gilchrist, on Monday.
220 Old Golds to arrive soon
Northern Iowan 65:1, p.1
Some 2050 Old Gold yearbooks were ordered this year for shipment to students on or before September 10.
221 New Seven, Old Gold editors chosen
Northern Iowan 64:58, p.4
John Volker will edit Seven; Peter Lytle and Barb Schuman will manage Old Gold.
222 Awards given to journalists Monday night
Northern Iowan 64:53, p.1
Campus publications students win awards.
223 Annual Gridiron Banquet to be Monday night
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.4
Will honor student journalists of campus publications.
224 'Planned editorial content'
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.2
Defends 1967 Old Gold; does not like standards of rating service.
225 Board of Control discusses Old Gold rating
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.4
Rating service offers no rating to 1967 Old Gold; cites unusual nature of publication.
226 Friday is last day for Old Gold sales
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.3
Cost is $4.12.
227 Old Gold sales 1100, 2100 copies ordered
Northern Iowan 64:35, p.1
Board considers sales of yearbook and other matters.
228 Tap dance, folk groups in show
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.1
Cast for the Old Gold Variety Show; photo.
229 Previews
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.8
Activities and meetings.
230 Old Gold Variety Show Wednesday
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.4
Will present variety show rather than concert or beauty pageant.
231 Old Gold to feature historical picture section
Northern Iowan 64:30, p.1
Executive editor Karen Vaudt describes format of 1968 Old Gold.
232 Group pictures for Old Gold taken next week
Northern Iowan 64:29, p.1
Schedule posted.
233 Student publications at UNI
Alumnus 53:1, p.8
Survey of procedures and practices involving student publications especially in light of recent controversies; photo.
234 Old Gold night to be February 14
Northern Iowan 64:23, p.3
Planning variety show.
235 Say it's only 85% of 16%
College Eye 64:4, p.3
Questions validity of Old Gold survey.
236 Old Gold
College Eye 64:4, p.4
Organizational meeting.
237 Previews
College Eye 64:4, p.8
Activities and meetings.
238 Previews
College Eye 64:3, p.4
Activities and meetings.
239 Photos of '68 seniors to be taken
College Eye 64:2, p.5
Cost is $1.50.
240 Previews
College Eye 64:2, p.16
Activities and meetings.
241 Intermediate stand favored in UNI Old Gold survey
College Eye 64:2, p.5
Results of survey of attitudes toward the yearbook.
242 Old Gold to revert to traditional
College Eye 64:2, p.5
Will blend traditional fromat with photo essay.
243 1967 Old Gold Survey: 85% want traditional yearbook format restored
College Eye 63:64, p.1
Results of the survey.
244 Award contract for yearbook to American
College Eye 63:59, p.6
Winning bid is $12,129.
245 Volker says Old Gold censored
College Eye 63:59, p.1
Picture apparently included student making offensive gesture.
246 Sides mutually at fault
College Eye 63:59, p.2
Describes the editor's and the publisher's side of the recent retouched photo controversy in the Old Gold.
247 Need yearbook photographers
College Eye 63:59, p.8
248 Old Gold distribution to begin
College Eye 63:56, p.12
249 Summer distribution set for 1968 Old Golds
College Eye 63:54, p.1
Discuss letting of bids and delivery dates.
250 Publications' workers win journalism awards
College Eye 63:53, p.3
List of award winners at recent journalism banquet.