Old Gold

Displaying 301 - 350 of 1752 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 OLD GOLD takes picture Wednesday
College Eye 60:10, p.5
302 4 positions open yet on OLD GOLD
College Eye 60:8, p.6
303 OLD GOLD staff positions now available
College Eye 60:4, p.4
304 Senior pictures taken all week, next Monday
College Eye 60:3, p.4
305 Senior pictures scheduled for next two weeks
College Eye 60:1, p.1
306 OLD GOLD sales limited to two weeks
College Eye 59:52, p.2
307 OLD GOLD distribution this week
College Eye 59:45, p.4
308 Old Golds available at end of week
College Eye 59:44, p.3
309 May pick up Old Gold next week
College Eye 59:43, p.1
310 Susan Cooper top editor of next year's Old Gold
College Eye 59:43, p.8
List of other editors.
311 Final payments for Old Gold should be made
College Eye 59:39, p.1
312 OLD GOLD re-opens sales this week
College Eye 59:37, p.3
313 Publications applications due today
College Eye 59:34, p.1
Seeking staff members.
314 Publications applications available
College Eye 59:31, p.7
315 Students asked to note receipts for Old Gold
College Eye 59:30, p.6
316 Applications for EYE editor to be submitted by March 5
College Eye 59:21, p.1
Old Gold sold 2100 copies; Seven will combine winter and spring issues into one.
317 Pageant, popularity kick-off second semester activities
College Eye 59:16, p.1
Description of Old Gold Week activities.
318 Need chairmen for OLD GOLD Pageant, Contest
College Eye 59:14, p.5
319 Return proofs to OLD GOLD by Tuesday
College Eye 59:12, p.5
320 Seniors, Greeks may still have pictures taken
College Eye 59:10, p.6
321 Senior student teachers' pictures taken Nov. 19, 20
College Eye 59:9, p.4
322 Old Gold has three staff openings
College Eye 59:8, p.3
323 Senior retakes, pictures of groups scheduled
College Eye 59:6, p.5
324 Next week is deadline for Old Gold photos
College Eye 59:4, p.5
325 Old Gold pictures taken next week
College Eye 59:3, p.8
326 Old Gold staff positions still open
College Eye 59:2, p.3
327 Publications board names Boone to head Old Gold
College Eye 59:2, p.8
List of other staff.
328 Old Gold needs editor
College Eye 58:37, p.1
Judy Cockrill resigned; need editor.
329 Annual distribution early next week
College Eye 58:30, p.10
2140 copies printed; procedures for picking up Old Gold.
330 Cockrill named Old Gold '64-'65 editor
College Eye 58:30, p.3
Judy Cockrill will be executive editor; list of other Old Gold and Seven staffs.
331 Editor asks why no applicants
College Eye 58:26, p.2
Points out the lack of interest students show for office positions in group organizations.
332 Applications due April 7 for 3 student publications
College Eye 58:22, p.3
333 Board of control, anyone?
College Eye 58:21, p.2
Informs readers that no one has yet volunteered to run for Board of Control of Student Publications.
334 May sign up for extra OLD GOLDS
College Eye 58:20, p.1
Extra copies available.
335 Athlete, Bartlett counselor win OLD GOLD Popularity
College Eye 58:16, p.1
Mary Kay George and Duane Josephson win contest; photo.
336 Untitled
College Eye 58:15, p.4
Karen Evans, Jeanne Graff, and Trudy Lantau buy yearbooks from OLD GOLD business manager Paul Kolpek.
337 Beauty, popularity contests set for OLD GOLD week
College Eye 58:14, p.6
Will crown Old Gold Beauty and Most Popular Man and Woman.
338 Four named to SEVEN, OLD GOLD
College Eye 58:13, p.6
List of those who were appointed.
339 Two positions open in OLD GOLD
College Eye 58:11, p.4
340 OLD GOLD sign-up for final pix
College Eye 58:10, p.6
341 Final sign-up for pictures in '64 yearbook
College Eye 58:9, p.3
342 Cloud replaces McCleary on Old Gold
College Eye 58:9, p.3
List of Old Gold staff members.
343 Proofs for OLD GOLD are available
College Eye 58:5, p.1
344 Proofs for OLD GOLD available
College Eye 58:4, p.1
345 Pictures for OLD GOLD begin Monday
College Eye 58:2, p.1
346 OLD GOLD sets times for photos
College Eye 58:1, p.8
347 Old Gold distributed next week
College Eye 57:31, p.1
348 Harlan and Bina recipients of Big Oil Can Awards
College Eye 57:28, p.6
List of award winners at Gridiron Dinner; photo.
349 Old Gold staff chosen for 1963-64
College Eye 57:28, p.3
Judy Cord will be executive editor; Dan McCleary will be assistant editor; Paul Kolpek will be business manager; photo.
350 Applications due Tuesday for EYE, Old Gold jobs
College Eye 57:24, p.1