Old Gold

Displaying 251 - 300 of 1751 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 Confrontations to discuss Greek coverage
College Eye 63:49, p.8
Will consider coverage of Greeks in Old Gold.
252 'Headline was accurate'
College Eye 63:48, p.2
Defends the policy of not giving 26 yearbook pages to Greek organizations.
253 Greek pages defended by councils
College Eye 63:47, p.3
Attempts to justify the many yearbook pages devoted to Greek organizations in the past.
254 Distribution of Old Golds set for May
College Eye 63:47, p.4
255 Appointments to Old Gold staff made
College Eye 63:46, p.8
Karen Vaudt will be executive editor; Pamela Port will be business manager.
256 Volker--'Greeks do not do enough on campus to deserve 26 pages'
College Eye 63:45, p.2
Discusses the changes which will happen in this year's book.
257 Old Gold editor position open for '68
College Eye 63:41, p.8
258 Old Gold enticing
College Eye 63:39, p.2
Encourages purchasing the yearbook with its new format.
259 Organization representatives confront Old Gold editor
College Eye 63:39, p.1
John Volker defends the decision not to include photos of honor societies.
260 Challenges Old Gold
College Eye 63:37, p.2
Unhappy with the yearbook for catering too heavily to Greek organizations on campus.
261 'What she played was music' comments Zanatta
College Eye 63:34, p.1
Review of the recent Old Gold sponsored performance featuring Bonnie Koloc and Scott Cawelti.
262 Board for Student Publications discuss layout of Seven
College Eye 63:33, p.1
Eye budget increased; consider elimination of advertising in Old Gold; talk about design of Seven.
263 Untitled
College Eye 63:32, p.1
Bonnie Koloc plays a guitar; photo.
264 Old Gold to feature 'Bonnie Koloc in concert'
College Eye 63:31, p.5
Scott Cawelti will also participate in the program.
265 Untitled
College Eye 63:30, p.1
Bonnie Koloc playing a guitar in front of a microphone; photo.
266 Ticket sales start for Old Gold concert
College Eye 63:30, p.8
Bonnie Koloc will perform.
267 Old Gold establishes managing editor position
College Eye 63:25, p.8
Board considers business matters relating to publications.
268 Senior photo proofs are due Saturday
College Eye 63:25, p.8
269 Old Gold open house this afternoon
College Eye 63:22, p.4
270 Old Gold on sale at Crossroads.
College Eye 63:18, p.8
Dates are given when the 1967 Old Gold can be purchased.
271 Take senior, Greek photos for annual
College Eye 63:18, p.8
Pictures of Greeks and seniors will be taken for the 1067 Old Gold.
272 Old Gold photos taken for last time
College Eye 63:17, p.7
Seniors and Greeks have one last opportunity to have their photos taken for the Old Gold.
273 Editors fly to Philadelphia conference
College Eye 63:10, p.1
Bernard DeHoff, advisor for the College Eye, will attend a journalism conference while Bob Davis and John Volker, editors for the Eye and the Old Gold, will attend a conference sponsored by the Associated College Press.
274 Board of Control submits new Eye editorial policy
College Eye 63:9, p.1
Board of Control hopes to remove all censorship of the College Eye.
275 Old Gold policy change is approved
College Eye 63:5, p.1
Old Gold will be adopting a more informal style in future editions.
276 Likes Old Gold plans
College Eye 63:4, p.3
Believes that a more modern version of the Old Gold would be welcomed by students.
277 Board of Control rejects Old Gold's requests
College Eye 63:3, p.7
Old Gold staff hopes to make the yearbook more informal and creative.
278 Old Gold and Seven make plans for fall
College Eye 63:1, p.1
Students are invited to apply for open positions with either the magazine Seven or the Old Gold.
279 Old Gold distributed at night
College Eye 60:58, p.1
280 Old Golds distributed Thursday, June 2
College Eye 60:57, p.1
281 Old Gold offering paid staff positions
College Eye 60:57, p.10
282 Seven and Old Gold editors chosen for 1966
College Eye 60:56, p.1
John Volker will be executive editor of Old Gold; Steve Pudenz will be executive editor of Seven.
283 Top positions still open for next year's publications
College Eye 60:52, p.1
Outline of available positions.
284 Awards given to outstanding SCI journalists
College Eye 60:51, p.8
Bob Davis, Charles Daugherty, and Bruce Niceswanger win large oil cans; list of other winners.
285 Interview dates for positions set by Board
College Eye 60:47, p.8
Also will determine location of offices in new Union.
286 OLD GOLD positions open for 1967
College Eye 60:46, p.3
287 OLD GOLD election selects Miss Brown and Tom Downs
College Eye 60:39, p.1
Bonnie Brown and Tom Downs win popularity contest.
288 OLD GOLD's will arrive in mid-May
College Eye 60:37, p.1
289 Yearbooks to be sold till Friday
College Eye 60:33, p.1
290 Sue Daugherty, OLD GOLD editor, resigns
College Eye 60:32, p.4
Kathy Novak may take over.
291 Senior proofs available in OLD GOLD office
College Eye 60:23, p.3
292 Retake of senior pictures is scheduled
College Eye 60:19, p.4
293 Student Publications Board discusses SEVEN, budget
College Eye 60:18, p.8
Authorizes publication of several issues of Seven.
294 Retakes of senior pictures are Tuesday
College Eye 60:18, p.5
295 Board of Control decision opens door for 3000 additional yearbook photos
College Eye 60:14, p.2
Insists that since Greeks were allowed their own individual pages, the Board of Control should expect everyone else to want their own pages as well.
296 Board of Control upholds OLD GOLD decision
College Eye 60:12, p.6
Will allot two pages to each Greek organization.
297 Responsibility was what the Board of Control did usurp
College Eye 60:12, p.2
Claims that the editor of OLD GOLD should have been able to decide the issue for herself.
298 Greeks, Publications Board usurping editor's rights
College Eye 60:11, p.2
Disagrees with the decision, made by the Board of Control of Student Publications, to allow each fraternity and sorority to have two pages in the annual.
299 Special session of board control asked for
College Eye 60:11, p.1
Will consider request from Greeks for a particular amount of space in the Old Gold.
300 OLD GOLD takes picture Wednesday
College Eye 60:10, p.5