
Displaying 401 - 450 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 GEA members attend women's rights conference
Northern Iowan 92:24, p.2
Students relate their experiences at Davenport conference.
402 New class offered to broaden horizons, boost self-esteem
Northern Iowan 92:22, p.14
Performance will focus on women in today's society.
403 Romano speaks at CROW forum
Northern Iowan 92:19, p.4
Renee Romano will speak on women student leaders at Current Research on Women Forum series.
404 Gender loses to race in real world
Northern Iowan 92:15, p.7
Believes race is more important than gender; cites O. J. Simpson trial results.
405 Discussion panel honors 75th suffrage anniversary
Northern Iowan 92:13, p.1
Panel topic is: Iowa Politics and Women: Suffrage in the 21st Century.
406 Feeling of unity strong at Women's Conference
Northern Iowan 92:7, p.7
Outlines experiences at United Nations conference in Beijing.
407 UNI delegates describe their trip to Beijing
Northern Iowan 92:6, p.1
Three UNI representatives describe experiences at news conference.
408 Press conference set on U. N. event
Northern Iowan 92:5, p.4
UNI representatives to women's conference will hold press conference.
409 Three from UNI head to Beijing; international perspective on women
Northern Iowan 92:2, p.1
Two faculty members and one student will attend United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women.
410 Destination: Beijing; two UNI professors set to attend women's conference in China
Campus News Network 5:22, p.1
Victoria De Francisco and Susan Koch will attend the United Nations Conference and NGO Forum on Women '95 in Beijing, China; photo.
411 Helping battered women
Public Relations News Release 1994:547, p.1
Helping battered women can be a difficult task.
412 Student social life
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.90
Brief look at etiquette and Greek organizations in the 1930s; photo.
413 Get involved and make a difference
Northern Edition 3:14, p.11
Report on Women in Politics conference.
414 Seminar on 'Men, Women and Communication' ends series
Northern Edition 3:14, p.3
Seminar will focus on differing modes of communication.
415 Seminar looks at communication between genders
Northern Iowan 91:56, p.3
Third in Professional Women's Development series.
416 Second women and politics conference to be held
Northern Edition 3:13, p.3
Second Women in Politics conference planned.
417 Women always active in church; Pope's call for increased women activeness needless
Northern Iowan 91:51, p.7
Critical of recent papal encyclical.
418 Conference on 'Women in Cyberspace' coming April 6
Northern Edition 3:11, p.4
Conference program.
419 Speaker to integrate race, class, gender with modern technology
Northern Iowan 91:50, p.1
Cheris Kramarae will speak on women and technology; panel sessions will address similar issues.
420 Men cause of all evil: warning, this column reeks of sarcasm
Northern Iowan 91:50, p.8
Believes that there is enlightenment in at least some men; dislikes being lumped under one label.
421 Homelessness forced on women; homeless issue not just urban problem, reaches into local areas
Northern Iowan 91:49, p.6
Outlines plight of women fleeing domestic violence.
422 Concert to benefit women's shelter; with HOLS, Cherub, Phi Beta Sigma . . . .
Northern Iowan 91:49, p.9
Will raise money for new shelter.
423 Beauty defined solely by men
Northern Iowan 91:43, p.5
Believes it is harmful for women to conform to men's ideas of beauty.
424 Women past and present surmount social barriers
Northern Iowan 91:43, p.9
Recalls conversations with grandmother.
425 Inequalities persist in sports; even UNI not in compliance with Title IX
Northern Iowan 91:37, p.7
Views on gender equality in athletics.
426 Lecture on images of women
Northern Edition 3:4, p.3
Maurice Lee will speak on images of women in African-American literature.
427 Speaker defends necessity of welfare for women
Northern Iowan 91:35, p.2
Roberta Spalter-Roth outlines her research.
428 Tenure opportunities have improved at UNI
Northern Edition 3:1, p.3
Numbers of women and minorities on tenure track increase.
429 Fear of feminism founded
Northern Iowan 91:30, p.8
Views on why some fear feminism.
430 Irish: no business being in Bowl
Northern Iowan 91:29, p.16
Critical of Notre Dame season and of gender equity in sports.
431 New group attempting to clarify male gender issues
Northern Iowan 91:29, p.1
H.U.M.A.N. group tries to overcome conflicts between men and women.
432 Faculty Senate examines student absenteeism
Northern Iowan 91:28, p.2
Senate considers situations faced by student athletes.
433 Who is more royal: kings or queens?
Northern Iowan 91:24, p.1
Amy Sheldon speaks on linguistics and sex discrimination; photo.
434 Studio Series presents celebration of women
Northern Iowan 91:21, p.7
Will present monologues, music, and scenes from several plays.
435 Women's Development Series final seminar coming soon
Northern Edition 2:26, p.5
Seminar on language to be offered.
436 Students with children balance work, study, family and sleep
Northern Iowan 91:19, p.6
Believes women work longer hours than men.
437 Continuing Education offers seminar on development
Northern Edition 2:24, p.6
Seminar on managing criticism in workplace.
438 Language perpetuates oppression; sexist language ignored by society
Northern Iowan 91:13, p.4
Problems caused by sexist language.
439 Speaker discusses film images of women
Northern Iowan 91:12, p.1
Karla Brown opens season of CROW Forum; photo.
440 Voice opinion at Women's Day rally
Northern Iowan 91:11, p.4
Promotes Young Women's Day of Action activities.
441 Professional Women's Development Series
Northern Iowan 91:7, p.2
Continuing Education offers seminar on women working with women.
442 It's 'only' your name
Northern Edition 2:19, p.17
Tells why she will retain her birth name.
443 Think about this: feminism and feminists
Northern Edition 2:18, p.17
Attempts definitions of terms.
444 Women "making a difference" book topic
Northern Iowa Today 78:1, p.22
Professors De Francisco and Jensen write book.
445 Jensen and DeFrancisco give presentation on women leaders
Northern Edition 2:11, p.14
UNI speech professors will lecture on contemporary leadership.
446 Iowa legislature needs more women involved
Northern Edition 2:10, p.3
Patricia Harper urges women to become involved in political activity; photo.
447 Wolf advocates 'power feminism,' urges women to stop being victims
Northern Iowan 90:46, p.1
Speaks on new definition of feminism; photo.
448 Advocating a 'new feminism'
Northern Edition 2:9, p.3
Naomi Wolf, author of 'The Beauty Myth,' will speak on campus.
449 New book on contemporary American women edited by two UNI faculty
Northern Edition 2:9, p.5
Victoria De Francisco and Marvin Jensen edit collection of public statements made by American women.
450 Campus celebrates 25 years of women's sports
Northern Iowa Today 22:1, p.4
Honors beginnings of women's intercollegiate athletics in 1968-1969 season.