Displaying 301 - 350 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
301 | UNI presents 'The Vagina Monologues,' and related activities Public Relations News Release 2001:292, p.1 |
As a part of the 2002 V-Day College Campaign, UNI community members will perform 'The Vagina Monologues.' | |
302 | Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science Public Relations News Release 2001:309, p.1 |
Reygan Freeney, the director of the Upward Bound Math and Science Program, hopes to encourage women and other underrepresented groups to pursue a career in math or science. | |
303 | Equity in employment? Public Relations News Release 2001:187, p.1 |
William Bowlin will talk about whether or not men and women are paid equally for the same work. | |
304 | Albright speaks of peace and feminism Northern Iowan 98:16, p.1 |
Madeleine Albright spends time answering student questions about U. S. foreign policy. | |
305 | "Girls just wanna have fun . . ." Public Relations News Release 2001:108, p.1 |
Chris Martin will discuss the rise in the number of women on television sitcoms. | |
306 | Female athletes beware Public Relations News Release 2000:400, p.1 |
Darryl Conway advises women athletes about knee injuries. | |
307 | Women's arts week celebrates creativity Northern Iowan 97:51, p.1 |
Description of events planned to celebrate Women in the Arts Week. | |
308 | Women in the Arts Week at UNI to feature music, drams, discussion April 16-22 Public Relations News Release 2000:360, p.1 |
Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha, Theta Alpha Phi, the Gender Equality Association, and the Women's Studies Program will sponsor Women in the Arts Week. | |
309 | Grant to UNI will encourage women to pursue research Public Relations News Release 2000:358, p.1 |
The National Science Foundation has provided $250,000 for a new laboratory to evaluate textile materials; women are encouraged to participate in the laboratory. | |
310 | Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science Public Relations News Release 2000:375, p.1 |
Reygan Freeney feels there is a shortage of people going into the math and science fields, and feels that women and minority groups should know that they can succeed in these professions | |
311 | Amnesty International begins Week of Action Northern Iowan 97:47, p.1 |
Week of Action will focus on women's human rights; photo. | |
312 | March celebrates Women's history Northern Iowan 97:45, p.1 |
Students and faculty comment on women's rights in the past and present. | |
313 | Women outnumber men in college, not in technical majors Northern Iowan 97:35, p.3 |
Teresa Hall describes her experiences as a woman working in the manufacturing field. | |
314 | Girls and women struggle to find a voice Public Relations News Release 2000:200, p.1 |
Sheryl L. Welte-Emch talks about the survey she conducted of women college students. | |
315 | Did you know? Campus News Network 11:11, p.3 |
According to the Playboy Magazine, the Waterloo-Cedar Falls metro area is fifth in the nation in having a higher ratio of women to men in the ages of 18 to 40. | |
316 | Good Students, Good Daughters Northern Iowan 97:25, p.5 |
Presentation held in Maucker Union. | |
317 | The Third Millennium: Hearing Women's Voices is the subject of next UNI Millennium Lecture Public Relations News Release 2000:283, p.1 |
The fourth Millennium Lecture will be by William R. Downs; will approach the topic of violence against women. | |
318 | Encounters with a double faced ghost: feminist scholarship in the new millennium will be the subject of the next UNI millennium lecture Public Relations News Release 2000:108, p.1 |
As a part of the Millennium Lecture Series, Martha Reineke will present a lecture on women and religion. | |
319 | UNI takes back the night Northern Iowan 96:52, p.1 |
Event planned to raise awareness and end violence against women. | |
320 | Need for women's center at hand Northern Iowan 96:45, p.7 |
Believes UNI should have women's center. | |
321 | "Working for Respect" topic for Difficult Dialogues, March 24 Public Relations News Release 1999:313, p.1 |
Que Lan will speak on her experiences as a woman in the academic world of science. | |
322 | Uncontrolled censorship comes at cost to women Northern Iowan 96:42, p.5 |
Relationship of issues relating to censorship, pornography, and women. | |
323 | Women's center would celebrate diversity, help educate community Northern Iowan 96:39, p.7 |
Believes a women's center would work towards the prevention of sexual assault, violence, and harassment on campus. | |
324 | Women's issues often put on back burner by Washington Northern Iowan 96:38, p.6 |
Believes women are given less attention in the political sphere. | |
325 | Student applauds van Wormer Northern Iowan 96:26, p.7 |
Student supports Katherine van Wormer's views of the military and refutes statements made by Captain Boesen in a November 19 letter. | |
326 | Sexism and violence series ends with Roxie Tullis' talk on Tuesday, Nov. 16 Public Relations News Release 1999:132, p.1 |
Roxie Tullis will deliver a talk on violence in loving relationships at 7:30 p.m., November 16, in UNI's Sabin Hall. | |
327 | GEA working towards educating, ending victimization of women Northern Iowan 96:21, p.10 |
GEA member offers insight into the feminist movement and fighting victimization. | |
328 | Apathy apparent in national campaign day for GEA Northern Iowan 96:18, p.7 |
Gender Equality Association members outraged by students taking handfuls of condoms and refusing to consider their proposal for a women's center. | |
329 | Katz speaks about gender violence Northern Iowan 96:16, p.2 |
Anti-sexist male activist Jackson Katz will speak on American manhood and violence against women on Monday. | |
330 | U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 4, 1999 Northern Iowan 96:16, p.1 |
Reprint of letter by Professor van Wormer to U. S. News and World Report protesting the presence of ROTC on college campuses. | |
331 | "American Manhood and the Prevention of Violence Against Women" topic for Jackson Katz Monday, Oct. 25, at University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1999:85, p.1 |
Jackson Katz will lecture on October 25. | |
332 | Look out boys. . . Northern Iowan 96:13, p.6 |
Editorial observes that women are moving into sports previously dominated by men. | |
333 | Student activists help promote social concerns Northern Iowan 96:12, p.1 |
The Spitfire Tour will stop at UNI October 16, 1999, to speak about a variety of social issues; labor rights activist Charles Kernaghan will speak October 13, 1999. | |
334 | Women have special nutritional needs Public Relations News Release 1998:322, p.1 |
National Women's Nutrition Week focuses on the special nutritional needs of women. | |
335 | Gore highlights equal pay, child care in Iowa visit Northern Iowan 95:49, p.1 |
Al and Tipper Gore held a public forum to discuss challenges women face in the workplace in Waterloo yesterday; photo. | |
336 | Treasure hunt of UNI women opens mind Northern Iowan 95:45, p.15 |
Central Intermediate and Logan Middle School 6th grade students will attend Women's Studies', "A Treasure Hunt for Sixth Grade Girls: Discovering the Tradition of Great Women at UNI" today; this is the first year boys have been invited. | |
337 | Women's history making its stamp Northern Iowan 95:41, p.11 |
History of Women's History Month and Week, and other facts about women's firsts. | |
338 | UNI above average in number of female faculty members Northern Iowan 95:39, p.6 |
Although women make up 39.1 percent of the tenure-track faculty at UNI, disparities still exist. | |
339 | UNI Women's Studies students meet top female leaders Public Relations News Release 1998:174, p.1 |
In November, fourteen students from UNI's Women's Studies program met with leaders in Washington. | |
340 | Day-long conference to address violence against women Northern Iowan 95:23, p.1 |
Conference on Violence Against Women will be held November 20 in Seerley Hall. | |
341 | Women recognized, but equality not yet achieved Northern Iowan 95:20, p.6 |
Columnist comments on the approval of adding "women" to the Iowa State Constitution. | |
342 | "Violence Against Women: Context, Consequences and Treatment" will be held at the University of Northern Iowa on Friday, November 20 Public Relations News Release 1998:120, p.1 |
A conference, "Violence Against Women: Context, Consequences and Treatment' will be held at UNI. Martin Schwartz will address the participants. | |
343 | Amendment will add women to constitution Northern Iowan 95:18, p.1 |
Election Tuesday will also decide if "women" will be added to Article 1 of the State Constitution. | |
344 | Women seeking equal rights on today's ballot Public Relations News Release 1998:110, p.1 |
The vote on November 3 will be to add the words " . . . and women . . . " to the Iowa constitution. | |
345 | Boys and girls are often still raised with a gender bias Public Relations News Release 1998:52, p.1 |
UNI Associate Professor of Communication Studies Victoria DeFrancisco describes how children fall into gender roles. | |
346 | Men are pigs, need their feminist side Northern Iowan 95:5, p.6 |
Columnist comments on communicating with women in bars. | |
347 | The gender gap has narrowed at work - big gap remains at home Public Relations News Release 1997:384, p.1 |
Women have gained more equality in workplace, but the home remains divided in duties and stereotyped in accomplishing them. | |
348 | Most women believe the future looks bright Public Relations News Release 1997:359, p.1 |
A recent survey shows women think they have more social opportunities than their mothers had. | |
349 | Students unite to 'Take Back the Night' Northern Iowan 94:53, p.1 |
Gender Equality Association, People Against Violence, and Women's Studies sponsored "Take Back the Night" to fight sexual abuse; photo. | |
350 | Men should have responsibility in women's issues Northern Iowan 94:53, p.5 |
Columnist believes men have a responsibility to help fight for equality for women. |