
Displaying 301 - 350 of 1851 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 UNI presents 'The Vagina Monologues,' and related activities
Public Relations News Release 2001:292, p.1
As a part of the 2002 V-Day College Campaign, UNI community members will perform 'The Vagina Monologues.'
302 Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science
Public Relations News Release 2001:309, p.1
Reygan Freeney, the director of the Upward Bound Math and Science Program, hopes to encourage women and other underrepresented groups to pursue a career in math or science.
303 Equity in employment?
Public Relations News Release 2001:187, p.1
William Bowlin will talk about whether or not men and women are paid equally for the same work.
304 Albright speaks of peace and feminism
Northern Iowan 98:16, p.1
Madeleine Albright spends time answering student questions about U. S. foreign policy.
305 "Girls just wanna have fun . . ."
Public Relations News Release 2001:108, p.1
Chris Martin will discuss the rise in the number of women on television sitcoms.
306 Female athletes beware
Public Relations News Release 2000:400, p.1
Darryl Conway advises women athletes about knee injuries.
307 Women's arts week celebrates creativity
Northern Iowan 97:51, p.1
Description of events planned to celebrate Women in the Arts Week.
308 Women in the Arts Week at UNI to feature music, drams, discussion April 16-22
Public Relations News Release 2000:360, p.1
Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha, Theta Alpha Phi, the Gender Equality Association, and the Women's Studies Program will sponsor Women in the Arts Week.
309 Grant to UNI will encourage women to pursue research
Public Relations News Release 2000:358, p.1
The National Science Foundation has provided $250,000 for a new laboratory to evaluate textile materials; women are encouraged to participate in the laboratory.
310 Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science
Public Relations News Release 2000:375, p.1
Reygan Freeney feels there is a shortage of people going into the math and science fields, and feels that women and minority groups should know that they can succeed in these professions
311 Amnesty International begins Week of Action
Northern Iowan 97:47, p.1
Week of Action will focus on women's human rights; photo.
312 March celebrates Women's history
Northern Iowan 97:45, p.1
Students and faculty comment on women's rights in the past and present.
313 Women outnumber men in college, not in technical majors
Northern Iowan 97:35, p.3
Teresa Hall describes her experiences as a woman working in the manufacturing field.
314 Girls and women struggle to find a voice
Public Relations News Release 2000:200, p.1
Sheryl L. Welte-Emch talks about the survey she conducted of women college students.
315 Did you know?
Campus News Network 11:11, p.3
According to the Playboy Magazine, the Waterloo-Cedar Falls metro area is fifth in the nation in having a higher ratio of women to men in the ages of 18 to 40.
316 Good Students, Good Daughters
Northern Iowan 97:25, p.5
Presentation held in Maucker Union.
317 The Third Millennium: Hearing Women's Voices is the subject of next UNI Millennium Lecture
Public Relations News Release 2000:283, p.1
The fourth Millennium Lecture will be by William R. Downs; will approach the topic of violence against women.
318 Encounters with a double faced ghost: feminist scholarship in the new millennium will be the subject of the next UNI millennium lecture
Public Relations News Release 2000:108, p.1
As a part of the Millennium Lecture Series, Martha Reineke will present a lecture on women and religion.
319 UNI takes back the night
Northern Iowan 96:52, p.1
Event planned to raise awareness and end violence against women.
320 Need for women's center at hand
Northern Iowan 96:45, p.7
Believes UNI should have women's center.
321 "Working for Respect" topic for Difficult Dialogues, March 24
Public Relations News Release 1999:313, p.1
Que Lan will speak on her experiences as a woman in the academic world of science.
322 Uncontrolled censorship comes at cost to women
Northern Iowan 96:42, p.5
Relationship of issues relating to censorship, pornography, and women.
323 Women's center would celebrate diversity, help educate community
Northern Iowan 96:39, p.7
Believes a women's center would work towards the prevention of sexual assault, violence, and harassment on campus.
324 Women's issues often put on back burner by Washington
Northern Iowan 96:38, p.6
Believes women are given less attention in the political sphere.
325 Student applauds van Wormer
Northern Iowan 96:26, p.7
Student supports Katherine van Wormer's views of the military and refutes statements made by Captain Boesen in a November 19 letter.
326 Sexism and violence series ends with Roxie Tullis' talk on Tuesday, Nov. 16
Public Relations News Release 1999:132, p.1
Roxie Tullis will deliver a talk on violence in loving relationships at 7:30 p.m., November 16, in UNI's Sabin Hall.
327 GEA working towards educating, ending victimization of women
Northern Iowan 96:21, p.10
GEA member offers insight into the feminist movement and fighting victimization.
328 Apathy apparent in national campaign day for GEA
Northern Iowan 96:18, p.7
Gender Equality Association members outraged by students taking handfuls of condoms and refusing to consider their proposal for a women's center.
329 Katz speaks about gender violence
Northern Iowan 96:16, p.2
Anti-sexist male activist Jackson Katz will speak on American manhood and violence against women on Monday.
330 U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 4, 1999
Northern Iowan 96:16, p.1
Reprint of letter by Professor van Wormer to U. S. News and World Report protesting the presence of ROTC on college campuses.
331 "American Manhood and the Prevention of Violence Against Women" topic for Jackson Katz Monday, Oct. 25, at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1999:85, p.1
Jackson Katz will lecture on October 25.
332 Look out boys. . .
Northern Iowan 96:13, p.6
Editorial observes that women are moving into sports previously dominated by men.
333 Student activists help promote social concerns
Northern Iowan 96:12, p.1
The Spitfire Tour will stop at UNI October 16, 1999, to speak about a variety of social issues; labor rights activist Charles Kernaghan will speak October 13, 1999.
334 Women have special nutritional needs
Public Relations News Release 1998:322, p.1
National Women's Nutrition Week focuses on the special nutritional needs of women.
335 Gore highlights equal pay, child care in Iowa visit
Northern Iowan 95:49, p.1
Al and Tipper Gore held a public forum to discuss challenges women face in the workplace in Waterloo yesterday; photo.
336 Treasure hunt of UNI women opens mind
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.15
Central Intermediate and Logan Middle School 6th grade students will attend Women's Studies', "A Treasure Hunt for Sixth Grade Girls: Discovering the Tradition of Great Women at UNI" today; this is the first year boys have been invited.
337 Women's history making its stamp
Northern Iowan 95:41, p.11
History of Women's History Month and Week, and other facts about women's firsts.
338 UNI above average in number of female faculty members
Northern Iowan 95:39, p.6
Although women make up 39.1 percent of the tenure-track faculty at UNI, disparities still exist.
339 UNI Women's Studies students meet top female leaders
Public Relations News Release 1998:174, p.1
In November, fourteen students from UNI's Women's Studies program met with leaders in Washington.
340 Day-long conference to address violence against women
Northern Iowan 95:23, p.1
Conference on Violence Against Women will be held November 20 in Seerley Hall.
341 Women recognized, but equality not yet achieved
Northern Iowan 95:20, p.6
Columnist comments on the approval of adding "women" to the Iowa State Constitution.
342 "Violence Against Women: Context, Consequences and Treatment" will be held at the University of Northern Iowa on Friday, November 20
Public Relations News Release 1998:120, p.1
A conference, "Violence Against Women: Context, Consequences and Treatment' will be held at UNI. Martin Schwartz will address the participants.
343 Amendment will add women to constitution
Northern Iowan 95:18, p.1
Election Tuesday will also decide if "women" will be added to Article 1 of the State Constitution.
344 Women seeking equal rights on today's ballot
Public Relations News Release 1998:110, p.1
The vote on November 3 will be to add the words " . . . and women . . . " to the Iowa constitution.
345 Boys and girls are often still raised with a gender bias
Public Relations News Release 1998:52, p.1
UNI Associate Professor of Communication Studies Victoria DeFrancisco describes how children fall into gender roles.
346 Men are pigs, need their feminist side
Northern Iowan 95:5, p.6
Columnist comments on communicating with women in bars.
347 The gender gap has narrowed at work - big gap remains at home
Public Relations News Release 1997:384, p.1
Women have gained more equality in workplace, but the home remains divided in duties and stereotyped in accomplishing them.
348 Most women believe the future looks bright
Public Relations News Release 1997:359, p.1
A recent survey shows women think they have more social opportunities than their mothers had.
349 Students unite to 'Take Back the Night'
Northern Iowan 94:53, p.1
Gender Equality Association, People Against Violence, and Women's Studies sponsored "Take Back the Night" to fight sexual abuse; photo.
350 Men should have responsibility in women's issues
Northern Iowan 94:53, p.5
Columnist believes men have a responsibility to help fight for equality for women.